Busy Weekend – Grilled Bulgogi

There are times I am asking myself where I am got wrong err what I mean why feel so darn lazy to post something here, maybe because I have nothing to write, writer’s block? I think mental block is more appropriate because I think I am going crazy, hahaha! Joke only,  anyway we had another grilled party last night don’t expect too much because it is just Pookie bear and me, while I am busy in front of our electric grill someone is having  a pretty life in front of his computer and keep asking me if I am not done yet and so on, demanding huh?

As a result our apartment stinks again, well  my duty is not done yet by grilling the bulgogi, laundry is waiting and a pot of rice need to be cook.  It’s  a busy night while I am mending my stomach cramps, the good thing is after I am done I can asked him whatever I like to eat, like making a sandwich for me and please a glass of water too.  Haha, just give and take. Well it is not yet over, I have to run to the nearest GS 25 for chocolates, just glad that  he don’t ate it all there are some left just for me.,

We did not shop yet so I don’t have yet the other kind of Dove Moisture Body Wash, he is giving me money but I feel lazy and cold to go out.

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My Cooking and His Eating Blunder

Here’s  a photo taken few days ago, I asked him to take photo of me and here’s the result. Smile! He just love playing around every time I ask him to take a photo of me.

Nothing to post, its a wordless Wednesday. I cooked spaghetti today for my meal, Pookie bear used some sauce to his eggs. As I am frying some eggs, I was surprised when the oil spark or whatever you may called it so I dropped some white eggs to the pasta, later on when Pookie bear ate he is preparing a serving of his rice when he accidentally flicked the  spoon and  your guess as good as mine he also drop some rice in the floor. He sounds angry when I asked him what happened, he thought I am going to “scold” him (lol), anyway when I told him what I did to his fried eggs, he didn’t scold me he just laugh and told me he knows it because his fried egg is quite smaller than usual, I added two egg whites but maybe what I drop into my pasta is more than two egg whites. I boiled some water to wash my pasta it might get spoiled with the egg whites eh. We’re both clumsy today huh?

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Meat Cooked in Spaghetti Sauce

Experimenting in cooking is already part of my life, my mother and I used to experiment food way back in Philippines. What I mean we just cook or sauted any vegetables we harvest from our small back yard garden or sometimes from grandmother’s  vegetable garden.

Last night I have cooked a pork with spaghetti sauce. There’s a left over spaghetti sauce from the jar so I used it as my main ingredients. You know here in Korea there’s a lot of  ready spaghetti sauce for sale  which you don’t need to cook anymore just pour it in the top of hot dumplings or pasta and eating time already.

Anyway this is how I cooked it , first I sauteed onions and the meat the I waited until the meat turns a little brown then I seasoned it with black pepper and salt, after it I pour the small jar of spaghetti sauce which has water already so all the spaghetti sauce will be used then I let it cooked until its done. Presto after it I have eaten my dinner, my husband says it tasted good. Wonder what is the name of this menu.

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