Home and Living May 29th, 2016 | No Comments »
On Friday the church held a family camp at Acacia Village and it was attended by some church members, I think only few had attended since it rained earlier before the agreed meet up time. This Sunday Pastor E focused about the home and the family, he said that God began human existence with a marriage and a family. The first community that God established was a family and a home. The scriptural reading was found at Joshua 24: 11-15 and 2 Samuel 6: 9-11.
According to the Pastor E’s before the Israelites have a formal place of worship, the place of worship was the home, and all worship was directed and lead by the head of the home, the husband and father – Deuteronomy 6:4-9. Today, we have replaced the home with the church. For many Christians and their families all spirituality is exercised IN church, all prayer is IN church, all teaching is IN church – and not in the home. We depend everything in the church and we forgot the spiritual practice at home.

[Photo courtesy of heritagekept.com]
Pastor E gave three ways on how do we experience the genuine divine blessing in our home and these are:
- Choose to make your Home His Home – Joshua 24:11-15, We have to choose to live according to God’s design for us in our homes & families.
- Welcome His presence to your home – 2 Samuel 6:9-11, Pastor E says that every family has a box in their home, that box has the power to shape values of young children and that box was called television unlike the box at the center of Obed-Edom’s house, which contains Aaaron cane, Moses tablets and a jar, this box brought blessings.
- Build an ark of salvation in your home – Hebrews 11:7, Pastor E talks about Noah and his family.
To begin and initiate God’s into our home, Pastor E shared 5 E’s –
- EXALT God in your home
- EXAMPLE Christlikeness in your home
- ENCOURAGE Faithfulness in your home
- EDUCATE Your children in God’s ways in your home
- ESTABLISH Godly values in your home
When God’s presence is welcomed and encouraged a home is truly blessed!
[ Tagged In ] A Blessed Sunday, Family, Home and Family, Service, Sunday, Sunday Service
Dreams and Nightmares May 28th, 2016 | No Comments »
The other night, I had a dream that my family and I was in establishment that looks like an apartment hotel we are carrying bags and we are looking for a family room, I am climbing a stairs looking at the doors of the rooms while mentioning the floor. Then my parents and sister went inside one room and says it was the room we are looking for, but I am not satisfied and continuously looking. I went to the room my family went in and it was quite small with one bed so I told them it was not the room we reserved, and while going out the room two doors open from both sides, a woman and a man came out from the two different door it looks like they were both going to a shared bathroom.

[Photo courtesy of reverent/pixabay.com]
Anyway, I lead my family to the room I have found down below, this room was a little bigger with two beds then I don’t know else what happened but I found ourselves in a hallway where we met an old man cleaning or fixing something, I asked him if he knew the room we are looking for and then he pointed a well-groom house across the green backyard and my dream ended.
[ Tagged In ] Apartment Dream, Dream, Dream of a Hotel, Dream of Apartment Hotel, Dream of Searching a Room
Dreams and Nightmares May 27th, 2016 | No Comments »
It was been a long time since I write about my dreams because I tend to forget them, when I wake up we’ve been busy collecting water and when it is time for me to sit and write about the dream I had at night I can’t remember what is it already. Wasn’t updating everyday as well since there isn’t something interesting happening in my life. I just stayed home, sleeping and watching TV.

Anyway, last night, my dream was a bit violent and scary; I saw my cat and white-greenish snake fighting in the field. The snake attacked my cat twice but he managed to move away although I don’t know if he was bitten. The snake was quite long and large; his was body taller than the bushy fields. Scared with what I have seen, I run back home but then I saw a what looks like a dead snake being coiled/tied in a post that made me scared and I already forgot the rest of my dream.
[ Tagged In ] Cat and Snake Dreams, Cat and Snake Fighting, Cat Dream, Dream of Cat and Snake Fighting, Dream of Snake and Cat Fighting, Dreams, Snake Dream