Sending a Package Home and Cooking Soup for Brunch

I wake up very early today and finally I am able to send the package home it has been sitting here for few months already. My husband carry it to the post office,  I also told him I might borrow some of his money in case I need more and my money is not enough. Well I had enough but the fact that the postal fee increases already,  the fee increased with 2 kilos rate.

Soup Diet

I went back to sleep after going home from the post office and when I wake up again I cooked soup for breakfast and lunch. I can’t eat solid food my wisdom tooth is bothering me again, instead of growing downwards it grew sideways so it is touching my gums.

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Alumni Conference in Icheon Elementary School

I wake up today with loud music and an emcee speaking in the nearby elementary school. My husband told me that there’s something going on because he saw some tent from our window. After making my coffee I decided to check it out, I didn’t even finish drinking it I just had one sip, I changed my clothes and I went out.

When I arrived in the school entrance I saw a lot of cars and this banner but as I can’t read Hangul I can’t still figure out what was the occasion.

Icheon Elementary School

There’s really a lot of tent encircling the wide playground and they are full of people and food. Others are drinking soju (the popular liquor here), eating and talking to each other. There are few people in the play ground which looks like they are doing fun games, I saw some people with balloons. I didn’t take long because I am too shy to be noted and snapping around, I was not able to take good picture because there are cars and trucks blocking me from where I stand.

Icheon Elementary School

I walk around the school I mean the street around the school so people will not think I just went there to take pictures. Anyway when I arrived home I translated what is written in the banner and it says “The 5th Icheon Elementary School Alumni Conference” thanks to Korean Virtual keyboard and Google translate for making it possible.

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Victim of Playful Revenge from my Husband

Last night while I am in our bathroom I have noticed the pink color in our floor indicating our bathroom is already dirty so I immediately get  a sponge and a bleach. My husband didn’t like what I am doing not because I am cleaning the bathroom late at night but because I am cooking the chicken for his meal and I am not attentive into it.

So he told me to look after the food I am cooking in the kitchen so I immediately turn off the water and went in our kitchen.  Hours passed by and he need to brush his teeth when he turn on the faucet in our bathroom sink the water flows in to the shower rather than in the sink, unprepared he got wet and  angry at me believing that I intended to left the shower on.

I didn’t know that he planned something like revenge so when its my time to brush my teeth before we sleep I was surprised when the shower is on instead of the faucet, it looks like I took a bath because my clothes are very wet.  My husband laugh hard upon hearing me yelling inside the bathroom, what happened is he really focused the head of the shower to the sink to make sure I am going to be wet and I did especially I turn on the faucet on its maximum current, he also hide the controller by adjusting the faucet controller to the left. I have no choice but to change my clothes.

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Cold Day and Starbucks in Icheon Soon

Well after more than one month I have already decided what this blog all about, this will be my journal in expat living here in Korea. To start with it is chilling cold today with -16 degree Celsius, the frost from yesterday are still in the street but most of them are clean and shoveled by locals.

Starbucks Icheon

We went to Lotte Super today to shop for our weekly supplies and I have found out that in the nearby building where Family Mart stands is now under-renovation, soon Starbucks will rise in that area. Within two year of living here in Icheon I have witnessed how the city progress, more and more building, establishments are built.

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Snowy Friday and Buying Chocolates from Watsons

It snowed two times today I would like to go out this morning to take picture of me in the snow but cooking makes me busy. I just postponed it thinking I can have pictures later when we go to the gym, well the snow stop and before I know it our landlord started cleaning the frost in front of the apartment and in the garage. So when we went out to go to the gym the street is snow clean but the good thing is it is snowing again! Yipee, I asked my husband to take picture of me well he did but he said you can’t really see the snow, maybe because it is just starting.

Icheon, Gyeonggi-do

We first went to the bank and while waiting for him I went out and started taking snapshots around me and of course myself.

Truffles Chocolate

To make the story short it is our cheat day today, so we went to Watsons to buy some chocolates. Because he ate two of my chocolates last weekend he bought two for me and treat me another chocolate, I picked two truffles and a chocolate bar and then to the bakery to buy brown bread and have a stop in Family Mart to buy chicken and mayonnaise, all we got is the latter so went to the nearby Gs25 to buy chicken and he asked me if I want a meal as I am full from my dinner I opted on chocolate wafer. I didn’t eat my chocolates yet, thinking I can add this to my box (to send home).

