Soon to Open: Jollibee Odiongan

A famous fast food chain “Jollibee” is soon to open in our province mainly in our town, the construction was rush that they’re working until night so they could be opened next month.  They’ve already hired employees, my sister applied but didn’t return on the orientation since there are some papers that are needed the next day and we didn’t let her as well since working in the fast food chain will not boost her resume in the future.

The other day, some staff from Jollibee are visiting house to house offering their opening promo which is you can reserved a ticket costing 650 pesos abou $15 and you’ll get a bucket of fried chicken (6 pieces) and throw pillows which are the fast food chains character, I have heard the chicken has also accompanied with rice and drinks.

I initially didn’t reserved since I don’t think I could pay them the money in a few days time but the second time they’ve returned which is just a few days ago to collect payments from the people who reserved slots I’ve decided to take one reservation, it will be my father and sister’s birthday in June so I guess their opening is in a timely manner so I could treat them on their birthdays, isn’t it?

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A Blessed Sunday – Jochebed: A Portrait of Godly Mother

On the previous Sunday the church celebrated Mother’s Sunday and today Pastor E’s preaching was about Jochebed, wife of Amram and the mother of Aaron, Miriam and Moses. The scriptural verse was from Exodus 2: 1-10, Pastor E talks about Jochebed’s selfless love for her children.

[Image source:]

Anyway, Pastor E continue his preaching about things to see in Jochebed’s life which are enumerated in four C’s: The first one was her credentials, she was born to the Levites in Egypt and wife of Amran. Jochebed’s credential was her deep relationship with the Lord. She and her husband were evidently very dedicated and religious people. They were willing to defy the order of Pharaoh and keep the commandments of God. Secondly, courage, she was very courageous woman this could be seen in  Verse 2 where Jochebed refused to give in to a godless system that would have cost her the life of her son. Thirdly, Jochebed has confidence to resist the world and was strong woman motivated by a strong faith for God’s will and the last C is charity, she has a wonderful way on how she gave herself to her kids.

Have you ever had to give up and let go of someone or something very precious to you?

When you let go, when you released that person or that thing, did you feel like part of you was breaking; now there was some new emptiness in your life, isn’t it? As what we can read in the bible, Jochebed  give away her 3-month-old baby, not knowing what would happen to him, she placed baby Moses in a papyrus basket and put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile…

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Memorial Service: 40 Days After Death

Yesterday was my late grandfather’s birthday and my aunt 40 days after death, there was a simple service and small gathering at their house which is about 250 meters from us. My third elder aunt asked for solicitation I think the clan will cooked one food to bring. My sister and I attended the service since my father was at work and my mother decided to be the house person, the service didn’t start early since we’ve waited few more people, Pastor E’s wife lead the service since he wasn’t around, he was in another city attending an assembly.

The 40th days after the death of the person is celebrated because it is said that on that day the spirit of the deceased ascends to heaven.

Orange Flower With Butterfly

[Photo courtesy of Pixabay/]

There are not many visitors, just family and distant relatives who are just in the neighborhood. I have helped washing the dishes while everybody is eating since I am one of the first people who finishes, we brought some leftover food for our parents too since there are plenty, our eldest aunt was the one minding the packed food for everyone who would like them. I have just finished washing the last batch of dishes when our cousin’s daughter told us that are mother was already calling us home, so we thankfully bid good bye to our relatives. Indeed our mother was already waiting in the field, we know our mother so my sister and I just sigh because we are treated like little kids again.

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