The Old Apartment in Seoul

It’s been ages since I joined nostalgia because I have been busy and partly I can’t think of something that will remind me. The photo below was taken a year ago in our old apartment in Seoul, it has two rooms and the small room that will supposed to be kid’s room is our dresser or room for clothes. We are heading to China the next day that’s why our clothes are already packed and only left on the rack are my day clothes.


That day too my husband new camera just arrived and he took a sample shot of me while closing the door in the balcony.


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Cleaning and Organizing the Apartment

It just started by my things filing up in the closet, small towels, unused brassiere and underwear’s that are still packed on their little pouch. My husband noticed that the stuff on the little board is getting heavier and it might lost control and will result to a big mess.

So he removed the makeshift board at top and transfer the underwear’s and socks to floor cabinet, and the things on the floor cabinet to the built-in cabinet near the main door and my junk in the built-in cabinet to trash can and box.


It took me so long to segregate things as everything are precious to me, we ended up throwing the red food cover given to us by Nonghyup Supermarket, the old scale, old umbrella and my old sandals then after cleaning we went shopping to Lotte Super, we shopped mostly vegetables I’ll blog it to my food blog if not today maybe tomorrow.

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Eating Chinese Food from Chai Wok on Weekend

I thought our last cheat day is last Friday before we start our juice fasting but it’s not, last night we had ice cream and today we had Chinese food and some sweets. I went to the Chinese restaurant alone to order a take-out, it is a little far from us around 15-20 minutes away.


The only thing I noticed when I am walking in the shopping district it seems I am the only one wearing a faded old pants and faded old clothes, lol even the few South East Asian people are on their sporting clothes. In short I look more like I am inside the house, I guess I need to change my outfit next time. Lol!

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Shopping for Groceries at Kim’s Club Mart

Nothing new around me aside from wishing to lose weight, the other day my husband shop for our daily supplies as we run out of rice. He want to buy 10kg of rice as he don’t like carrying a big sack but when I found out that the 10kg of rice is same price of the 20kg I insist of buying it. He agreed in one condition I am going to be the one who will carry the rice without thinking I said yes despite that Kim’s Mart is quite far from our place, the money that we are going to save is the only thing matters to me.

After shopping for other stuff and paying into the counter, I asked him to put the rice on my head. Oh well, maybe he felt embarrassed to other people that he is the man and I am the one who will carry the rice he told me that he will carry it. So the result I carried three large bags and it took me forever to go home. Lol! I am just carrying less than 10kg what if I ended up carrying the 20kg of rice I might roll in the street just to go home. Silly me!

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Sick Feeling, Feeling Sick

It’s been a long time since my last post here huh? I was feeling sick these past few days then my monthly visitor came that makes me roll in pain, then the next day I just wake up with headache. It feels like my head is spinning dunno where did I get it all I know I just ate rice that night before I sleep,  Pookie bear says maybe I am dehydrated so I drink a lot of water but the headache won’t go away, then I recall the pain I felt when I encountered food intolerance it is the same feeling. I immediately took some spoon of sugar and rested for a while I feel like vomiting but my stomach is empty though.

So the whole week I just lay down on bed, watch some TV shows online and sleep,  as I would like to post something on my blog or design some wordpress theme I can’t do it since I feel sick, I remember my Facebook update that I feel like my head is gonna explode that’s what I felt these past few days, it feels like my head is gonna blew up if I force it to think. Teary eyes added to the injury it looks my eyes don’t like the bright of my computer dunno if I am gonna retired from blogging or I need an eyeglass. Huhuhu

So sorry guys for being away. I am thinking of returning to my tweaks as soon as possible. See yeah!

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Strange Day: Seeing Police in the Neighborhood

I went to the bank today to pay the bills, I went at lunch time so there’s only few people especially in the machine. When I return home there’s something strange, I saw a police car in front of our apartment and there’s a middle-aged woman peeping on their gate, I have seen the police in front of a small track  just few meters away from our apartment dunno  what is he doing over there maybe talking to someone.

Korean Police

Didn’t take photo of him I might get arrested (lol) but I managed to took photo of the police car before closing our door.

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Today is Gwangbokjeol Here in Korea!

August 15 is a public holiday so we had a long weekend the gym is close too which makes me happy (hehe).  I am not really enjoying the gym these past few days because my back bothers me.

