Tips on Rescuing a Puppy

A few years ago the video of Dyno’s expert engineers rescuing a week old puppy that had been accidentally flushed down a toilet and gotten stuck in the drainage system went viral.

The puppy’s distressed owner from North London had already called in the fire brigade and RSPCA, however neither was able help.  Luckily they had the dexterity of thought to contact the local operations manager at Dyno who had the expertise and quick thinking to launch a rescue mission.

Local engineer Will Craig rushed to the scene and immediately instructed the neighbours not to flush any toilets in order to make sure the puppy did not get pushed further in to the main sewer.  From there he had the idea of using Dyno-rod’s CCTV technology to discover exactly where within the drain network the pup had become stuck.

Dog, Volunteer, Pet, Animal, Responsibility, Rescue

[Photo courtesy of pixexid/]

Equipment was then used to push the puppy gently through to the closest manhole where a fireman was on hand to rescue him.

He has since been checked over by a local vet who remarkably declared him unhurt and healthy.  The pet’s female owner was concerned about the cost of this unorthodox call out, however the engineers at Dyno were happy to offer their services for free.  The local operations manager reassured the woman that there would not be any charge and their only concern was that puppy was kept alive and well.

This is a truly extraordinary video and highlights the need for animal safety within the home.  It is more common than you would think for small pets to inadvertently fall into the toilet bowl and the best general advice is to keep them well away from the bathroom.  Fortunately this story had a happy ending.

You can watch the video which has notched up over 500,000 hits on YouTube here.

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How To Get a Cat Down From a Tree

It was a normal morning, as I am busy collecting water I heard a cat crying. I stopped on what I am doing and locate where the cries coming from. I looked at the nearby field and irrigation but I didn’t find anything so I called for it and the cries continues and that’s where I looked up. I’ve seen a scared cat trapped in top of a tree. As much as I want to get him, it was not possible because the tree is a bit high and the bamboo bench wouldn’t reached him so I called for my sister, we tried to scared him down by pushing him with a stick but he is scared even more that he keeps hanging in the tree trunks.

Tiger Cat

We decided to get the small ladder at home, we put in the bamboo bench and I just hold it very tightly while my sister is climbing and reaching the scared cat. We are able to get him and I took him home, the cat was really scared but he is kind of sweet and loves to be touched and scratched.  The cat was also starving so I feed him a little, I initially tied him so he won’t run away since he is very scared of our little dog probably he got chased by dogs during the night making him climb in the tree.

Within the day, I decided to unleash the cat since he won’t stay still. I initially thought, he will return to his home but he decided to stay in our home, my family named him “Dongsu” he is a very sweet young male cat that loves to sleep in top of throw pillow. He loves to be pat and carried, he acts like a dog as well that wherever I go he keeps following us, it is either I have to walk the dog or I will just simply go out to buy something in the store.

Rescuing a  cat in a tree is easy as long as you stay calm as well as the the cat, you have to ensure the cat that you are his friend and you won’t hurt him. Always used a ladder when trying to rescue a cat to avoid falling.

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Pet Adoption: Adopting a Pet in Korea

Owning a pet is the dream of most people and the process of acquiring one from a breeder is not easy, they are sometimes expensive and full of frantic activity. While, in the province owning a pet is easy all you need to do is ask for one newborn pup or kitten from a neighbor, they’re usually given for free unless the animal has a breed which are usually sold for a certain price.

Well buying a pet is not always the answer because there are several animals that have no homes or people to care for them. If you are planning to own a pet I would suggest to look for animal shelter around you, not just cheaper but you are also able to help for these animals by giving them home and family to live in.
Pet Adoption in KoreaI am a pet person, I love dogs and cats since I am a little child because I have grown up having them at home and when I moved here in Korea with my husband cuddling a dog or kitten is one of the things I missed to do. I have been asking my husband to get me a kitten as he doesn’t like dogs (probably his tired hearing the constant barking of our neighbor’s dogs) but he didn’t approve it because the cat will just suffer being left alone when we travel and we are not going to be here in Korea long time. My husband is right so I am just contented looking pets for adoption at the Animal Rescue seeing the little cats and dogs made me wish that I am in the Philippines and I can maybe adopt them all one for myself.

Anyway if you are in Korea and want to own a pet please visit – help these little guys to have a foster home and family, they need  your love and attention.

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