Why Do Cats Eat Grass?

Kittens are indeed cute and adorable, I was busy preparing the moringa leaves that we are going to mixed with the pork ginger soup when my sister call me from the outside, she is saying something about “Jiyong”, our orange kitten which annoys me thinking why I have to be called when she’s there to look after the kitten.

It turns out the kitten climb into the drift wood and made some faces while enjoying the sunlight and my sister is asking me to take some photos of Jiyong. We put the kitten on leash because she is having a diarrhea and it is quite dirty to let the kitten inside our house in her state. It has been a few days since I put the kitten near the grassy field every morning so she could eat some grass to cure her stomach problem. Well it was just my observation that our older cats eat some grass and then throw up  afterwards, I have read somewhere that cat eat grass to cure their stomach ache and eating grass can help to  clear their stomach of fur, feathers, parasites or bones, which can irritate the digestive tract or even cause more lasting illness. I have noticed since a few days ago our kitten’s poop improved a bit unlike before that her poop just leak anywhere and anytime.

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A Blessed Sunday: What are The Facts About God’s Love

When I wake up this morning my head still feel so sensitive and a bit painful when I speak but I have no plan of not going to church today. I was planning to take a bath early but there isn’t water coming from the faucet yet, the water supply wasn’t good since December. Anyway, the church service  is very early today since it is the first Sunday of the month, I was late when I came it is already on scripture reading gladly I was still able to get the scriptural verse which is from 1 John 4:7-12 [God’s Love and Ours].

True love is rare, and it’s the only thing that gives life real meaning.” ― Nicholas Sparks

The preaching for this Sunday is about love, since it is love month. Pastor E talked about God’s love for all of us, how He sacrifice His life for everyone. He elaborate too the facts of God’s love where it is described in the context that it is unspeakable, unending (eternal), unselfish, unmerited and unconditional.

Secondly, God’s love was demonstrated in Calvary when He sacrifice His life for our sins (2 Corinthians 5:21), His love was also displayed in the Christians. Some people in the bible who demonstrate different types of love are Joseph to his brothers (Forgiving love), Hosea to his wife (Redeeming love), God to Peter (Compassionate love).

When the love of God is present in the life of a believer, it will be visible in five different areas which are love for the Savior, love for the scripture, love for the sanctuary, love for the saints and love for the sinners.

The Challenge for this Sunday:

Love does not actually count the cost, it does not keep a ledger of profit and loss. Love is spendthrift. It does not measure itself out with an eyedropper. Love is extravagant. Love seeks out a need and never stops giving. Love is a risky business, for it costs …. costs EVERYTHING!

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Severe Headache and Vomiting

I wasn’t feeling well last night so I sleep as early as six o’clock in the evening without eating dinner, I had a severe headache with vomiting and I have pain from my period. I really feel so crappy last night that’s why when I was left alone when my family went to town I cried so hard, I don’t know if it is because of my physical pain or the recurrent pain that I can’t overcome. Lights are killing me so I have to turn off the lights in our living room where we sleep, I was also sensitive to sound and voices but our house is near the street so it is killing me every time I hear noises, then my  mother watched a drama series I was glad that she didn’t turn the volume up but since the television is too bright I sleep with handkerchief on my eyes and with a lot of ointment in my head pulse.

[Image source: oriflame-id.com]

A cousin had told me that maybe I have to get a new eyeglasses because maybe my eye grade went up. Maybe she is right but I can’t afford it right now so I just wish my eyes won’t bother me that much. I also hope it isn’t something serious like brain aneurysm or some sort, when I was a little kid I was hit by a tricycle and my head was also injured but God let me live and gave me a second life but reading through some stories symptoms and accident result sometimes came after so many years.  I watched too many movies and I overthink too much again, isn’t it?

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