Browsing Category: "Pets and Home"

Kids and Pets

I have read online that having a dog at home is helpful for kids to keep away from infections, those kids living in pet-free environment is healthier than those who doesn’t, they only suffer colds, ear infections in minimal amount.

Well I guess that’s how it works I remember the story of our Sociology instructor about her grand daughter, she told us that her daughter don’t let her baby plays in the dust or mud and every time her grand daughter went dirty her mother will always cleaned and used alcohol so one time she told her daughter to let the baby play so the baby could adapt in the surroundings and get used with dirt because the more she cleaned the baby the more the baby will get infections so I guess this is the same when having a pet as what Dr. Elija Bergroth suggested, exposure to dogs may help to boost babies’ immune systems by bringing in dirt and allergens from outdoors.

Healthy Happy Life for your Pets

It seems it was just yesterday when my sister brought a small puppy at home, now that small puppy grow to healthy and active dog.  Jihoo loves to play but he is mostly on leashed to avoid going anywhere and when ever they free him he always hang-out with another male dog instead of a female one.

Aside from giving your dog proper care and love it is important for a dog to eat healthy and balance diet. We all know that good dog foods are the expensive ones because they are formulated with complete nutrients. In Philippines local dogs eat what there owner eats, dog food are mostly feed to dogs with breed.

Deworming Dogs

Like kids dogs should also need to be wormed,  regular worming can protect your dog against internal parasites. You can either get it in liquid or tablet form. It is healthy to wormed adult dogs once  a year and if they are in contact with children dogs should be wormed at least once in every six months.

Dog worming is not just all about buying the medication for deworming which you can buy cheaply in local supermarket around you. It is essential and important that you know how to do the proper process for the care of your  pet, as what I have read the treatment should begin with heart worms because the medicine that is use to treat this type of worms are  also effective to treat round worms, whip worms and hook worms. Then the last one to be treated is tape worm which tickle the dog’s anus so when you see your dog dragging its rear end, he is probably infected with tape worms.

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