My Box of Polysaccharide Iron Complex

As I have blogged lately I am bored but I just found out it is not really boredom, it is simply tiredness. I am not very energetic, I even feel weak going to gym. I already observed for the past few months that I always got a cold feet and hands, my husband keep teasing me I am a cold blooded. If before wearing socks can comfort me these past few days it won’t anymore, I still feel cold not my entire body but as what I have said just my feet and hands. So last night I research what does this feeling cause, so here’s what I have found out:

  • Parasites
  • Allergies
  • Hypo-Thyroidism
  • Anemia
  • Candida
So probably I am anemic, lack of iron in short because I am not eating a balance diet and I just eat two times a day with big servings, I sleep late as two o’clock in the morning sometimes later than that.

So today I went out to buy iron supplements. The pharmacist gave me two kinds of iron supplement I picked this one because this is the cheapest for $55.08, the other one is times two.  It is 120 tablets good for 4 months.  When I reached home, Pookie bear asked me to return it to the pharmacy because it is very expensive just for iron supplements but I didn’t follow him because it is such an embarrassment. So the end result I have to pay for it, my three weeks allowance was gone. Huhuhu

Just a little information Anemia is a decrease in number of red blood cells (RBCs) or less than the normal quantity of hemoglobin in the blood and is the most common disorder of the blood.  Some common ymptoms are feeling of weakness, or fatigue, general malaise and sometimes poor concentration. They may also report dyspnea (shortness of breath) on exertion. In very severe anemia, the body may compensate for the lack of oxygen-carrying capability of the blood by increasing cardiac output. The patient may have symptoms related to this, such as palpitations, angina (if preexisting heart disease is present), intermittent claudication of the legs, and symptoms of heart failure.

Hopefully the feeling that I can’t explain that there are days I feel tense that my heart palpitates abnormally is because of being anemic and not a heart disease, and I also hope my frontal headache is because of being anemic and not because of my eyes, I don’t want to wear eye glass and I think my blood don’t really circulate well because sometimes I feel pain like electricity shock on my arms and legs plus I cannot crack my fingers, I remember when I had a massage my aunt says  if I can cracked my fingers, it means good blood circulation but I can’t so it is not good circulation.
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Scrambled Eggs with Onions

I think the most easiest food to cook is eggs, just fried or boiled it and you will overcome your hunger. So I always cook and eat eggs (lol), just lately I am being tired of frying it and eating it with soy sauce or kimchi, so yesterday I tried scrambled egg without tomatoes. I put a lot of onions as well garlic, I remember when I am still a kid  I hate eating scrambled eggs with garlic and onion even if my mother keep telling me that it tasted good.

Well I think when you grew up everything changed, you ate what you don’t like to eat when you are younger!

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Bowl of Chocolate Cereal and Fresh Milk Overload

I feel bloated right now, after I ate my dinner. I munched some cookies and now I am eating cereal even I don’t like too, guess why? The milk is going to expire tomorrow and Pookie will not like it if I wasted a fresh milk.

So I have no choice but to pour more than half of it in this bowl of cereal, wish me luck that I am going to drink all the milk tonight. Waaahhh….

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Sofa Set in the Street of Icheon

Seriously I need a break, I need a break from blog hopping what I mean Entrecard dropping.  Since I decided to add my two blogs in entrecard I am dropping cards over time,  my schedule  is in the afternoon or evening I am going to dropped using my two new cards, then in the evening my travel or personal blog plus  visit also my friends on my link exchange. Well its reshuffle sometimes my personal in the afternoon, I need a break right now because I want to watch few TV shows, so see you folks later…Hehe, drama!

But for sure I can’t take a break because while watching I can stop my hands from opening a new tab, haha. But before that this my share of red for Tuesday, taken after gym. This are still good looking chairs, sofa set or sala set but they are already thrown by owners, so if you want one picked your choice.


Korean throw anything in the street as long as they don’t need it, not like us me Pinoys we keep holding on to them which is sometimes for display. There are times you can see a good looking cabinet in the street, it really looks like brand new and when a truck came they will just tore it down. Sayang!

My husband kept telling teasing me that I should picked the green one because he knows how I want to have a relaxing chair inside our apartment, we don’t buy things, furniture and etc., here because we’re not going to live here for a lifetime plus our stay in one apartment depends on his work contract, so if he got  a new job it means new apartment.  So carrying just two big back pack is a relief.,

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Tamarind Powder Equals Pork Sinigang

I am being busy lately with tweaking my blog, looking for more nice template and etc., this is what I have cooked yesterday, Sinigang ala pobre.  Haha, correction just sinigang (sour soup) I just added  ala pobre because of the poor ingredients. I cooked it with tamarind powder, from the stuff we bought from the Asian store which I am not mistaken last year, just cannot remember what month. As it is there’s only small powder left after I seasoned it I decided to use it  all and the result very sour…yummy!

My ingredients include meat, cabbage, potato and onions. Haha, I use potato instead of gabi, that’s all I got here, I just used the present ingredients what matter most it tasted like sinigang and not nilaga isn’t it? My bowl is quite small so I didn’t put a lot of soup in it.

