Fried Pork with Kimchi

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There are times I am already bored of eating just fried pork and when those time strikes the experimental being on me  strikes too.   This is just one of my special recipe (lol) I fried the pork and when it is already a little brown I dropped chopped Kimch with its sauce., I mixed the kimchi with the pork and continue to fry them.


So here’s the result a yummy salty pork from Kimchi Sauce. Best serve with bowl of rice.

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4 Responses to “Fried Pork with Kimchi”

  1. Alyssa says:

    That seems interesting. Sometimes I want something different and not jut fried pork. Your recipe seems good, I would try this next time 🙂 Thanks!

  2. Rovie says:

    it looks delicious…

    by the way, a korean friend will be staying with us for a week starting tomorrow, ask ko lang kung anong mga don’t and do’s nila sa food… please give some advise… thanks!


  3. Hot Stuff Momma says:

    mukhang masarap pero mukhang maanghang hahahaha

  4. wintergurl says:

    my favourite fried pork kim chi ..

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