In Memory of Our Cutie Chubby Kitty Taekwoon
Every morning when we wake up our kittens were already waiting behind our main door so when we opened it they will excitedly run inside our house to play and asked for food. Today, there is something different one kitten (Taekwoon) is missing and we can’t found him everywhere, we search here and there but he isn’t around. It is peculiar because it is not his norms to be not around in the morning.
My sister search around and asked neighbors were one of them says that they found a dead cat which looks like a mother cat that was been a victim of hit and run just about an hour ago, were told that they throw it in the irrigation canal. I have asked the kid who found the dead cat what does it looks like and show here a photo of Taekwoon in my phone and her answer is positive, it was the dead cat she found in their yard. It turns out at night Taekwoon loves to run across the street and after reaching the other end he will run back home.
Taekwoon (May 28, 2016 – December 02, 2016)
Sad, my sister went searching along the irrigation canal and when she returned it was indeed Taekwoon, cold and wet. It was very painful to see the sweet, chubby and playful Taekwoon in such condition, it was just last night when I cuddle and feed him, it was just last night when he cried into my ears but now he is gone.
Taekwoon was born on May 28, 2016 as the eldest of Monina’s four kitties. His feature is very distinguish because of his long ears, red nose and chinky eyes, when he was younger he looks like a rat than a cat. Surely our cutie Taekwoon will be forever be missed, our chinky eyes kitty will be always in our heart. In heaven, your playground will be more wider with no cars, bikes to fear around.
Adopted Three Abandoned Orange Kittens from the Street
It was been a while since I updated this blog, starting today I will try to update more often and post something new or what is happening around our pets.
We have been adopting abandon kitten from the streets but they don’t live that long maybe because they were too young when we found them or they’re been out for a long time since we found them and when they’re mixed with each other they got each other disease since they ate and drink together.
Anyway, it was been a month since we found and adopted these three kittens in the middle of the street. We saw them when we are going to town walking at the side of the street and when we returned home from town they were all in the middle lying down. We stopped for a moment, we’ve all agreed not to pick new kittens anymore but when the kitten cries and follows me when I went down our motorbike I took all of them home.
Our cats at home were not happy with the new kittens, they don’t get a long on the first day. They either run or fight with the kitties but as the day goes by they learn to accept and adapt with each other, we named the three kittens according to their behavior or likes.
We name one of them as Jinja from our dog’s name Jinjoo. Jinja wasn’t afraid of our dog contrary to two other kitties, he actually sleep with her and suck milk from Jinjoo making him her puppy. I think they are still nursing to their mother cat when they were thrown in the street by their previous owner.
The second was named Patpat from our duck’s name Patutinay, unliked Jinja, Patpat found motherly love with our duck, he plays and hugged with her.
We named the third kitty as Jinjii, he is the frailest and smallest of the three. He is always left alone by Jinja and Patpat, Jinjii found motherly love in one of our older kittens.
Vacationing? What to do With Your Pet
Going on vacation is in many ways the most wonderful time of the year, especially if you intend to spend it traveling. However, if you are a pet owner, going on vacation can pose a problem as to how to meet their needs while you are away. Here are your three main options:
Take Them With You
The simplest solution is to simply take your pet with you on the trip! The problem is that may not be the most practical solution. You can’t always be sure in advance whether pets will be welcome everywhere you go on your trip. You should also consider the temperament and degree of self-control your pet has, as it may be that your pet simply doesn’t like to travel. If your pet is miserable on the road, it may behave in ways that will make yourself and others miserable as well.
Consult the Vet
One way to help you decide whether to take your pet with you is to consult a veterinarian, preferably one that already knows your pet. They will be able to give you advice as to whether your pet is likely to take well to travel and what you need to do to make that traveling comfortable and safe for your pet.
Find a Friend
If you decide to leave your pet behind, one option is to get a responsible friend to look after them. Your pet can either stay with the friend, or the friend can come to your house each day. Ideally, this pet sitter would be someone your pet already knows. Make sure there is plenty of food and that the sitter has the vet’s number in case of emergency.
Board Your Pet
One of the best alternatives is to put your pet in a kennel or other facility specifically designed for the temporary storage of pets. These facilities can be very nice, almost like a luxury pet resort. The staff have had extensive experience with a wide range of animals, breeds and pet personalities, so they will probably have no problem making your pet have a vacation of their own.
In consultation with your vet, you should be able to find a solution that works for your pet, while still allowing you to enjoy your vacation with full peace of mind that your pet will be well cared for.