Looking After a Poorly Cat

Cats are well known for their independence and ability to look after themselves. So what do you do when your cat seems to need your help more than ever? An ill cat can be distressed or lacking in energy so you need to do your best at keeping your pet calm and happy.

Skin Issues

Cat with Skin Problem

 For cats with skin complaints caused by common problems such as fleas, bacterial infections and allergies care for them by bathing their sore or itchy patches in cool salt water. Alternatively you can apply an ice pack to relieve any discomfort to your cat’s skin. It is a good idea to also put an Elizabethan collar around your cat’s neck to stop him from licking the affected area. Flea treatment might also be an effective way of eliminating the fleas that still exist within the fur. For skin problems that turn septic or excrete an unpleasant smelling puss, an antibiotic treatment from the vet will likely need to be used.


Cat Drinking Milk

Cats are more likely to become dehydrated when they are really young or elderly. If your pet has been vomiting for more than 24 hours, it is vital that you seek help from a vet straight away as dehydration can be potentially very dangerous. It is also a good idea to take a look at multi pet insurance when budgeting for those unexpected vet costs.  However if your cat’s vomiting is less serious and occurs much less frequently, you should try not feeding him for at least 12 hours after the vomiting has stopped. After this, you could try feeding your poorly pet a tiny piece of boiled chicken or white fish and offer a slightly larger portion 2 hours later if this is tolerated.

Cat Flu


Mouth ulcers are a common result of cat flu and they make swallowing food uncomfortable and difficult. Ulcers that form on the eyes should be looked at by a vet as they can cause a lot of discharge around the area. Discharge can be wiped away from around the eyes and nose using a solution of warm salt water or Olbas Oil. A bunged up nose caused by this virus may also lead to loss of appetite for your cat as they are not tempted by the smell of the food. You could therefore try stronger smelling foods like pilchards to tempt them. It is also important to encourage them to eat by stroking them or grooming them. Finally, liquidising food will make swallowing easier for your cat in the case of ulcers caused by the virus. Also remember that if your cat has not eaten for more than 24 hours, you must call your vet.

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