Lunar New Year Dinner

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Happy Lunar New Year everyone! I had a very busy day yesterday night preparing for our dinner, Pookie bear and I went out to look for something to eat, we headed to “Sawadee” what we believed a Thai Restaurant but when we reached the place we are right it is Thai  but it is not a restaurant  it is a massage center at the second floor of Korean restaurants. 
It looks like most of the establishments are closed for the Lunar New Year so we just wander around the city until we reached Baskin’ Robbins, I feel like eating ice cream so I went inside while Pookie bear decided to wait outside because he said he don’t want any, it went perfectly but not upon taking it out. The young guy asked me something which I cannot understand and in the end when he picked something inside the bucket “he is talking ice” if I want to put ice on my take-out bag.
After having my ice cream we walked again and Pookie bear decided to take out box of pizza at Pizza School unfortunately it is closed so we decided to head on to Kim’s Mart where we bought some dumplings, meat and carbonated milk.
I have soaked the meat on soy sauce, lazy lime, garlic, black pepper and onions and then fried it. It looks yummy right?

Then fried the kimchi dumplings too. It is kind of spicy because of the kimchi even it has a meat.

That’s how we celebrate Lunar New Year last night, eating these foods while watching horror movie  Psych 9, as the dessert we ate the ice cream from Baskin’ Robbins and my bag of M & M’s Chocolate. It’s a simple but happy Lunar New Year dinner

One Response to “Lunar New Year Dinner”

  1. Silvergirl says:

    Happy Lunar New Year to you too 🙂

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