Pets and Home October 22nd, 2018 | No Comments »
It was yesterday, when my sister complained that it was hard for her to bath my dog. It turns out Jae Hwan doesn’t want to be bathed and today, she messages again that my dog isn’t eating. With this, I told her to call me in IMO when she came home from work late afternoon and let Jae Hwan see me, and let me see Whitey (my cat) too.

When, I was told that my dog doesn’t want to eat. I feel anxious because the first time I move out the house and went to Korea, all my cats died like they have missed me. I have read somewhere that pets feel sad and depressed when they can’t see their human anymore, they grieved silently. I made sure when I left Odiongan a few days ago to informed Whitey that I will leave, but will be returning to them, while didn’t really tell Jae Hwan where am I going, I just told her to stay.

As told, my sister called early in the evening with Jae Hwan in tow. She moves a lot whenever I called out her name and keeps hiding in my sister’s back, don’t know what my dog is thinking. Is she hated me or she just don’t want to see me because I didn’t tell her where am I going or if I am returning home. Meanwhile, Whitey, is more obedient, when you called her name she will keep looking at me with her two big eyes.
My guilt of leaving my pets behind is eating me up, my grandmother has two cats, but they are not the same pets I have at home, when I saw Jae Hwan and Whitey I have the thought of wanting to go home.
[ Tagged In ] Cats, Dogs, Leaving Pets Behind, Pet Love, Pets, Separation Anxiety
Pets and Home January 26th, 2014 | No Comments »
One of the most important parts of being a new pet owner is doing the research on how to be a responsible pet owner. Make sure you learn the proper feeding and grooming techniques to care for your little one.

Well, it is an old the tale that cats and dogs are enemies. I bet to disagree because my dog (Kangchi) and my three kittens get along together. On the first day of the three kittens in our house they are scared of Kangchi, I think it’s because it’s their first time to get along. But the second day, as I am feeding them w/ rice and some fish with milk to my surprise they eat together. And an hour ago, I saw them lying on the pillow I gave to Kangchi. They eat together, sleep together and play together.
[ Tagged In ] Animal Friendship, Cats, Cute Kittens, Cute Puppy, Dogs, Kangchi, Kittens and Puppy Friends
Pets and Home August 6th, 2013 | No Comments »
Dogs are not just man’s best friend they are also simply part of a family. I found this dog in a restaurant cute and entertaining, he is already shivering in cold but didn’t bother to call the attention of his human by barking or making noises, he just keep standing in the chair and look at his human to put him down or give him a hug.

The weather was not that cold but maybe because the dogs is newly groom, his hair is newly shave he felt cold than normal. I have read that grooming your pet is important to keep them healthy, comfortable and active. Regular grooming can also keep your dog’s coat healthy and shiny. Recurring grooming should also include nail clippings, teeth brushing, and ear cleanings. If you can, you should start grooming your dog at a young age so it becomes routine to them and they don’t learn to fear the process.
[ Tagged In ] Cute Dog, Dog, Dog Grooming, Dog Hair Shaving, Dogs, White Dog