Saving and Adopting Four White Kittens from Being Abandon
A few months ago when my younger sister went to see one of the management for the volleyball tournament in our barangay which is a distant relative to confirm when will be their next game and when she went home she has three white kittens in a plastic basket.
It turns while she was asking confirming for the game schedule she saw the kittens playing and blurted out that they are cute and that’s where she was told if she want them because they will throw them in a few days and since we are looking for a white kitten to the extinct that we run after the homeless white cats in the public market my sister took them home without hesitation.
When my mother saw the kitties as usual she complained for having too many cats already at home, we already have ten cats and now there is another three but when I bathed them she was the first one who babies them. My sister says that they are all four white kitties but the fourth one hid under the chairs and they can’t catch it so she was told to take it next time.
After a few days my sister return to their house to get the fourth kitten, contrary what she had told us that the last kitty was small and isn’t cute at all. The fourth kitty is a biggest, the chubbiest one and the cutest of them all because of his blue eyes and I named him Rueh.
Tips on Rescuing a Puppy
A few years ago the video of Dyno’s expert engineers rescuing a week old puppy that had been accidentally flushed down a toilet and gotten stuck in the drainage system went viral.
The puppy’s distressed owner from North London had already called in the fire brigade and RSPCA, however neither was able help. Luckily they had the dexterity of thought to contact the local operations manager at Dyno who had the expertise and quick thinking to launch a rescue mission.
Local engineer Will Craig rushed to the scene and immediately instructed the neighbours not to flush any toilets in order to make sure the puppy did not get pushed further in to the main sewer. From there he had the idea of using Dyno-rod’s CCTV technology to discover exactly where within the drain network the pup had become stuck.
[Photo courtesy of pixexid/]
Equipment was then used to push the puppy gently through to the closest manhole where a fireman was on hand to rescue him.
He has since been checked over by a local vet who remarkably declared him unhurt and healthy. The pet’s female owner was concerned about the cost of this unorthodox call out, however the engineers at Dyno were happy to offer their services for free. The local operations manager reassured the woman that there would not be any charge and their only concern was that puppy was kept alive and well.
This is a truly extraordinary video and highlights the need for animal safety within the home. It is more common than you would think for small pets to inadvertently fall into the toilet bowl and the best general advice is to keep them well away from the bathroom. Fortunately this story had a happy ending.
You can watch the video which has notched up over 500,000 hits on YouTube here.
Meet Taejo: The New Member of Our Kitty Family
Meet Taejo, he is my new adopted homeless kitty. My sister and I found him in our grandmother’s backyard crying and looking towards our home, I guess he knew that we have many cats.
It was a few nights ago when we started hearing a kitten crying and since there are several cats that stays in the church we just thought the mother cat brought her kittens there, I have managed to see the kitty in the church rooftop when I went upstairs our house to hang clothes and whenever I called him, the kitty responded meowing and there are times I saw our older male cat visiting the kitten.
One night, we heard the kitty cries quite loud pertaining he is quite near so my sister and I went out to see where the cries coming from and that’s where we found the kitty I named Taejo in our grandmother’s yard. It was a good thing Taejo is a male kitten because if he was a female my mother will not like it since we already have many cats at home.
Taejo is such a cutie with big round eyes, he cries a lot whenever he is hungry and he loves to be bath. His color is like our young male cat “Suhee”, so we suspect they have the same father. It took only less than a day for the cats to like him, they accept him as their younger brother right away.