Browsing Category: "Pets and Home"

Guard Cat

Maybe you’re wondering if this is just the same cat last week from  Sri Lanka , well its not. They just had the same color, I found this cat in a different place guarding a pair of slippers. Its a custom that when you visit a temple in Sri Lanka have to leave your slippers/shoes outside, you have to enter the temple in your bare feet.
If you don’t have rupees to pay for the shoe booth where a guy will look for your footwear you can just left your them outside, nobody will get it.

Camera Critters

A pet to remember

It’s hard for me to look for a perfect mellow yellow photo today, until I crossed on these photos below. That’s my tiny little pet “Scottie”, he was so cute and small that other people thought he is chihuahua. I love him so much, he was my only little pet that I brought  to town. He was so funny when he walked to the cemented street, it looks like his feet is not touching to the ground maybe because the street feels hot into his tiny little pet feet.
I felt so sad when he get sick and die, I can see it into his eyes he is also sad. He died the moment my sister and I left the house for school and work. Just the moment I step out on our front door where her dog mom also visited him. I can’t still forgot Scottie his little cute eyes, and  his wiggling little tail when I arrived home from work.


Blue Monday Instructions

He was so funny the way he sleep, he sleeps like a human (lol). He loves wearing nail polish into his nails too.

Drunken Master este Cat

Hi everyone, this is Snipey once again. Excuse me for not blogging last Friday this is what happened to me, I forgot its already Friday. I’ll introduce my sister next week, promise. Hik!

I am also joining camera critters because when I visited the link it is already up. Don’t forget to visit me once in a while..cheers!

Camera Critters

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