Home and Living May 9th, 2016 | No Comments »
It was National Election Day today, my sister served as poll watcher after being hired by a relative for a certain local candidate. It was only me and my parents left at home, for the first time after so many years my mother cooked for lunch. We agreed to vote at the same time but to my disappointment when my parents brought packed lunch to my sister they voted upon seeing that the precinct isn’t busy. Knowing it make me feel disappointed since they left me at home and before they went my mother says they will not vote but they did. I have thought every one is leaving me behind and breaking their promise when the road is wider and things work for their own good. So mean isn’t it?

[Voters lining up at others voting precinct]
My father drove me to the voting precinct and since I am not in a good mood I didn’t look around when we entered the gate and I went directly to the voting precinct to vote. I didn’t take long since I only voted few candidates and there was no line in our designated voting precinct, when we left and passed the gate I overheard a male youngster calling his friend while saying “asawa nang kano” if translated in English it means “wife of American” a foreigner precisely. You know, most people thought that a foreigner is always a kano (Amerikano) or American in English. LOL
The voting experience was actually funny since it was the first time I have vote again after almost a decade and voting those time wasn’t that techy like as of today. I have thought that I have to bring home the print-out from the PCOS machine, I have folded it many times and I was ready to put it in my pocket and then I was told to drop it in a small box and when inking my fingers I don’t know which finger to hand over. So funny isn’t it?
Anyway, I hope the best and trustworthy candidates will won this election.
[ Tagged In ] Election, Election Day, National Election Day Philippines, Philippines
Home and Living May 8th, 2016 | No Comments »
This Sunday, Pastor E’s scriptural topic was about Faithful Christian Service based from scriptural verses Matthew 25:21, 1 Corinthians 4: 12 and Galatians 5: 22-23. Pastor E told the congregation that it is our duty to serve God but we served God in a voluntarily phases, in short we see ourselves as volunteers.
God put us in our particular place to be faithful and with a purpose, these purpose can be found in the following bible verses and what God encourages us to be:

[Photo courtesy of tnvalleytalks.hoop.la]
- Hebrews 10: 25 – God wish each of us to be faithful in our attendance in church
- 2 Timothy 2: 15 – Be faithful in reading the bible
- 1 Thessalonians 5: 17 – Be faithful in praying without ceasing
- 2 Timothy 2: 19- 22 – Be faithful in our moral lives
- James 2: 14-18 – Be faithful in serving others
Pastor E elaborates more and shared a story how King Henry III became an obedient King. He finishes his preach asking everyone a question “Will God find us faithful?”
[ Tagged In ] A Blessed Sunday, Attending Church Service, Church Service, Faith, Faithfulness
Health and Home May 5th, 2016 | No Comments »
Had a very bad day yesterday after I accidentally cut myself early in the morning when my family woke me up just to make an instant coffee for my father. I was a bit unhappy since it wasn’t six o’clock in the morning yet when they woke me up. Anyway, since too much caffeine make me sick and nervous without a reason I decided to prepare luke warm calamansi for myself and while cutting them I have included my fingers, I have forgotten that the knife was newly sharpened last night when my father used it in slicing and cutting meat at a neighbors house who’ll be celebrating his 50th birthday. Well, I immediately wash my hand with water and soap in the bathroom and put iodine but the cuts didn’t stop bleeding making me anxious, I tried to sip it but then I stopped and tried to looked for cottons but can’t find any so I rushed to the moringa tree in our backyard, took some young leaves, chewed it and put them on my cuts, it tasted bitter and it hurts but it is very effective the bleeding stops, I have learned the tricked from my aunt’s husband. When I went back inside our house, found out that I left droplets of blood in our floor, and what comes to my mind is my blood type, what type of blood do I have. LOL

Moringa is one of the most powerful health-enhancing plants, eating it has a lot of benefits since it was very nutritious and very rich in healthy antioxidants and bioactive plant compounds.
Anyway, late afternoon we are invited to a 50th and 3rd birthday party in our neighborhood, it’s a father and son’s birthday. My sister was requested to take photos of the celebration but since she isn’t feeling well, she doesn’t want to do it and I don’t wanna do it as well since I have cut my fingers and it is hard to move the lens back and forth when taking photos, and then I am also ashamed taking photos of the who’s and who, the birthday celebrant is school supervisor so I believed most of his visitors are well known people and professionals.
[ Tagged In ] Blood, Cuts, Health, Health Benefits of Moringa Leaves, Health Benefits of Moringa Tree, Home Remedy for Cuts, Moringa, Moringa Health Benefits, Stop Bleeding