How Dog is Cat?

This year, O2 have launched one of their most successful advertising yet, in the form of their ‘Be more Dog’ website and adverts. Without explaining too much, cats just run around like dogs and catch Frisbees and stuff. If you haven’t seen it then it’s best to just watch it:

One of the most noticeable things is that, if you really think about it, there’s little to do with O2s services throughout any of this. So that enables the rest of us to do equally tenuous links to the advert itself. For that reason, we can look at the behavior, psychology, and any other factors to determine just how dog-like cats are.

It may be worth noting that there is no actual science in this. If you require some science then you should probably look elsewhere. Instead we’re going to mark cats out of 10 for how dog they are, e.g. a cat is 7/10 dog.


How does a dog behave? Due to their ability to be trained quickly, they often behave how you want them to. Regardless of that though, you’ll get a few servings of unwavering enthusiasm for whatever is in front of them.

Cats on the other hand, can and will not be trained. Their behavior is mainly dictated by their breed, age and how hungry they are. The only variation in this can appear when they’re unhappy, which will often result in a mess being made in your house somewhere, which you can’t train them not to do.

Dog behavior out of 10: 4


For anyone that likes a real-sized dog, and by that we of course mean spaniel and up, a lot of cats just don’t meet the mark. Large dog breeds such as St. Bernard and Neapolitan Mastiffs can weigh anything up to 12 stone, far off that of the biggest common domestic house cat, the Maine Coon, which weigh up to 1.8 stone. That’s only 1/6th of a dog. 1/6th of 10 is 1.8, so cats score 1.8 out of 10 for size.

Dog and Cat Together


We spend literally about five minutes searching on the internet for these results and couldn’t find anything conclusive, however, there’s a lot of speculation that cats can generally run faster and longer than dogs. We were unsure about this, but then we remembered that cheetahs are the fastest land animal on earth.

This means that cats not only match dogs on speed, they also overtake the, literally, giving them a speed score of 12 out of 10.


The health of a cat or dog depends on the breed, living conditions and diet. In the UK, the vet bills are pretty equal, and treatment for your cat such as frontline for cats is around the same price as the dog version. For that reason it’s hard to give them anything but 10/10


Hopefully you’ve found this in-depth and scientifically accurate article very informative, but the conclusive result on how cat a dog is cannot be outlined too easily, but we have deduced that cats are exactly 6 dogs out of 10.

Please get back to us if you want to add any more factors into this careful calculation.

Tom blogs about everything he likes and some things that he doesn’t. Amongst his main blog topics, he can always find the time to talk about pets. 

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