A Blessed Sunday: Honor your Mother

Last Sunday was Mother’s day but it was just this Sunday that the church celebrated Mother’s day, yes it was a week late. Within the service, three young people shared testimonies about their mother’s, their love and sacrifices for them. The church gave token of appreciation for all mothers in the church, they were given a hand fan which is useful this summer season. Pastor E’s scriptural topic is about honoring mothers, treating them with admiration and respect and the scriptural verse was from Ephesians 6: 1-2.

[Photo courtesy of beforeitsnews.com]

Pastor E quote from the bible that mothers are like precious gems and rare stones (Ephesians 6:2). We can honor our mothers by recognizing her work, giving her respect (Proverbs 20:20), valuing them as our mother and considering them highly and spend time with them.

My mother wasn’t perfect like everyone else, we always disagree with each other when we have different views and opinions about things but when something went wrong around me I know that there’s only one person I can cry and talk too and that’s her.

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Letting Go of My First Ever Blog and Migrating the Contents

Living in Korea through independent visa a few years back means I am not allowed to work and without source income it means I can’t send money home.  My family is my sole responsibility with the help of J’s laptop which I am allowed to use when he is at work I searched for ways to work and earn money at home. I found several blogs that teach me how to earn money online, I tried paid to click sites but the earning isn’t promising and then I found out that it is possible to earn money online by only writing about myself and my daily life and this thing was called blogging. I created my first blog at blogger.com, a free blogging platform and was able to buy my first domain a year after.

Mentioning about it, my very first domain will bid goodbye soon since I am not planning not to renew it anymore. It’s very regretting because the blog I have to let go has traffic, ranking and thousands of its pages has been indexed by Google. It’s very saddening too but I have to let go of it since maintaining a lot of blogs today isn’t a great idea when I can’t update them all. I have already planned to republished the article in my other blogs according to niche, I have already moved some personal post about living in Korea (2009-2014) over here, so if you’ll notice my archives here there are old posts added in them. I have a lot of personal posts on that blog since it was my first ever domain and my first ever blog in the web, that’s where I post everything about daily living in Korea before this blog came.

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Small Token After the Election

The election day was already finished yesterday and the results was favorable to other candidates but not to others. A relative running for a local position didn’t win as well, for us he is the right person for the position but not all people think the same thought.


An aunt handed us and a relative passing by a dozen Fastbreak a product of San Miguel  which is a coffee mix with cereals, we are told it was from the politician she supported who happened to won the election, I think she was given a box and then she shared it to relatives around her. I guess it is a thank you gift from the politician, it is a sweet gesture and I couldn’t consider it vote buying since the election was just finished. The cereal meal was a month to its expiration date, it is still consumable and can fill a stomach in the morning, right?

Anyway, in town we’ve heard from other people that there was a vote buying that took place in certain towns before and during the election, it was all gossip since they just heard the rumor as well from other people.  So who knows if it really happens or not, vote buying is normal in the Philippines even it is prohibited by law.

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