I am Mixbook Giveaway Winner!!!

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Remember my blog entitled Always & Forever ? That’s my entry for Mixbook giveaway hosted by Ave of Made in Canarias. I am happy to tell everybody that I won on this giveaway, and for the first time I received my prize.
It’s your lucky day: we just added $50.00 of credit to your account at Mixbook.com!

You now have $50.00 of Mixbook credit. We’ll automatically apply your credit towards your next purchase, so treat yourself to a new Mixbook – you deserve it!

Thanks for Mixbooking!
The Mixbook Team

What’s the secret why I’ve won? Its a secret though just visit Made in Canarias

2 Responses to “I am Mixbook Giveaway Winner!!!”

  1. Mrs. Kolca says:

    cool! congrats and swerte mo naman dear 😀

  2. The Pope says:

    You are blessed, congratulations for the win, and thank you so much for the link.

    God bless you and your family.

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