JL Fryday: Pigging Out with Pasta and Burger

We are dismissed early yesterday from class and since my friend and I were both starving, we decided to go inside the fast food chain Jollibee and while in there my friend (W) suggested why not try our friend (M) newly opened restaurant for a change, so we  went out and take a tribike to JL Fryday.

JL Fryday

It is a new branch of JL Fryday which had opened a week ago and from typical fries and drinks they tried offering pasta, burger and rice meals for affordable price.  They have three different flavors of pasta, so I have asked our owner friend (M) what is the difference between Chicken Alfredo and Ala Pobre, she said that Chicken Alfredo is in white sauce and Ala Pobre is more of just oil pasta, I have concluded it might be Aglio e Olio pasta so I have ordered it and with other food in their menu chart

Pasta ala Pobre

Pasta Ala Pobre for ₱100


Spaghetti for ₱100

Onion Fries

Onion Fries 200g ₱40

The food was served within 20 minutes, I have ordered their biggest bucket of fries at 200g, Pasta ala Pobre, Pasta Chicken Alfredo for take-out, JL’s Burger and a glass for their fresh mango graham smoocheese (smoothies), while my friend (W) ordered their spaghetti, sloppy Jan’s burger and a glass of dewberry.

JL's Burger, Meat Burger

JL’s Burger for ₱55

Sloppy Jan's Burger, Burger

Sloppy Jan’s Burger for ₱55

The Pasta ala Pobre is an oil pasta cooked in a spicy mackerel, the pasta came in bigger servings compare to the pasta at D’ Line Kitchen where it is not even enough for one person, eating the fries in onion flavor and the pasta made me full and I have thought I can’t eat the burger anymore after drinking a glass of mango graham but the appetizing look of the burger with cucumber, tomatoes and cheese and it’s juicy nature made me to eat more.  I have to order a bottle of coke because it made me so thirsty and crave for a cola, I have even joked our owner friend (M) if they don’t serve free water in their restaurant, they do, but it turns out the water container were empty because it was past lunch when we arrived at JL Fryday, it was siesta time actually.

Smoothies, Fresh Mango Graham Smoothies

Fresh Mango Graham for ₱49

Smoothies, Dewberry Smoothies

Dewberry for ₱29

I wanted to try their Pasta Chicken Alfredo so I ordered a take-out, but then I have decided to order Pasta Ala Pobre and spaghetti as well to bring home. My friend (W) wasn’t able to finish her spaghetti so she had it take out and ordered chicken fun shots for her son which is left at home in the care of her mother.

takeout, spaghetti

Well, aside from burgers and pasta JL Fryday also served rice meals for the affordable price of ₱69. If you wanted to try something new in an affordable price visit them below.

JL Fryday

Brgy. Dapawan, Odiongan, Romblon
OPENING HOURS: 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM

Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post. Above written post was my OWN personal experience and might be different from yours.

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The Other Side of Me: Bubbly and Carefree

Lately, I am becoming an outgoing person again to the extent I don’t feel shy or scared anymore of other people’s reaction, it looks like meeting new people made me become bubbly and carefree again, to look always at the bright side of things no matter how dark and dirty the water is.

When enrollment is starting I have a told a friend that she will be the one to speak up and asked questions and I will just behind her, but guess what? It is the other way around, I have even guided her the procedure of enrollment when she arrives late from previous errand and it was me who talked a lot, I have been blurted out to her, that I think getting older make you so very confident about things and interacting with people, unlike when you are young that you are so scared of the teachers and the older people around you, which she agreed and said, because we are already older now.

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When we had our school ID made, while waiting for Sir L, my friend and I meet our high school teacher who hardly remember our name, she was already retired since five years ago. She blurted out, that I look very pretty today compare to what I look like when I am still a high school student, which I jokingly replied, … that there was no Kojic acid and Glutathione during those time (lol).

