Pets and Home November 9th, 2016 | 1 Comment »
It was been a while since I updated this blog, starting today I will try to update more often and post something new or what is happening around our pets.
We have been adopting abandon kitten from the streets but they don’t live that long maybe because they were too young when we found them or they’re been out for a long time since we found them and when they’re mixed with each other they got each other disease since they ate and drink together.
Anyway, it was been a month since we found and adopted these three kittens in the middle of the street. We saw them when we are going to town walking at the side of the street and when we returned home from town they were all in the middle lying down. We stopped for a moment, we’ve all agreed not to pick new kittens anymore but when the kitten cries and follows me when I went down our motorbike I took all of them home.
Our cats at home were not happy with the new kittens, they don’t get a long on the first day. They either run or fight with the kitties but as the day goes by they learn to accept and adapt with each other, we named the three kittens according to their behavior or likes.
We name one of them as Jinja from our dog’s name Jinjoo. Jinja wasn’t afraid of our dog contrary to two other kitties, he actually sleep with her and suck milk from Jinjoo making him her puppy. I think they are still nursing to their mother cat when they were thrown in the street by their previous owner.
The second was named Patpat from our duck’s name Patutinay, unliked Jinja, Patpat found motherly love with our duck, he plays and hugged with her.
We named the third kitty as Jinjii, he is the frailest and smallest of the three. He is always left alone by Jinja and Patpat, Jinjii found motherly love in one of our older kittens.
[ Tagged In ] Abandon Kitten, Abandon Kittens, Abandon Orange Kittens, Adopting Kitties
Dreams and Nightmares November 4th, 2016 | No Comments »
I had the weirdest and scariest dream last night, I saw myself and family inside a plane and presumably J. What is weirdest and scariest was the plane is crashing, the plane is literally going down in full-speed. Everyone is panicking, people are standing and have so much fear, it looks like something is broken within the plane and there is nothing I could do but silently pray. I don’t know how my dream went on being landed safely in an unknown airport, the plane was stalled directly in the airport door, I hurriedly called and grabbed my family down the plane, I was too scared to stay inside of it, I hurriedly took my passport so I could go to the immigration but there was a chaos, we are told we are not allowed to pass through. The immigration will not stamped our passport and we have to return to the plane so we could fly again, the stewardess was calling everyone to board the plane again, some people did but I didn’t move, was too scared to be inside the plane again. I would rather suffer in the airport than fly again with the broken plane.

[Photo courtesy of Unsplash/]
When I woke up the dream seems real, I felt dizzy and can still feel the dazed. It feels like I rode a full speed roller coaster.
[ Tagged In ] Dream of Airplane, Dream of Airplane Crash, Dream of Crashing
Dreams and Nightmares October 15th, 2016 | No Comments »
Every night I am dreaming, I used to journal my dreams but the procrastinated me is so lazy to do it and there are times I forgot what was my dream all about when I wake up or after hour passed. My dream last night was so vivid, saw myself talking to a young female ghost and asking her so many questions. Then a group of men wearing white took me and while walking away from the ghost I am talking with I saw a feet of a man wearing white trousers beside her, I am not able to see his face because I didn’t look up… along the way I saw many ghost, then I don’t know how my dream hop in to different place, the people who took me brought me in front of a house which looks more of a villa and then my dream went to different scenario.

What is weird, on my dream I am not scared seeing ghost around me while in real life I am scared of them. It reminds me what happened a few weeks ago. It was evening and as I went out the door of our old house to go to the store, in my peripheral vision I saw a person in my left side leaning towards our old house, I saw his eyes looking at me and since I am not expecting that there was a person in that dark corner I cried out in surprised and as I look back to say a word, nobody was there, I am all alone… there was no person in there, it was just a motor bike which is fully covered with coat.
My aunt who owns the store, heard me and asked me what had happened to me because she heard me scream in fear and shocked, so I told her what I saw.
[ Tagged In ] Dream, Dream of Ghost, Dream of Seeing Ghost, Dream of Talking to Ghost, Dreams, Ghost, Ghost Dream