Browsing Category: "Pets and Home"

Dog Clothes

I have read that not all dogs are comfortable on wearing clothes especially  if it is their first time. They felt uncomfortable with it and take the clothes out of their body.  My family’ dog Jihoo is comfortable on wearing one, my mother and sister is looking around the thrift store when they saw baby clothes and they thought it will look good to our pet so they bought it. Dog clothes are not that popular in our place because most dogs are local or what they call askals.

Wearing clothing is a new experience to  dogs so if they are not comfortable on wearing one  try to wear your dog a tank top and  observed how he accept it, little by little he is going to be accustom with wearing clothes.

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Homemade Cat Food

Unlike most cat owners in the West cats are feed with cat food while South East Asian countries like Philippines most domestic cats are feed on what the cat owners are eating, like rice and fish. Sometimes our cats doesn’t eat what’s on their food bowl especially when it is too wet or dry and there’s no flavor on it. They eat a lot when there’s fish taste on their food, I have read online that cats in general are very fussy eaters like human they also have their own taste and likes.

That’s why it is difficult for cat owners to find a food that is nutritionally balanced and approved by your cat. The foods with the best palatability are those that do not contain artificial colorings, flavorings or preservatives. Unfortunately many commercially prepared pet foods contain these unnecessary ingredients, therefore be sure to check the labels carefully to avoid these foods.

Pets as Stress Reliever

I love animals, I love pets but there are some people who are allergic of having pets inside their home. One of my friend love pets but she doesn’t like them inside their house,  the big responsibility of petting them scares her.  The idea of giving them bath, cleaning the waste doesn’t attract her though she believed that having pet is  a stress reliever.

Well I guess she really needs one especially she mention her life is stressful now a days.  Pets are good therapy that’s why most of them are used as therapy dog in  popular hospitals they are proven to help patients suffering from coma or depressions.

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