Home and Living April 2nd, 2016 | No Comments »
Yesterday, I overheard from inside our house that my sister was talking to someone outside, it sounds like she is talking with the older woman in the neighborhood (L) and they are talking what kind of eggs were found in the bush. Curious, I went outside to take a look on the eggs and it was concluded that they were turkey eggs since they are not smooth, they are eight of them.

It turns out Mrs. L found them while cutting grass for their cow; the eggs are wet since it rained a few days ago. My sister asked our cousin’s son to call his grandmother to tell that their turkey lay eggs in the bushy fields and since they were already wet and there will be no chance that they’re going to be hatched our aunt gave three eggs to my sister to boiled.
Today, the turkey went back looking for her eggs and the turkey is probably heart broken not finding her eggs since day were already taken out the bush the day before.
[ Tagged In ] Eating Turkey Eggs, Eggs, Finding Eggs, Hidden Nest, Turkey, Turkey Eggs, Turkey Nest
Travel and Places March 30th, 2016 | No Comments »
Odiongan is moving progressively now adays, there are several things that the town had been accomplished in the past few years. A year ago a tourist centre was opened and since then bit by bit something new arises; a well-known fast food chain was in construction in town to cater local people and visitors.

Anyway, a recently the town accomplished a new building for teenagers then a new signage in the food terminal just in front of almost abandon commercial building. It was already very late if you ask me since Odiongan is a first class municipality but another town belonging to fifth class municipalities has signage already years before Odiongan has, as well as other municipalities belonging to lower class.

On the first few days that the signage was lit, it attract old and young people. Many had their photo taken and shared in social media sites. Well, I hope the town can accomplished more things in the future.
[ Tagged In ] Odiongan, Odiongan Romblon, Odiongan Town, Romblon, Tablas Island
Home and Living March 27th, 2016 | No Comments »
Today is the last Sunday of the month and the church is celebrating its 51st Founding Anniversary and Thanksgiving, it should be also Easter Sunday but due to some circumstances some members didn’t agree that there should be a separate devotion at early morning, welcoming Easter.

[Image source: biblepic.com]
Anyway, Pastor E’s scriptural topic is Remember, Rejoice and Rededicate from scriptures of Deuteronomy 8:18, Deuteronomy 32:7, Psalms 64:10 and Romans 12:1. He started his preaching from remembering back the old days on how the church was built and started. He recalled how the older members served faithfully in the church, how united and active they were. Then Pastor E shared some reasons to celebrate and rejoice, on 51 years that had passed the church produces four daughter churches and it is progressively ahead than the mother church in the province.

[Image source: lifencanvas.blogspot.com]
Rededicate, Pastor E told everyone that along the way we have lapses on our relationship with God, we are sometimes discourage with our relationship between ourselves and our brothers so we should settle this issues, restore our faith and commitment with God.
May our hearts be truly grateful and may we show our gratitude by the ways in which we live and care for others.
Well, after the church service, there is a small feast. Every zone bring food to feast but I went home and didn’t eat since I have no contribution in the food that our zone prepared.
[ Tagged In ] A Blessed Sunday, Church Service, Founding Anniversary, Thanksgiving Day