Dream of UFO, Address Change in Korea
A loud thunder storm wake me up this morning then I went back to sleep with dream about UFO’s, where I saw a UFO in the sky (looks like a flying saucer) and I am trying to take photo of it but it keeps moving right and left so I was not able to get a good shot then when the UFO moved away I followed it and I have seen it carrying a carabao then a realization came to me why I didn’t take a video of it instead, when I check my camera all I found is a one blurred shot. After it I’ve seen a lot of soldiers in my dream in alert together with their trucks, helicopters and other military vehicles. It’s dark too, it feels like there’s no electricity and with my two eyes I’ve seen one helicopter crashed with a burning tail. I don’t know what is my dream all about but it is weird and the sound of thunderstorm this morning is also weird and so loud.
BTW, we received a mail yesterday about the changes of address here in Korea, the government will implement it on July but we can still used our old address until December, then next year we have to use our new address. The Korean government change their address system, actually I didn’t understand the mail but that’s what Pookie bear’s co teacher had told him. Anyway you can check their website about the address change and the timeline
Hahahahahaha…kakatuwa kang managinip Ryanne…grabeh ang UFO, may dalang carabao nyahahaha saang planeta kaya nanggaling yon…LOL here…hahaha.
Take 2…yong collective blog mo, di ako maka comment…close mo ba?
Hi Ate Kat, nope hindi ko clinose