Why Do Cats Eat Grass?

Kittens are indeed cute and adorable, I was busy preparing the moringa leaves that we are going to mixed with the pork ginger soup when my sister call me from the outside, she is saying something about “Jiyong”, our orange kitten which annoys me thinking why I have to be called when she’s there to look after the kitten.

It turns out the kitten climb into the drift wood and made some faces while enjoying the sunlight and my sister is asking me to take some photos of Jiyong. We put the kitten on leash because she is having a diarrhea and it is quite dirty to let the kitten inside our house in her state. It has been a few days since I put the kitten near the grassy field every morning so she could eat some grass to cure her stomach problem. Well it was just my observation that our older cats eat some grass and then throw up  afterwards, I have read somewhere that cat eat grass to cure their stomach ache and eating grass can help to  clear their stomach of fur, feathers, parasites or bones, which can irritate the digestive tract or even cause more lasting illness. I have noticed since a few days ago our kitten’s poop improved a bit unlike before that her poop just leak anywhere and anytime.

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