Herz Corner and a shopping story

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As being addicted to beauty products  I have come to an idea of making my own online store called Herz Corner , I just started it today so there’s only few products for sale but if you know some items you can tell me what you like. If you order and pay before December 21, 2010 it is 30-40% less on the price of a specific product.  I would love to extend it up to December 31, but I can’t make it because I’ll be out of the country. Please take a visit by clicking the banner or the link.
Here’s a shopping story tonight after gym I decided to visit Missha, all I want is the lotion but the dork me decided to get another shower cologne, and then try the other tester.  I am opening one product but is darn hard anyway I succeeded but after wards the lid/cap hit the floor so I have to pick it  and it creates a sound that one of the sales lady came near me to help and then she found out what I tested is NOT a tester.  That means it is brand new, darn it was put in the tester place, anyway to avoid any arguments or what ever I just put the product on my little basket in short I pay for it. Always remember a tester has a tag TESTER don’t just grab and spray. Hehe

I’ll visit you guys tomorrow I run out of time today. Goodnight have a sweet dreams!

2 Responses to “Herz Corner and a shopping story”

  1. Vernz says:

    Ry, hello… wow.. good for you dear…

    I have a proposal I will send you email… hehehe..

  2. RyHeAnNe says:

    Hi Ateh Vernz, Ok I'll wait for your email..hehe..ano yong proposal mo? Haha, wag naman sana malaki kc wala akong puhunan..hehe

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