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Lovely Greeting Card from a Friend

Today we heard some scratches outside our door, it sounds weird. It’s like a kid playing and scratching then afterwards it sounds like someone is tearing something that is taped on our door, we just concluded it is our landlord especially when someone arrived and asked for something and we heard two guys talking outside but neither of the two sounds like our landlord.

So I told my husband when we went out to go the gym we are going to be surprised when our door is full of scratch, anyway it turns out it is the landlord’s friend based on the truck in front of our apartment building with an old toilet bowl. He maybe tearing something on it,  oh well I have found our internet bill stuck on the small mailbox beside our door and was surprised there’s another mail with it, been waiting for this mail since we arrived from vacation. I thought it already arrived and got lost in the bigger mailbox here in the apartment.

Personalized Christmas Card

Thank you ate Rose for the lovely card,  it is so cute and well made.  Ate Rose is a very kind and lovely blogger I  met online, she has a good humor that will make you smile once you get to know her well.  Meet the Cottrill’s by visiting  Travel’s and Wandering  and few more other sites that you’re going to know when you hop in now to these blogs.

This is the first greeting card I received from a blogger friend and it means a lot to me I am planning to buy a photo album and keep all the keepsakes there. Again thanks a lot ate Rose, Merry Christmas too and Happy New Year. More blessings to count and share!

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Life Change Gym is Temporarily Closed

Early this evening we went to gym for our work-out schedule, when we reached the second floor we smell a strong chemical and the two restaurants are closed. When we reached the third floor where the gym is located the door is open but it is very silent, when we came inside the gym is empty nobody is working out.

We found in the information that gym is closed because of the strong smell, the lady owner told us that there’s fire yesterday at one of the restaurant in the second floor, she apologized but we said no need because we understand. So no choice we left after asking  when will the gym will be open again, she said after two days.

We tried to peep inside the closed restaurant if how big is the damage but we can’t see it, we are in that situation when the guy owner of the gym found us, we greeted each other and asked if we are looking at the right restaurant.

Anyway I don’t know what to say but having fire in the building already crossed on my mind, it is not the first time that something crossed on my mind and it happens.

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Kimchi A Lot of Work

It is been few months already since we bought Kimchi from the supermarket but since last week we started to buy and eat Kimchi again.  So in short my cooking escapades in our kitchen rolled again, you know frying eggs with kimchi or fried rice and etc.

Just tonight I just finished cutting the kimchi into pieces which is required hard work (lol) what I mean lot of work, need to clean the kitchen for the splattered Kimchi juice, wash the dishes and the Kimchi bag before throwing it in the garbage. If I am not going to wash it the whole apartment will stinks like Kimchi.

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On Sending EMS Package from Korea

Finally the box I’ve sent to Philippines last Friday arrived today to my family. I thought it is already gone missing because when I tracked it the last information the box arrived in the Philippines and nothing else.

My sister is so happy upon seeing pringle’s in the box, she said it’s been a long time since she’s been asking our mother to buy her pringle’s  so the pringle’s I’ve sent is just on time. One of the souvenirs I’ve sent was broken so they just glued it. Maybe the box was not carried carefully or they just throw it away (sigh). Oh well the good thing is the box still arrived., my worried feeling for it is gone.

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Middle of the Night and Craving for Pizza

I wake up late today, it is already noon time. Felt so tired last night, my husband asked me to buy some profiteroles but sad to say nothing is left so I bought muffins instead. When I reached home he is not satisfied with the bake goods and he asked me to look for pizza in the middle of the night, I walked to the pizza place I know and they are all closed. I thought his craving will end up there, but I am wrong he asked me to look for loaf of bread as he wants to have grilled cheese sandwich so I went out again and when I came home I prepared the grilled cheese sandwich.

Korean Local Bakeshop

It has been a long walk last night, I also try to go to Watsons to buy chocolates but it is already closed when I reached there.

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