Browsing Category: "Pets and Home"

Dog as Family

This photo below went viral on Facebook and I happened to see it on my wall, the dog named Douglas is helping the paralyzed old man to cross the street by pushing an improvised cart.  Mang Tony (the old man) was paralyzed when he was shot on his back on 1988 and after 21 years he found Douglas who serves as his feet and guide on the street,  together they begged for alms to survive.

Mang Tony is living alone and for him Douglas is not just a friend but his family. Their story is very touching, Douglas is very protective with Mang Tony, I hope the government could help them. Watch the full video here.

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Comfort and Pets

Owning a pet is not just like owning a toy that you could play anytime you want, owning a pet is a responsibility that  one should remember. It is like adding one member to the family because they are not just animals or pets that can just neglect when we are busy or something, they need love and attention too because they also have feelings that us human couldn’t understand as.

When I feel sad and lonely and there is nothing to talk too I hug my cat or puppy and sometimes I talk with them like they can understand what I feel, doing so I received a  feeling of comfort.

Anyway I always took a kitten or a puppy if we have one with me  no matter where I go around our neighborhood  especially when buying a viand in the nearby made shift canteen, the feeling of being alone while walking never existed because I have a pet with me.

Cat and Dog

Who said that a cat and a dog wouldn’t be happy together? It is an old saying, belief that cat and dog wouldn’t work together but I guess it depends, look how comfortable Jihoo with his cat friend.  It looks like they’re having a conversation eh, dunno what they are talking about.

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