Home and Living August 28th, 2016 | No Comments »
There was a different Pastor today at church since Pastor E was assigned out of town, Pastor J talks about the things you are willing to trade for something else from the book of 1 Peter 5:8-11. She said if we are experiencing good life and doesn’t experience problems we should be already nervous what path are we already walking. Maybe we are already walking a path to Satan’s lair, Pastor J set Job as example how he was tempted by Satan and how he remained faithful to God.

[Photo courtesy of pinterest.com]
Pastor J shared some insights or ways to know if we are already trap by the enemy, first she said we are trapped when the things we want were given without struggle because it is true that when a person life is well he forgot God. He encouraged every one to be vigilant, to focus and be observant and secondly to meditate God’s words. A life without trial is an enemy’s way to trap you.
[ Tagged In ] A Blessed Sunday, Attending Church Service, Church, Church Service, Sunday
Home and Living August 21st, 2016 | No Comments »
Today is the continuation of Pastor E’s teaching about the home, his topic is about the “Framework of the Home” from the book of Ephesians 5: 22-23 and Ephesians 6:1-4.

[Photo courtesy of worldthatlacksgod.blogspot.com]
Pastor E talk about the husband and wife on the first part of his message even thought I don’t want my tears flow instantly. He says the women sacrifice just to be with their husband, they left their family so they could with their husband and all men has the accountability to love and cherish them so they could flourish, he encourage the men to be the man of identity, be a leader but not a dictator, be a man of integrity.
Pastor E asked the men congregation how do they treat their wife. Do they treat them unjustly or humiliate them in front of other people? As it says, humiliating your wife doesn’t do a you any good because your wife reflects you. It is true that most wife are abused inside the home because they are weak, have lesser value compare to their husband. Pastor E says the wives are the women who took courage and struggled to form a complete home and it doesn’t mean they have to go down.
The second part of his preaching is for children to honor their parents and obey them.
[ Tagged In ] A Blessed Sunday, Church Sunday, Husband and Wife, Sunday Service
Home and Living August 14th, 2016 | No Comments »
Today is youth Sunday and there nothing much happened, Pastor E is out of town and assigned to deliver a preach in other church. The service was prepared by youth and the Sunday service was all about singing praises and a short message from one of the older youth, it was told the music and interpretative dance rendered by the young people talks about FAITH.

[Photo courtesy of jesustoday.com]
The speaker also shared some insights how to equipped or teach the next generation:
- Approached God – Prayer
- Admit and Reject your sins
- Accept Jesus as Lord and Savior
Since there was no preaching this Sunday which a little disappoint me the church service finished early. I love listening to God’s words because it comforts me and give hope to me.
[ Tagged In ] Church Service, Equipping the Next Generation, Faith, Sunday, Youth Sunday