Food and Recipes, Home and Cooking September 30th, 2015 | No Comments »
One of the best thing when you are living in the province is you can get things for free, it is either from your own garden or from neighbor’s backyard. The other day we decided to cook monggo beans or mung beans in coconut milk, we had two head of coconuts from a neighbor. Mung beans is a high source of protein, fiber, antioxidants and phytonutrients and have some huge health benefits to offer, including helping to lower high cholesterol levels and protect against heart disease.

Mung beans, garlic, onions, salt, moringa leaves, coconut milk
Cooking mung beans in coconut milk is very simple, all you have to do is boil the mung beans in second milk extract of grated coconut and once the mung beans are cooked, you can start adding the ingredients as well as the first milk extract from the coconut.
[ Tagged In ] Ginataang Monggo, Ginatang Monggo, Monggo, Monggo Beans, Monggong Ginata, Philippine Food
Home and Finance September 29th, 2015 | No Comments »
Do you know the feeling of having nothing? When I saw beggars in the street I surely gave something even it is small amount not because I have extra money but because I know the feeling of having nothing. I also believed that you will only touch someone’s life once, you’ll not going to see that person again especially if you meet him/her in the street you are not familiar with.

It is end of the month and it is time to pay bills so we have empty pockets. Well, today I have to feel that nothing feeling again, it was been almost three weeks since my father lost his job, our rice container was already empty literally empty so we had to eat piece of bread and just drink a cup of coffee tonight. If you will ask my sister, it was great because it will mean she will not to eat rice and she will lose weight. Anyway, I have to get some coins from my wine bank so I can buy piece of bread, gladly there is small rice for my father to eat and to feed our pets. I am working online but my earning is not regular, there are times I can earn from my blog and there are times I can’t especially these days where blogging is slow. I had just cleaned the list of blogs I worked with and guess how many blogs or bloggers had stop blogging? I have found 454 dropped domains, those are the domains that has been abandoned and not renewed, which mean the blogs that were attached to that domain were gone because the owner stop writing/blogging that’s how poor blogging these days. Yeah, I know I should find a regular job in our island, but the bad news I can’t find one and I guess people will not believed me even if I applied to a job because of this perception that if you are married to a power ranger you are rich. Seriously, I hate that way of thinking because it is not always true.
[ Tagged In ] Blogging, Broke, Empty Handed, Way of Living
Home and Living September 29th, 2015 | No Comments »
Today we went to pick-up some LBC items in our town and while waiting to claim it a foreigner came, asking for the status of his items, he handed his ID but the lady didn’t find anything on his name so he went out and after few minutes the foreigner return handling his phone with the tracking number in it saying the box is coming from Russia and he was told to claim it in where he is. Since I am curious and the lady doesn’t know what to say because she is not familiar with the tracking code, I looked at the stranger’s phone and I ended up informing him that he should claim his box in the postal office and telling him how to reach it, yeah right it turns out he has to collect EMS items from Russia. I know to differentiate EMS tracking code since I used the service when I am still living in Korea. Jezz, I am not good in giving direction so I don’t know if he found the postal office, probably yes since I heard he drove a 4-wheel car and he can easily spot the water station where he needs to turn left, I knew he is driving a car after I was informed when I blurted out when he left that my sister should just drive the guy in the postal office.

As I am saying I am not that good in giving direction because I remember when I was in first year high school and my classmate tagged me along to his father’s workplace so she could get allowance, when we are returning to school a foreigner stopped her and she was scared so she called my attention when the foreigner started speaking, it turns out the stranger was asking for direction on how to reach the municipal station and since I am nervous too and my first time to talk to someone in English aside from our English teacher, I thought I blurted out “over there” while pointing the municipal station but my classmate says I only say “there” while pointing out. LOL.
Going home after claiming the items my sister blurted out, she is “nosebleed” and she can’t understand anything because I speak faster and it sounds like with a slang but I think the foreigner understood what I am saying because it looks like he did and he didn’t asked me to repeat it. Well, I hope he did. Lol
[ Tagged In ] Giving Directions, LBC, LBC Odiongan, LBC Odiongan Branch, Odiongan Romblon, Romblon