Feeling Bad for Being Snobbish and Rude at Times

We have different character and different approached to people. I am type of person who is snobbish and doesn’t really smile unless I know you; I won’t really open a conversation unless you open first. Just like an old crazy genius had told me a long time ago I am type of person who doesn’t trust at first sight, he said I observed first before speaking to someone and once I am being comfortable I easily trust and I am being too talkative. He was able to blurted it out when my classmates and I saw him in the public park;  he is known for being a walking encyclopaedia . As young students who can’t even memorized all the lessons at school my friends excitedly approached him and asked the scientific names of things on their mind. They all went amazed and asked so many things while I was just in the back looking at them and listening and that’s where he blurted out that I am different.

These past few days I am feeling bad for being rude and not socially inclined, like for not speaking a word when someone is talking at me or just nodding when someone asked me something. We cater photocopy at home with the use of a printer, $10 a month was already good since there we really don’t have a lot of customers just neighbors who are burdensome to go town to get one document to be photocopied.

One day while photocopying some music sheets for a church, I was asked by the customer if I was a COP student way back on college, I corrected it by saying Information Technology and then he blurted out that he was seeing me around back then (seeing in the school or maybe institute) instead of asking him what year he was or what was his course I just keep my mouth shut, yeah right I didn’t say a word nor continue a conversation.  When the customer was gone I have asked my sister if I did the right thing of not speaking, my sister chuckled on disbelief, she said I was too rude and so snobbish for not uttering any word.

Today it happens again, someone came to our house to have some documents to be photocopied. I was perplexed when she went inside our house with her slippers on; it was a strict rule inside our house not to bring our dirty slippers inside. Since I don’t feel good about it when she asked to sit in our chair instead of happily saying yes I just made a letter O sound and when she was gone I have asked my mother if I did the right thing or if I was being rude again. My mother didn’t answer me directly she just told me I should just let her with her slippers on since that’s how it works on their house and today my guilt is eating me again and can’t stop thinking about it, thinking that I am being too rude again to people.

Am I really rude?

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Father’s Day and Birthday Dinner at Orient’s Cuisine

Growing up we doesn’t really celebrate birthdays and holidays because it was a luxury we can’t afford. Well, to celebrate my father and sister’s birthday we decided to have a dinner at Orient’s Cuisine, it was perfect because it was also Father’s Day so it was triple celebration in one shot.

The restaurant wasn’t that spacious, when we arrived the only vacant table was the table in the corner facing the wall,  we are told they have also table upstairs, we choose to eat downstairs after one larger table was vacated by the other diners who already finishes their meal.

The owner was very friendly and accommodating, when the food we would like to order isn’t available she will suggest food that she thinks we are going to love and enjoy. While waiting for our order, we did numerous selfies to entertain ourselves. My father was given a pen with father’s day card/note as well as a complimentary mango pudding that were just eaten by us, instead of him.

We ordered their chow fan meals, pork tonkatsu for us and breaded fish for my mother, I have also ordered their birthday noodles which is just perfect for the occasion we are celebrating, a bowl of soup, two sets of pork siomai, buttered chicken and a shake which I have only remember to take a photo when it is already half-empty. Their chow fan meals has unlimited chow fan rice in celebration of father’s day.

Our orders were served after 40 minutes, we are informed instantly how long our food to be cooked unlike in few restaurant we have eaten at already, they will let us wait until our eyeballs turned white in hunger (lol).

The food at Orient’s Cuisine is undoubtedly fresh, tasty at a cheaper price, we have ordered and eaten a lot but we only have to pay less amount that we are able to order fish cracker as take-out and bring home the food that we couldn’t finished since our tummy were full already.

If you are looking for an Asian Fusion Restaurant, Orient’s Cuisine is what you need. You don’t need to burn your pockets just to eat Filipino, Singaporean, Japanese and Vietnamese style dishes.  The restaurant was just beside Never Naked Laundry Shop across the old internet shop “Blue Dimension”.

Orient’s Cuisine
Brgy. Liwanag, Odiongan, Romblon
Phone: 0915 225 6877

Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post. Above written post was my own personal experience and might be different from yours.

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Short Visit at the Sunflower Farm in San Andres

Nothing much happening around, my health is deteriorating and I am struggling to be normal. Anyway, I don’t want to talk about it because it seems this blog is going to be a health blog soon.

My sister have been bugging me to see the sunflower farm at the nearby town, we have planned to see it for almost a month already but we keep postponing to see it so when we had a chance we finally did, we are not able to tagged along my father because he work even on Sundays just to get by, he is actually been complaining of being tired but what else he can do he have to feed me (lol).

The sunflower farm located in San Andres wasn’t that hard to find, the entrance fee cost P30.00 which is less than a dollar if you had it converted. My sister was all excited when I am a bit disappointed, it wasn’t that great as it was seems to be maybe because it was summer and the flowers wasn’t that huge or maybe because I have seen sunflower bigger and beautiful than from the farm or I guess nothing excites me anymore?

Anyway, my mother seems more excited seeing ripe papayas on sale for a cheaper price in the entrance of the Sunflower farm than wandering around the sunflower beds, she actually doesn’t want to look around if we didn’t told her that it was a waste not to consume her entrance fee. Well, she wandered a bit and then asked if she could sit and the next thing we knew she was already sitting near the booth where cheap papaya fruit were sold.

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