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Pork Adobo with Potato Overload

Feel so busy today, I cooked my pork adobo. You might be startled why I feel so busy when I am just going to cook meals, Pookie bear eat different meal as he is always on diet during weekdays, so I have two cook three times for him and same with me.  It would be so easy if I can just cooked once  or twice but its not especially Pookie bear’s last meal at night is kind of tiring to cook, Kimchi Fried rice or Kimchi Eggs. More tiring last few months because I have to cook the two meal at night.

So tonight I have cooked my pork adobo I put a lot of potatoes because I like potatoes so much, I only used small drop of sauce on my rice  if you are startled why it doesn’t looks like adobo. Hopefully this viand will last until tomorrow evening so I am not going to fried eggs or anything for me. Haha,

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Triangle Gimbap for Dinner

It just come to the point that I am sick of eating eggs and spam, its been my food since the last two days, so tonight I want  a change, I went to Family Mart to look for an instant meal but what is left is meatballs, I hate to say this but meatballs makes me sick as well, so the last resort is to buy gimbap to feed my hungry stomach and this is my dinner for tonight.

Hopefully I am not going to be hungry again in the middle of the night because I am also sick of of frying eggs and eating big serving of rice as if I am not going to sleep, two hours after 12 in the morning. Just wrapped these with gim (sea weed) and ready to eat. Yum!

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Rice, Fried Eggs and Kimchi

As what I have said to my other blog I am starving myself because of being a picky eater, I usually ate late but its being more late lately, so you are not going to be surprised if I keep telling “I don’t feel well” because I just ate when I my head is already aching (lol), as my Pookie bear always says “You always don’t feel well!” Yeah, right so there’s nothing new about it, I think I have been eating eggs for almost a week, boiled eggs and fried eggs, no scramble eggs so lazy to cut onions and garlic. Haha, what I mean I don’t like it except there’s tomatoes which I forgot to buy the last time we shop.

Maybe you are asking what’s happening to me, all I can say is I am craving for vegetables, pinakbet, ginatang langka, laing, ginisang monggo or ginatan, chopsuey, malunggay, kamote tops, kangkong, oh well I want to eat vegetables especially green leafy vegetables, call me a goat but I love munching leafy vegetables. I also want to eat fresh fish with soup (sinabawan), ginata or paksiw and yeah even prito. I never eat fish here, because Pookie bear don’t like the smell so imagine my food here it is always meat and chicken (because I already retired eating noodles) which we seldom eat in the Philippines, maybe that’s the reason why I weigh too much. I ate vegetables but it is just squash which is too hard to peel, I don’t like their eggplant here it is too old, that the seeds are fully grown up. Ahhh, I missed my vegetarian meal. Someone please  send me a bowl of cooked vegetables kahit saluyot or kangkong pa yan, I am thankful already. He-he

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Sunday, Spam, Sundae, Ice cream

Hi guys, how’s your weekend?  Mine is working fine aside from I am starving, lol. There are times I came to the point I don’t feel like eating what is around, tired of it. Anyway I don’t know if I am really tired or just too lazy to cook my food because been addicted surfing online.

We didn’t hike yesterday because according to weather forecast it is going to rain so we are awake until 4 AM because we already cancelled the supposed hiking day, and guess what it did not rain. Pookie bear don’t like to do it today (Sunday) so we moved it again to the next next weekend, don’t know if it will materialized that time, let’s just hope and see.I was bored last night not until I remember my old emails and when I open them, there’s a lot of spam mails from social networking sites I have joined when I am newbie to internet, like in Tagged, Fanbox, Hi5 and etc., I am thinking of deleting all my online affiliations but thinking of how old are them, it stop me. You know me everything has  sentimental value, that’s why my husband called me a packed rat and my stuff as a junk. Haist,!

For sure you know it already today is the 119th Anniversary of the first Documented Ice cream sundae, so let’s celebrate. “Manong isang apa nga diyan!”

Evanston was one of the first locations to pass a blue law against selling ice cream sodas in 1890. “Some ingenious confectioners and drug store operators [in Evanston]… obeying the law, served ice cream with the syrup of your choice without the soda. Thereby complying with the law … This sodaless soda was the Sunday soda.” As sales of the dessert continued on Mondays, local leaders then objected to naming the dish after the Sabbath. So the spelling of the name was changed to Sundae.

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Gangbyeon Bus Station: Dongbu Express

Bus is an important public transportation of human society, we can find bus anywhere that travels up to the farthest destination of a certain country.  Well it’s been a long time since I took  bus and went to Seoul the last time was on February when I am supposed to meet my cousin in Seoul.  The photo below was taken that day, while I am waiting for the bus going to our city, I went out the terminal and took few photos of everything including this pink bus which is very lucky to be part of Pink Fridays.

This is an Express bus owned by  Dongbu Express begin its operation on July 5, 1972 with Seoul-Yongin route.  As what I have read Dongbu Express currently operates 200 units of express buses, which are equipped with the latest facilities such as satellite TV and high quality seats in 30 routes with Youngdong region as their basis of operation in provision of advanced passenger transportation service. The company received Traffic Culture Award given by the Korea Broadcast Services and  been recognized as the safest and friendly express bus services through designation of 1st ranking company in the survey of Korea Industry Customer Satisfaction conducted by the Korea Management Association.

The drivers are really friendly when the bus left and arrived to its destination the driver will just stand near the doorway and greet all the passenger.

Read more @Dongbu Express

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