Living with a Thankful Attitude and Grateful Heart

Today, is the fourth Sunday of the month and the scriptural topic is living with a thankful attitude and grateful heart. It was said that Thanksgiving is an attitude we should have everyday, every hour, every minute and every seconds. Our Pastor told everyone to always wear a smile too, and give a smile to the people around us because with this little gesture we are able to help, touch someone’s life and lighten there burden.

Living with a Thankful Attitude and Grateful Heart

According to what Paul has said to Timothy “People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy.” – 2 Timothy 3:2

On our generation today what has said was true, we can found it around us, we forgot to be thankful and being thankful is a personal decision, it is our self-desire. We should give thanks in everything, the hurts and the trials. God knows what’s on our heart and mind too, He notices when we are thankful and ungrateful. Always remember too God’s will is always expandable or elastic.

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The Man Who Forgot to be Thankful

It is the third Sunday of the month; the service will not start early so I didn’t hurry that much.  When I went inside the church, they are still announcing church concerns.  The praise and worship seems not joyful like the previous Sundays maybe because the congregation are being disturbed by the leader swiping her phone while leading the team,  it looks like she didn’t memorize the lyrics that she needs to look at her phone all the time. It was so much better when other youth members lead the praise and worship team, I guess I should just be thankful that there is someone who lead the praise and worship team, isn’t it?


The scriptural topic for this Sunday is about “The man who forgot to be thankful“.  All of us forgot to be thankful when our life is well, we forgot to say thank you to our parents who sacrifice a lot for us, waking up early to nurse us when we are still very young and vulnerable,  they gave us a better life, they brought us to school so we could learn and get a good life when we grow up. When was the last time you say thank you to your parents? We also forgot to say thank you to our friends and benefactors who are always there to help us emotionally and spiritually, and lastly we forgot to say thank you to God for all the blessings He showered to us.

It was said we must thankful for everything, it is either small or big.  We must count our blessings and name them one by one, blessings are not always material things, the love from God and people who love us is enough for us to be thankful.

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