The Tale of Peanut Butter Sandwich and a Cup of Coffee

If you already stumbled to my food blog you already know what happened yesterday, what happened to my food. As I am not feeling well and not in the mood to go the gym I didn’t went out  yesterday so Pookie bear went alone, he didn’t forced me to go which is surprising because we always have a tug of war every time I feel lazy going to the gym, well maybe he knew his mistakes especially I told him I have no strength and I feel weak because I have not eaten yes as my supposed to be viand was thrown by someone.

Last night he asked how could I forgive him, I replied when my empty stomach is full. Then he asked me again what do I want to eat except for adobo which is already in the pail. So I ordered cup of coffee and four peanut butter sandwich, he asked me again if it is okay if he makes it five(5) as the left buns are five pieces. So I said yes, while he is making my order. I keep nagging him to make it faster, hurry, quick and etc., as I am hungry, you know playing like I am the boss and he is my servant. Lol! He told me to wait and my food will be ready if it is ready.

When he is done with my coffee he brought it to me but as I am busy online I neglect it for a second then he return it in the kitchen he said he don’t want to play because he can’t bend (lower back pain), poor sweetie so I went to the kitchen to get the coffee and sandwich. While blogging I am munching the sandwich and sipping my coffee,  when I finished eating he asked me if I forgive him already, I replied you have to wait for a second I need to chew the remaining particles on my mouth and when I done I said yes and we are now peace. He asked me after wards, did you enjoy your expired bread? LOL

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Chicken Adobo (Adobong Manok)

This is what I have cooked the other day and now it is in the garbage pail, well not all just the left over which is supposed to be my meal today. What happened? A  huge bear throw it in the sink, just when I wake up he perfectly told  it to me, he said it is my fault for not keeping it in the fridge as what I am told to do so but hello it’s adobo, it was cooked with vinegar and won’t spoil easily. So mean, so I have nothing to eat today but eggs, I don’t feel like eating spam eh.


Chicken, soy sauce, vinegar, black pepper, potatoes, oil, onion, garlic, water


  • Saute the the garlic and onion
  • Add the chicken let it brown a litte
  • Add the vinegar and let it boil then add the soy sauce and do the same
  • Add enough water after wards, seasoned it with black pepper
  • And when it is near to cook add the potatoes
  • Serve hot with rice
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Is it a Pudding or Not?

Simple things are being complicated when Pookie bear and I don’t agree with each other, we went to Kim’s Club Mart on Friday night, yes we are shopping in two super market and the dove body wash is in the other store. Anyway we bought two package of bulgogi for our grilled party (lol). I also bought bread for me, I choose these bread cake below, I called it pudding but Pookie bear don’t agree with me. He said it is not, it is baked that way, he don’t believed me when I told him it is really a pudding and it is made of old bread.  He said it is like a date loaf with raisins, the bread is all eaten but we are still consistent with our own belief.

Maybe we should ask the bakeshop so we’re going to agree to each other what is the name of this bread, which is impossible because I can’t imagine  how to explain it in the air that I am asking for the name of this bread.

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Blackie, the Korean dog

Meet “Blackie”, I don’t know what’s his name I just called him Blackie every time I saw him around the neighborhood. I think the store owner in the corner owns him, because that’s where I saw him at night, he is busy smelling for food in the garbage bag when I throw some egg cartoons, just so lucky I brought my camera as we are going to the gym, he posed for me but he looked quite unhappy. His cute, isn’t it?

Camera Critters

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Busy Weekend – Grilled Bulgogi

There are times I am asking myself where I am got wrong err what I mean why feel so darn lazy to post something here, maybe because I have nothing to write, writer’s block? I think mental block is more appropriate because I think I am going crazy, hahaha! Joke only,  anyway we had another grilled party last night don’t expect too much because it is just Pookie bear and me, while I am busy in front of our electric grill someone is having  a pretty life in front of his computer and keep asking me if I am not done yet and so on, demanding huh?

As a result our apartment stinks again, well  my duty is not done yet by grilling the bulgogi, laundry is waiting and a pot of rice need to be cook.  It’s  a busy night while I am mending my stomach cramps, the good thing is after I am done I can asked him whatever I like to eat, like making a sandwich for me and please a glass of water too.  Haha, just give and take. Well it is not yet over, I have to run to the nearest GS 25 for chocolates, just glad that  he don’t ate it all there are some left just for me.,

We did not shop yet so I don’t have yet the other kind of Dove Moisture Body Wash, he is giving me money but I feel lazy and cold to go out.

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Cancelled Hiking Plans

Hi guys I was not able to blog yesterday, I am not feeling well but I feel a little better now. Yesterday it rain then snowed here, its already spring but there’s still snow huh? So the hiking that we are planning for tomorrow will be cancel, its quite cold outside and the temperature tomorrow will be the same so we can’t enjoy the hiking so much, hopefully next week.

