Home and Living March 25th, 2016 | No Comments »
There is devotional service and film showing at the church today for Good Friday but since there is a black out after a fire ignite somewhere there was no film showing. I have no plans to go to church because I didn’t like the idea that there will be no meditation and bible service but I went when the power didn’t come back even though it will be so hot inside the church without the electric fans running.

[Image source: pixteller.com]
Pastor E scriptural topic for Good Friday service is about God’s Greatest sacrifice, He sacrifice His life to clean us from our sins, His blood wash all our sins. God’s Sacrifice is greatest because His life in all aspect is very precious, His divine fullness is overflowing and His sacrifice is all sufficient.
[ Tagged In ] Good Friday, Good Friday Service, Holy Week, Holy Week Service
Home and Finance March 23rd, 2016 | No Comments »
The other day someone came to our house for CI process, it was from a cooperative. My mother loaned an amount so we could pay some bills, it wasn’t a great idea but that’s the only way to get emergency money. The CI person happened to be my father’s batch mate in school and he asked how many children my parents has, then he mistaken me as the youngest daughter and was surprised when my mother told him I am already married so he blurted out why I married early and married first before my sister so I told him I am almost thirty and I am the eldest daughter which I think shocked him that he has to asked my age twice to confirm if I am not joking about my age. LOL

[Photo courtesy of Picsues/pixabay.com]
Anyway, my mother was an old member of the cooperative but it was been almost two years since the last time she loaned from them after I told her to stop borrowing and my father lost his job subsequently but just recently she applied for a new loan but the cooperative subtracted the debt that my mother made from their grocery store a few years back as well as the gallons that were used in retailing water so she only received half of the money she loaned.
The loan is payable in six months but you have to pay installments weekly. If you are an old member a CI process is still needed if it was been a long time since your last loan from the cooperative, they have to investigate if the member is able to pay the loan within allotted time. Their policy changes, since the cooperative is now asking for a collateral items maybe many of the members were not able to pay their loan on time.
[ Tagged In ] CI, Cooperative Loan, Debt, Loan
Home and Living March 20th, 2016 | No Comments »
The church proper service today didn’t started early because there is a small meeting on what to do next Sunday and who’s to send as delegates in the convention of Baptist churches next month. I was asked by older women member if I would like to go but I declined since it is going to held in far away town of our province. The convention usually take three or more days but everything from fare, registration and food will be shouldered by the church.

[Image courtesy of slideplayer.com]
This Sunday is also Baccalaureate Sunday so there is a recognition and dedication of graduates from all levels. One graduate also gave testimony on God’s faithfulness on her struggles while studying. Anyway, Pastor E finally delivered the scriptural message this Sunday and his scriptural topic is Building a Legacy that Lasts which can be found at Mark 12: 28-31. He asked everyone if it would make a difference if you learned you had very little time left? Would it change your priorities if you felt life slipping away?

[Image courtesy of boardofwisdom.com]
Just like Reverend R’s message a few Sunday’s ago, Pastor E’s basis of topic was about a person who’s expert in the law asked God what is the greatest commandment and Jesus replied that it is to love God and to love the people God puts around you. Pastor E says Jesus modeled this perfectly, and his legacy has had more impact on the world than any individual in history. He didn’t leave a legacy of money, property or power. Instead, he left a legacy of loving God completely, and sacrificially loving us and a legacy of loving others.
Would it make a difference if you learned you had very little time left? Would it change your priorities if you felt life slipping away? We are all running out of time. The opportunity to leave the legacy we want is one day shorter than it was yesterday.
Pastor shared a few stories and parable about the goat and lamb and then asked everyone if what is the legacy we are leaving on earth since we are leaving foot prints behind us.
[ Tagged In ] A Blessed Sunday, Church, Church Sunday, Sunday Service