Anyway you might ask what is Gwangbokjeol it literally means “Restoration of Light Day” to make it short its Liberation Day it commemorates Victory over Japan Day, which liberated Korea from colonial rule. The South Korean government was created three years later, on August 13, 1948, when Syngman Rhee was sworn in as the first President of South Korea and Gwangbokjeol was officially designated a public holiday on October 1, 1949.

We’d watched an Indian horror movie a while ago entitled “Haunted” was not able to watch it fully because I am kinda busy blogging.

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Changes in Icheon and Procrastination

I have been procrastinated these past few days, we are away for almost one week so I had  a marathon reading of all the things I missed, like reading online news papers and etc.

As I walked around the vicinity I have noticed some changes, there are two built stores and there’s a store that closes already,  imagine that it  only happens in one week what more in one month?  Maybe I am going to be lost already, haha. Just a short update about me, I’ll post more when there’s a topic that will blink on my mind.

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Back in Korea After Trekking in Mongolia

We arrived yesterday and a rainy day welcomed us when our plane landed on the run way.  After three hour bus ride we finally reached home, the first thing I did was to work with water filter to make sure we have water to drink then cooked rice, do the laundry and cooked the chicken.

I am little worried last night because Pookie bear is not feeling well, he throw  up early this morning dunno I guess his stomach gets upset upon eating three quarter pound burger from McDonalds, and ice cream as well, despite of feeling sick he needs to go to school to teach, he won’t like eating anything even I told him to drink hot water or coffee as we are out of milk and didn’t shop yet since we arrived. I wonder why didn’t I take those online nursing classes or get that online nutrition degree  so he would believed me,   he always thought that my findings and inputs when he feels sick are ridiculous.

Well he ate a little a while ago he said his stomach don’t upset him anymore but he feels very tired and feel some body pain which I felt too, maybe carrying a big heavy back pack for me. What I noticed is I can’t eat the same food I ate anymore before we left dunno if I am just use having fresh salad on my plate or my stomach feels so tired eating meat. I also wake up early in the morning today which disturbs me because I don’t usually do it, anyway Pookie bear says he won’t eat McDonald’s again because it makes him sick, like what I experienced when I ate burger. I’ve missed a lot of things online, my inbox is full of spams especially my blogs. So it would take time before I segregate valid emails from friends as too busy to do marathon reading on what is happening, news reading.

Somehow a thread caught my attention about DTI permits for bloggers I am so confused about it as I am just away for more than one week and there’s already thing like that,  as I believed you don’t need DTI permits if you are just giving away small stuff without sponsors, does the raffle during Christmas party has DTI permit too? I mean small giveaway among group of people not those raffle contest that you need to purchase tickets to be enable to win.

Anyway didn’t read the DTI rules so I am out of it (lol) plus  I am not in the Philippines and  I seldom or I hosted only one giveaway, so I guess I’ll just wait and see on what will happened, if it is really needed or not by small time syndicate errr bloggers.

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Dream of Poop: Winning Paypal Money from PostNjoy

There’s an old belief that if you dream a poop it means MONEY, and it happened to me.  Last night or let me say this early morning while I am sleeping I have dreamed of poop, I just tell a brief story of it.  I dreamed of two young pipz, they look like my cousins in Germany but I am not too sure though because in my dream they are not my cousins but kids I need to take care,…the older one wants to use the toilet so I went out the building to give her privacy then after a while I saw her behind the glass looking sad and when I went in, all of her poop is scattered in the floor and in different trashcans in the corner, in my dreams she don’t know how to use the toilet so she throw her poop in trashcans, and it leave marks in the shiny floor (like a foot prints), a lot of it.  So I told her we need to clean it before people came for a meeting, so I  mop it and some people rush in, I am not yet finished though I just finished the first room and a realization came the trashcan has a poop still then I wake up.


If you are a blogger and want to earn money by doing things you like, join PostnJoy.

When I wake up I lay down for a minute as I feel very tired which usually happened every time I had a dream, then I opened my email add which is I seldom do first because mostly I opened my click ads before looking at my inbox. What catch my attention is the mail from PostnJoy with subject [PostNjoy] Announcing 7th Opp. Winners~! so I immediately opened it first and guess what? I am so surprised and happy I won the 1st place and I can’t believed itI won $100 just writing about Magic Science BBcream and my dream is indeed means money.  Thank you Lord for the blessings!

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