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Grilling Galbi and Dweji Bulgogi at Home

The other night I have blogged about the fun we had with our new electric grill, we bought two kinds of marinated meat, Pookie bear was the one who put the meat in the electric grill and I am the one who turn it to be cook.


Above is Galbi,  a marinated beef short ribs  in a ganjang-based sauce (Korean soy sauce). In the Korean language, galbi literally means “rib” and can often indicate uncooked ribs. In addition, the dish’s full name is galbi gui, although “gui” (grilling) is commonly omitted to refer to it.

Dweji bulgogi

Above is Dweji bulgogi  or Spicy pork bulgogi it is also a popular Korean barbecue dish and it is quite different from beef bulgogi because it is marinated is gochugang (Korean chili powder) and not in soy sauce.

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Finally A Real Plumber Arrived!

Well finally our toilet was fixed, a real plumber came and used a toilet auger to removed the stuck tooth brush, I did not see it though because I run to the nearest bank here in our place to withdraw if ever we need more money to pay the plumber. When I returned home the plumber’s truck is not in the front of the apartment anymore, so I when I went inside our apartment someone is having  a cool time surfing the net without cleaning or removing the said toothbrush in the bathroom floor. Pookie bear’s co-teacher was the one who called the plumber, I think she look online for a plumber. The guy who first came here its not really  a real plumber but a tile installer, I mean his business is tiles. He is a friend of our landlord so they gave him the business and maybe he is the one who installed tiles in this apartment. Anyway Pookie bear’s co teacher also got the money we payed to the first guy, so what I owed to Pookie bear is 2 weeks and half of my allowance. I made a bargain with him if it is fine just to make it two weeks and he said yes, but I make a deal again what if he just deduct half  in on my allowance every week.  Then he replied its fine, 5 weeks.

Plumber, Janitor, Pömpel, Repair, Work, Fig, Cute

[Photo courtesy of Alexas_Fotos/]

When he returned to school for his next class, I went to the bank to pay bills and I could say I can pay my bills alone now using the machine, because the last time I pay I have to ask the woman at my back what’s next by pointing the screen to her. So on next month I am not going to disturb the guy in the information counter. If you don’t yet I am very happy that I finally established a communication my aunt and cousins in Germany,  my cousins are already teenager except for the younger who is eight years old if I am not mistaken. I just saw them on pic when they are a toddler and I am in Elementary., and since then we have no communication with them.So as I feel happy and relieved I decided to enjoy  and treat myself by shopping some small stuff for me. Love my new little  teddy bear..hehe

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Wanted Plumber, A Real Plumber!

Well it seems our toilet will be plugged for a long time or maybe forever after I accidentally dropped my toothbrush in it, the plumber insist its fine and he don’t think the toilet needs to be open, lol. He also said we have two choices, to get the money back from him but we have to go to their office which is we both don’t know where is it, or he is going to return in our apartment the next time the toilet is plugged. So does it mean he is going to come here everyday after we sit in our throne? Anyway what he didn’t understand is the toothbrush needs to be removed in the toilet, because it is stuck in the curve pipe.

Plumber, Frog, Loo, Pömpel, Repair, Session, Blocked

[Photo courtesy of Alexas_Fotos/]

So my husband get annoyed not just to me but to the plumber and to his co-teacher as well. Right now he is contacting Dad asking if he can come here in Korea if he will shoulder his air fare just  to unplugged the toilet here, I don’t know if he is serious but that’s what I read  on what he is typing right now, nosy me. I wonder how much does it cost, from Canada to Korea so might not be serious because if he is I am going to be in a shit hole. I might not have allowance for five years or more considering the amount of allowance I received from him weekly, which is just for chocolate treats. So sad!

So right now we need  a plumber, a real plumber! Haist if we are just in Philippines, any person can do this as long as you are willing to pay. It is cheap too $6-7 a day., so I suggest to Pookie bear maybe we don’t need a plumber, a laborer will do because my father can also fixed our plugged toilet and he is not a plumber.

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Eating Rice and Gim

There are times I don’t feel like cooking that’s why I love having an instant food at home where I can just heat it in the microwave oven and ready to eat. Unfortunately I don’t like most of the instant food here not just because they are hot and spicy but because I am not used too.

One night I have been hooked up on my online activities when I felt my stomach needs for food, I don’t wanna cook because I will spend a lot of time so I just eat rice and gim. I love eating gim not like before that I almost vomit with the smell. Gim (kim) is a Korean-style edible seaweed in the genus Porphyra, similar to the Welsh-style laver and Japanese-style nori.

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