Sharing the Gospel as Volunteer Teacher for Operation Christmas Child

It was early this year when I volunteered to be a teacher for Operation Christmas Child, we had a training around March and it was around last week of September when we started sharing the gospel with young kids after they received the shoe boxes from Samaritan’s Purse.

One hundred kids were blessed,  but just how Jesus cleansed the ten lepers where only one Samaritan returned to give thanks  (Luke 17:11-19), only a few kids aging 7 years old up, returned to learn the gospel.  It was disappointing, it made you think if what is happening, do Filipinos were really this ungrateful?

Oh well, who I am to judge. Maybe they are also thankful, but not thankful enough to attend a few hours of bible lessons, maybe they are just too busy at home, maybe they just can’t go for personal reasons or maybe they thought they would not be able to learn from me, but classes were divided into three zones, and there are also only a few kids who attended the bible classes in the two other zones.

Anyway,  this is my first time teaching kids and I was a bit anxious what approached should I use, should I be strict or friendly?  When you started teaching young kids, I realized your teaching technique naturally flows, your compassion and patience takes place.

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Life is Unpredictable and You Never Know What is Coming

Life is unpredictable, you could be alive today and dead tomorrow. Yes, we don’t know what will happen the next morning, we could just wake up and feel dizzy and it is the end, or we could just prepare ourselves to sleep and we felt too tired and exhausted, and the little we know our blood pressure is dropping down, we might make it to the hospital, but things will never be the same anymore, we can’t move nor we can’t see, we maybe have the will to get up and live but our body is too tired and immovable, we are slowly dying without knowing it ahead of time.

Image result for life is unpredictable

A few years ago, I have said that most people weren’t given a second chance to live or to grow up, but I realized we might have given the second chance but it was too late for us to realize that the second chance was already given to us and we just lost it forever for being unobservant.

It was five weeks ago when an Uncle died of heart attacked and now two of my relatives passed away in a week, a day apart, an uncle (Sept. 13) and grand aunt (Sept. 14). I was shocked upon hearing the sad news, I never thought it was that bad, I thought both of them will recover and live their life like they used to be, but God has different plans for them.

What is weird a few days or a week before the sad news happened. I have always seen black butterflies flying around everyday and two days before an uncle died, I saw a white medium size duck in our roof top early in the morning which is looking religiously at the church. I have thought of the duck as an angel because his feathers are so white and clean. It was weird to see a duck that early morning, I didn’t hear it came and I didn’t hear it flew away when it left. When I look around our neighbors duck, I didn’t find this particular duck, most of the ducks around where bigger and have dirty feathers.

What is more weird when I took a photo of a red rose in my grandmother’s backyard garden, an uncle died and when I took a photo of pink rose I saw in town, a grandaunt (my grandfather’s sister) died. I don’t know if it was only a coincidence, or is it a creation of my weird self or there is something more in it.

Update (3:50 PM).

When I went out this morning to walk my dog, I have seen another black butterfly flying around the trees and flowers, I have seen it many times lurking around my grandmother’s backyard. I felt a bit scared, but didn’t take it too seriously, but I just heard right now from my relatives who were talking outside that another grandaunt (my grandmother’s sister) passed away today (Sept. 17), the mother of an Uncle who died from a heart attacked five weeks ago.

Our Dull and Plain Boodle Fight Platter at D’ Curve Foodhouse

It was only a week ago when my friends and I had dinner at the newly opened restaurant in town called D’ Line Kitchen, and we have decided to see each other again at lunch at another newly opened restaurant called D’ Curve Foodhouse which is boasting their boodle fight platter menu.

D’ Curve Foodhouse was opened on August 08, it is located at Brgy. Poctoy, just a few meters away from the bridge of Torrel-Dapawan, the restaurant used to be an abandoned white house along the curb.

Most of us were late at our agreed time of 10 o’clock in the morning because of the pouring rain, the moment you go inside their very courteous server will greet you. Unlike D’ Line Kitchen which is very bold and plain, D’ Curve  Foodhouse has a very impressive look inside, from the curtains, wallpapers, furniture’s and etc.,

We’ve met because one of our highschool classmate who was stationed in Odiongan would like to see us all, I guess he envy our dinner meeting a week ago.  We’ve ordered their Municipyo platter of D’ Curve’s  Fiesta, which cost ₱1,749, the menu consists of Sweet and Chilli Crabs, Garlic Shrimps, Crispy Liempo, Grilled Fish, Chicken Inasal, Chicken Adobo sa Gata, Pork Sisig, Laing, Steamed Rice with Crispy Danggit.

The food was served within thirty minutes or more, but we didn’t notice the waiting time because we’re too busy talking as if we didn’t see each other a week ago. We are all in awe when the boodle fight platter was served, we couldn’t just believed what we saw. One of my friends blurted out, that maybe next time we should just buy and prepare our own food, seconded by many.

The boodle fight platter was very dull and simple, it wasn’t that attractive at all, it was like the food we’ve ordered were just toppled all together in a banana leaf, what I mean there was no design, nor effort in preparing the boodle fight platter, they could at least add onions, chili pepper, cucumber, tomatoes or calamansi or whatever the cheapest greens or vegetable/fruit in the market they could get to make the platter attractive or appetizing to eat.

Chicken Adobo sa Gata

Their Pork Sisig has a dull taste, it is given because they are not Ghetto Plates

We’ve almost finished our food when the male server came, saying they forgot to add the garlic shrimps, one of my friend took it and pour them down on our food,  we didn’t mind the shrimps being served late because at least they remember, right?

The shrimps that were forgotten to be included in the boodle fight platter

It also says in their menu that there will be crispy danggit in the platter, but we are surprised to see fried tuyo (dried fish) instead, I know it is a common courtesy to inform your customer first before changing something in their order but they have failed on this, but since it danggit wasn’t the main dish it wasn’t an issue, we ate our food without realizing something was missing, we’ve been busy talking and laughing together.

Well, the food was ok, the liempo for me is just a bit salty, but it is tolerable, the chilli crabs were just fine as well as the other viand and the Chicken Inasal… is tasteless because they didn’t serve or add chicken inasal in our platter, yes you read it right! D’ Curve forgot to serve the Chicken Inasal when it is included in the food we have ordered.

It was late when I or we realized that we are robbed of Chicken Inasal, if I haven’t look at my photos again I will not noticed it, to be sure if I was not mistaken, that maybe the chicken inasal was served in a different platter and I wasn’t able to take a photo of it, I have asked my friends and they confirmed they didn’t serve chicken inasal to us.

We stayed a little bit after eating our lunch because we are waiting for another friend who is coming from afar, she was late because it is hard to travel to town when raining.  When she arrived, we moved to another location to get  a coffee.

D’ Curve Foodhouse looks promising they just failed in completing our orders when it wasn’t that busy when we had our  lunch, we are the only people who were there, new people only arrive when our food was already served. One of my friend says, we should just let it passed because they were a new restaurant but when you heard a different story from a friend that they were served a different food from what they have ordered is another juicy story.

Well, I think it is better if their restaurant wasn’t house in a house, I mean it is more appropriate or it will be a hit if their restaurant was built in a native hut, have native displays and furniture, like Laszaji Grill since their serving food in a native or traditional Filipino way.

Poctoy, Odiongan, before Varadero Beach Resort, Yellow House
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Open @ 10 A.M to 9. P. M DAILY

Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post. Above written post was my OWN personal experience and might be different from yours.

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