Anyway, when we meet Sir L, he  blurted out I never changed, it was still the talkative me (lmao). If he only knew what I had become, prior of meeting me again…

Image result for carefree quotes

Well, a lot of things have changed since I graduated and got my degree, the university became technically progressive where you can now view your student profile and grades online, and since we are newbie and the secretary of the college, we are enrolled in, didn’t teach us how to access our data nor give our username and passwords, we disturbed our schoolmate who is already teaching at the college to teach us on how to do it, which he obliged because there were two of us annoying him (hahaha).

Thanksgiving Sunday Celebration and My Lucky Streaks

It is Sunday today and it is Thanksgiving Sunday at church, the service proper started at 8:30 in the morning, there was no Sunday school service to give way for the Thanksgiving celebration, the flow of the program was a bit different than normal Sundays, there was also a part where you have to go up front to give testimonies of Thanksgiving, I went up front to say something, the last time I spoke in front of the congregation giving testimony was when I graduated from College, that was 11 years ago and I didn’t go there on my own because my name was listed in the program, when I return to my seat Mrs. E held my hand, only few has the courage to go upfront and I think she felt happy that I took courage when every Sunday I just silently sit in front and listen to the sermon.

Image result for psalm 103: 1-5 thanksgiving sermon

The scripture reading was found in Psalm 103: 1-5 with a scriptural topic of “Bless the Lord, O My Soul“, Pastor E talked about what are the verses all about and he said that someone called these passages as  David’s “Hallelujah Chorus.” Pastor E, cut the verses into three parts as follows;  Praise the Lord and count your blessings (vv. 1-2), Life in relationship with God is whole and healthy (v. 3), and Life in relationship with God is meaningful (vv. 4-5).

In verses 1-2, he set David as an example, that instead of complaining about his burdens, he counted his blessings.  The two verses were a prayer of nothing but praise to God. There is no supplication, no request, no petition or plea in this prayer.   Verse 3, God heals our diseases, soul and physical. In verse 4, God forgives our sins, because He gives us a relationship, because He heals our soul’s diseases (Psalm 147:3), then we see that life is meaningful. This verse can be rendered, “He keeps your life from going to waste.” God gives His people purpose in living. He gives us meaning. He keeps our lives from going to waste. Our lives are lived with eternal purpose. All life, not lived in Christ is only a shell of what they are intended to be. This is one of the benefits of knowing God, our lives count; they have not lived in vain. They have eternal significance. This is one of the things David is praising the Lord for. In verse 5: He satisfies our  mouth, he gives us satisfaction in our old age, it says that one of the benefits of being God’s people is that when we are old we will not have to look back upon our lives with regret. Regardless of your age, or of how many years you have walked upon the earth, God will give us satisfaction.

Image result for bless the lord oh my soul

Well, I am writing the sermon every Sunday and when the verses or the sermon fits into my life situation I took it personally, as if God is talking to me, giving me hope, assurance, answers and etc.

When the Thanksgiving Sunday service was finished, there was lunch as expected. Every zone brings their own food, my aunt asked for the contribution the day before in our zone, the church celebrated two Thanksgiving Sunday and the Thanksgiving in March is the biggest one where the church shouldered all the expenses and slaughtered pigs.

There was a raffle event after lunch, contrary to the norms where the church bought items to be raffled and members have to buy tickets, the method used today is to bring items to be raffled and it will correspond to two tickets, bringing one item to be raffled will give you two raffle tickets, I brought two items so I got 4 raffle tickets.  I got a clothes hanger as one of the minor price, then a plastic pitcher, and a red pail and the second major price which is a pot. #feelingthankful

Yep, all of my 4 raffle tickets won a prize. While doing the raffle, I have told my cousins I am going to get a pail and as I told, I got the last pail, then my number was called for the second major prize and Mrs. E gave me five and his husband too, and guess what they got the major prize which is a flat iron. I even jokingly says, I passed my lucky vibe to them (lol).

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