A Blessed Sunday: Fortress Inside the Home

Everything inside the church today is in Philippine language “Tagalog” because the country is celebrating “Buwan ng Wika” so Pastor E’s preaching is in our national language and his topic this Sunday is about the “Fortress Inside the Home” from Psalms 100: 1-5 and Psalms 127: 1-5.

Image result for Fortress Inside the Home psalms 100: 1-5

[Photo courtesy of silverfox1341.blogspot.com]

Pastor E talked about the strength of the foundation of the home, the elements that should be present to build a strong Foundation.

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Busy, Sick and Lost Prescription

It was been a long time since I post has an update over here, I guess I have to published backdated post for Sundays I have missed to create a blog. I have been busy during the day with household chores and looking after my mother so I was already quite tired in the evening.  I did laundry yesterday and they are quite a lot that we are able to eat dinner past bed time, our neighbors were already asleep eh. They’re hand wash so it took me long time to finish washing the clothes.

Medicines & thermometer

[Photo courtesy of kaboompics.com/pexels.com]

Not feeling well today, I took three vitamin C in one day to relieved the discomfort I am feeling. I hope I feel better tomorrow, I have already research ways to home treat kidney stones and hopefully I can gather all the necessary condiments, my cousin has been confined to the hospital for this and he spend plenty for it and for his a month medication so I was scared on adding more expenses to my family after my mother has been hospitalized . My mother told me to go with her on her upcoming laboratory test and check-up but thinking of the expenses I have just said I am already feeling well.

We went to pharmacy today to buy my mother’s maintenance medicine,  my sister lost the prescription it is either she left it in the pharmacy a week ago or it slip on her bag, we have asked the pharmacist if they have found a prescription, she doesn’t know since she was not the in pharmacy on duty that day.  Good thing we are able to buy medicine without it, we just show sample of the medicine.

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A Blessed Sunday: A Firm Foundation

Home is the first institution God had created. Pastor E’s topic on his preach this Sunday is about A Firm Foundation from the book of Joshua 24: 13-15. When building a home we always want it to be safe and productive, we always first create a solid foundation.

[Image source pastorbrianlamsermons.blogspot.com]

Pastor E shared three D’s that are integrity of the home, the first one is discernment (verse 13), which talks about God’s blessing, Him being compassionate and merciful. We become what we rare because of God’s bountiful grace, we are blessed beyond measure but unfortunately we overlooked God and cast  Him aside our home. The second is duty (verse 14), we must fear the Lord and recognized His position in our life. Most of us fear the Lord but we are not committed, we have no consideration we live according to our own desire.

The last D is decision (verse 15), we must choose God’s will and serve the Lord and when we serve the Lord faithfully He is being praised. Pastor E ended his preaching asking if Jesus is the priority of your life.

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