Pets and Home July 28th, 2015 | 1 Comment »
It was a normal morning, as I am busy collecting water I heard a cat crying. I stopped on what I am doing and locate where the cries coming from. I looked at the nearby field and irrigation but I didn’t find anything so I called for it and the cries continues and that’s where I looked up. I’ve seen a scared cat trapped in top of a tree. As much as I want to get him, it was not possible because the tree is a bit high and the bamboo bench wouldn’t reached him so I called for my sister, we tried to scared him down by pushing him with a stick but he is scared even more that he keeps hanging in the tree trunks.

We decided to get the small ladder at home, we put in the bamboo bench and I just hold it very tightly while my sister is climbing and reaching the scared cat. We are able to get him and I took him home, the cat was really scared but he is kind of sweet and loves to be touched and scratched. The cat was also starving so I feed him a little, I initially tied him so he won’t run away since he is very scared of our little dog probably he got chased by dogs during the night making him climb in the tree.
Within the day, I decided to unleash the cat since he won’t stay still. I initially thought, he will return to his home but he decided to stay in our home, my family named him “Dongsu” he is a very sweet young male cat that loves to sleep in top of throw pillow. He loves to be pat and carried, he acts like a dog as well that wherever I go he keeps following us, it is either I have to walk the dog or I will just simply go out to buy something in the store.
Rescuing a cat in a tree is easy as long as you stay calm as well as the the cat, you have to ensure the cat that you are his friend and you won’t hurt him. Always used a ladder when trying to rescue a cat to avoid falling.
[ Tagged In ] Animal Rescue, Cat Adoption, Cat in a Tree, Cat Rescue, Cute Cat, Rescuing a Cat in a Tree, TIger Cat
Home and Living July 22nd, 2015 | No Comments »
The water supply in our barangay is scarce; it only runs for 2-3 hours in the past three months so we decided to use larger containers to stock water for cooking, the bathroom and kitchen. And these past few days after many rains the water supply is back to normal it runs throughout the day unlimitedly.
Today, we decided to empty and keep the large containers but before doing it we end up cleaning them because the water quality in our village is not good and not suitable for drinking. The water builds up some solid white particles in the containers, like a hardened limestone’s maybe because the water is coming from the mountain and deposited in a concrete tank uphill.
Anyway, was thankful that we can now wash clothes and rugs any time as well as bath longer too. We also don’t need to collect and fetch water, when I was young we only used water pitcher pump as water source, there is no running water but today those type of pump are long gone they dries out.
[ Tagged In ] Summer, Summer Drought, Water, Water Supply
Food and Shopping July 20th, 2015 | No Comments »
Avocado was in seasoned in the Philippines so there are plenty of avocados in our local market, prices range from P15.00 – P30.00 per kilo. A kilo consists of 3-5 avocados it depends on the size and variety.

When I was young I remember not liking avocado that much maybe because my taste bud was different that time or I was already used eating them since there is two avocado trees in our backyard, and when they are too ripe in top of a tree or a typhoon they just fell in the ground.

The avocado tree was long gone, they were cut down when the church nearby was expanded, so now we want to eat avocado we have to buy in the local market which we did a few days ago. I plainly ate it with brown sugar while my sister ate her avocado refrigerated mixed with powder milk and sugar.
[ Tagged In ] Avocado, Avocado Fruit, Avocado Season, Avocado Season Philippines, Fruit, Philippines Avocado