Dreams and Nightmares January 6th, 2019 | No Comments »
Whenever I dreamed during the night I tend to forget that dream in the morning, that’s why I seldom wrote and blog about dreams in this blog. My dream last night was so vivid that I am able to remember it, I found myself in a distant neighbor’s house which is also a distant relative, it looks like it wasn’t only me who was there. There are other women from the church in the house, but I have arrived late so I was left outside. Instead of following them through the wooden door, I was left outside wandering about the relative’s house, it looks so small but it is quite big with a lot of rooms made of glass, that no matter which side I go and look, all I can see were glass doors and rooms. Since the room is made of glass, I can literally see what is inside the room, but one room is very particular in my dream where I have seen what is inside, decors, bed and the bedding, saw it twice while wondering how is it possible for a small house to have a lot of room.

[Photo courtesy of Masson-Wintergarten/pixabay.com]
Then my dream hopped seeing myself cooking on a large wok in the fire wood stove, it looks like I am still in the relative’s yard, backyard, presumably and I am cooking for the women inside the house, then suddenly a cousin wearing a sad face came and sat in the vacant chair, I have asked him something, like if the people inside the house were not finished yet.

[Photo courtesy of Trinck/pixabay.com]
My dream hopped again, seeing myself in the street just above a stone stairs (it looks like I am going to the house under the street/stairs), talking to an Uncle wearing a yellow shirt. In my dream I am telling myself that his wife, my aunt already passed away, as I look down the stairs I saw a yellow poop. I was told by my uncle that another uncle had collapsed and lost consciousness because of stroke and my dream ended as I woke up feeling so cold.
[ Tagged In ] Dream of Cooking, Dream of Fire Wood Stove, Dream of Glass Doors, Dream of Glass House, Dream of Glass Room, Dream of Poop, Dream of Room, Dream of Seeing Bedding, Dream of Stone Steps, Dream of Yellow
Pets and Home January 4th, 2019 | No Comments »
What would you do if you find something that is lost? That something is what you really like and you already formed a bond with it, then suddenly the rightful owner comes along. Are you going to keep it or are you going to let go of it?

Keeping it might not be a bad idea, because you didn’t steal it. It isn’t your fault that the rightful owner isn’t mindful of his pets, things and possessions, the owner probably just realized the importance of the object/animals when it is gone, but you as a person who also lost things/pets without finding them back, you know and understand the feeling of emptiness, so you will return that thing you found, no matter how you liked it, because you know in yourself, you will not be happy owning it when you know that someone is crying over it and who know maybe that thing you found, wanted to be reunited with its rightful owner as well, you may never know because animals/things can’t speak, isn’t it? All you need is closure and peace of mind that you didn’t aggravate/hurt someone.

Anyway, on New Years eve one of my cats came home tagging along two cute kittens with her. My older cousin ‘s daughter able to grab the smallest kitten and was handed to me, while the second one is scared and can’t be caught. The kitten is starving so I feed her and when I woke up in the morning to check the kitten, in my surprised I found the second kitten sleeping with the first one, I fed them both with milk and food and bathed them both because they are dirty and full of lice.
It has been almost four days since the kittens were in my care, but I never heard anyone searching for them. I guess I can keep and love them, but honestly I am scared thinking that someone will take them from me anytime, but I know if someone look for them and wanted them back, I have to let go of these two cute kitties to their rightful owner.
Read more at The Best New Year Gift Ever – Two White Cute Kittens Came Over on New Year’s Eve
[ Tagged In ] Adopting Kittens, Cats, Cute Kittens, Pets, White Kittens
Home and Living January 2nd, 2019 | No Comments »
The clan held a year end party in the new year, this is my second time to attend it and I think it is the 3rd or 4th time it was done, it was rushed decision actually. It was just decided on Christmas day and a family meeting was made in the 27th to finalize it, after the practiced of the wedding entourage for my aunt’s golden wedding celebration.
The year end program didn’t start early because there was a New Year’s service at church which I have attended, but even if the service was finished the program didn’t start right away since most of the members of the clans are not around yet, they are still taking their time off at their homes.

[Photo courtesy of readersfusion.com]
As expected, the program started late and it was not properly prepared. The kids have an intermission number, literally they were just asked to dance by following what’s on the screen and the adults were requested to have one as well, an aunt and two cousins did it to everyone’s laughter, afterwards there was nothing else to do so games followed, I hosted three games after an older cousin hosted one, I have to encourage them big time to participate, then exchange gifts and then dinner follows.
Everyone was almost finished eating when 12 o’clock strikes, my young cousins had fun playing with fire crackers, sky rockets and fireworks, then someone in the village had a firework display to everyone’s excitement. Then everyone started to go home when one o’clock in the morning came, there are few who are left who sing videoke and karaoke. My sister, few of my cousins and I were left, my sister and I cannot sleep yet because our sound system were outside, they were the one used for the clan’s year end party.
It was almost four o’clock in the morning when I finally able to sleep, and after 2 hours and half, I am already awake to start my first day of 2019.
[ Tagged In ] Family New Year, New Year, New Year 2018, New Year Celebration, Year End Party