Failed to See Solar Eclipse Yesterday

My mother and sister went to town to pay some bills yesterday so while I was left alone at home I spend my day browsing and reading online, I read my horoscope and interpret pieces of my dreams, I can only remember a bit of my dream when I wake up in the morning that is why it is hard for me to blog about them. Anyway from my Facebook wall  I have read some statuses about solar eclipse so I immediately went out with my camera but what welcomed me is the scorching heat of the sun, I guess I was too late but it leaves me to wonder because a friend status says “at the moment and as it happens”.

Taking picture of the sun wasn’t easy, how much more looking at it directly. I wore my eye glasses and shades together but it didn’t help and when I wore the shades that my mother uses when watching movies, it works that I am able too look at my camera’s screen.

Well, I guess the solar eclipse wasn’t that much visible since my family who are in town didn’t even notice that there is solar eclipse happening, as what I have read it is was to be partially seen in the Philippines.

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Heat Wave and Hot Summer Months

These past few days the temperature is getting severely hot during the day and especially during the evening, it’s already summer.  Water supply has been small since December 2015 and it is getting smaller as the day goes by so we have been busy during the morning collecting water and watering the plants since the water won’t come back anymore until the next day. Yeah right, the warm temperature doesn’t do any good, I felt so terrible and uncomfortable during the day and even I would like to freshen up myself it is impossible because of the poor water supply.

[Image credit:]

To add more life discomfort the internet connection isn’t doing well these past few days, and then system failure after the network had maintenance on their system so I am doing nothing much at home but look upon the ceiling and count lizards.

What to expect this summer is heat wave,  a prolonged period of excessively hot weather, which may be accompanied by high humidity, especially in oceanic climate countries. Many people has been reported collapsed and died in the street because of heat wave these past few years.

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A Blessed Sunday: The Greatest Commandments (Love and Relationship)

It was the first Sunday of the month and as usual the church service started very early.  Pastor E invited a new speaker in the person of Reverend R, he preaches in three languages, English, a bit of Tagalog and a bit of local dialect from his place of service but he speak mostly with English language.

The scripture reading was found in Matthew 22: 34-40 with a scriptural topic of Congregational Health. It tells about the Greatest Commandments, how a Pharisees expert in the law asked Jesus what is the greatest commandment in the Law.

Reverend R focuses on relationship and love, God’s love to us, our love to God and our love for one another. He says, it is very hard for everyone to ask for forgiveness because of the so called PRIDE. The person who first asked for forgiveness and fixes a relationship wasn’t always the sinner; mostly it was someone with love in his heart. He added relationship is an important teacher, so we should be mindful with our relationship to God and to our neighbours. A good relationship with God but with no meaningful relationship with fellowmen doesn’t do good; in vertical aspect it has no power if we didn’t fix our relationship with others.

Reverend E says that the foundation of every relationship is love and the essence of foundation of relationship is God.  He aslo says love is more important than understanding and mysteries. Love enhance and increased the harmony, love is not become angry.  We are expert in adding pain in someone’s heart so he challenge everyone to be mindful with our relationship because what’s the point of collecting bad feelings when it doesn’t do good to us, it will just make us old. Reverend E ended his preaching by telling that let God take care for ourselves and let us take care with one another.

Christ is our peace, those who are divided are made one. Christ has broken down the barriers of separation by His death and has built us into one body, with God. To whomever repents and believes, Christ has promised reconciliation. So love as people reconciled.

Reverend E left after preaching since he needs to do another service in the nearby town as speaker. There is a church hopping after the service, and after which the church will go swimming in the well-known beach shore but I didn’t go with them, I went home after the service.

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