Browsing Category: "Pets and Home"

Benefits of Dog Kennels

There are times that you are required to travel it is either work related or for leisure. Everything is set but there’s one thing stopping you and that is your pet, no one will took care of your dog while you are away especially if you are living alone. The good thing now a days there are dog kennels where you can place your dogs temporarily for a free. They provide priceless service and provide safe and friendly environment for dogs.

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Dog kennels establishments are can be ordinarily found in key cities, mostly in downtown areas and many of them also offer grooming and training services in addition to boarding, there are also some where you can buy accessories and clothes for your dog. Your dog might felt unfamiliar with the kennel surroundings so you should bring him for a walk before deciding to left your dog for short period of time.

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Cockatiel as Pets

One of our neighbor has  a Cockatiel  and  the bird is very disturbing  especially early in the morning where usually we are still sleeping. The bird just keep on crying everyday to my husband’s irritation because it is too loud and I supposed the owner was also disturbed by the constant noise from the bird after few days we can’t hear the bird anymore dunno if what happened to it. Maybe our neighbor return it to a pet shop or resell it to someone who can bear the noise of it, I think having that kind of bird will be a nice idea if you have no neighbors.

Cockatiel  is  is the smallest cockatoo endemic to Australia and  also known as the Quarrion and the Weiro. They are easy to breed and well known as a household pet and companion parrot throughout the world.

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Dog House

Normally when we have a dog they sleep inside our house when they are still young but when they are grown up they sleep outside our house because they create a lot noises and don’t want to stay in one place. So we normally let them stay in our front porch.

Well I know we should build a dog house but our place is not the best idea to have one, only small rain and there’s a little flood so I don’t think our dog will feel secure and comfortable on it because like people dogs are also sensitive to weather, they can succumb to extreme cold and health and might cause sort of problems to them, they might create a lot of noises too.

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