Home and Living December 27th, 2015 | No Comments »
Days seems goes by so quickly, it feels like it was only Sunday the other day and it is already Sunday today. Today is Pastor’s Sunday and unlike those previous Sundays I sit in the front today beside my grandmother so I could hear and understand the sermon. The preacher wasn’t our Pastor but one of the church well-known member (L), I think she was previously a church president.
The scriptural topic topic was “Courage to Continue” and it can be found in the book of Haggai 2:1-9, our preacher for today started by giving definition of some words and telling a story of a well-known writer for being fearful of his family’s future because he think he isn’t giving them the best things that others can provide. I have learn from our Sunday’s preacher that Haggai is the portion of the Bible where the people became contented in their home and forget about the temple, they become busy living that they forgot God.

Why We are Discourage?
The preacher says the first reason why we are discourage because of insecurity, we compare ourselves to others and we always think that other people are better than we are, secondly we felt insignificant that we are not needed, we felt useless, thirdly we felt unaccepted like we do not belong, we are an outcast and nobody loves us and understood us. It was indeed true because that’s what I felt, I felt all of them when I was dropped like a hot potato, I felt so discourage that I felt like I have no space in this world.
How to Find Encouragement
We can find encouragement through groups like friends, through getting achievements like masters degree, promotions and etc. and by boosting ourselves and raising our voices but all these encouragement mentioned above are leading to nothing but to camouflage our insecurities in life.
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[ Tagged In ] Courage, Courage to Continue, Depression, God's Blessings, God's Love, God's Power, God's Promise, Life's Inspiration, Life's Journey, Living Life, Moving on, Pastor's Sunday, Self Courage
Home and Living November 15th, 2015 | No Comments »
It is the third Sunday of the month; the service will not start early so I didn’t hurry that much. When I went inside the church, they are still announcing church concerns. The praise and worship seems not joyful like the previous Sundays maybe because the congregation are being disturbed by the leader swiping her phone while leading the team, it looks like she didn’t memorize the lyrics that she needs to look at her phone all the time. It was so much better when other youth members lead the praise and worship team, I guess I should just be thankful that there is someone who lead the praise and worship team, isn’t it?

The scriptural topic for this Sunday is about “The man who forgot to be thankful“. All of us forgot to be thankful when our life is well, we forgot to say thank you to our parents who sacrifice a lot for us, waking up early to nurse us when we are still very young and vulnerable, they gave us a better life, they brought us to school so we could learn and get a good life when we grow up. When was the last time you say thank you to your parents? We also forgot to say thank you to our friends and benefactors who are always there to help us emotionally and spiritually, and lastly we forgot to say thank you to God for all the blessings He showered to us.
It was said we must thankful for everything, it is either small or big. We must count our blessings and name them one by one, blessings are not always material things, the love from God and people who love us is enough for us to be thankful.
[ Tagged In ] Be Thankful, Blessed Sunday, Blessings, God's Blessings, God's Love, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Sermon
Home and Living November 8th, 2015 | No Comments »
It’s second Sunday of thanksgiving month, I have thought I will not be able to go to church today because my younger sister and mother went to town to shop for vegetables that our father could carry on his workplace since he said things were expensive over there and then my father went to the field, I was left alone at home and I could not live the house empty. Gladly, my mother and younger sister came on time the Sunday school was just finished and the Sunday service was just about to start so I immediately put on my jeans and blouse and left. I’ve already prepared while they are away so all I need when they came home is to get dress.

When you need, God knows.
When you ask, God listens.
When you believe, God works.
When you thank, God gives more.
The topic this Sunday is about Thanksgiving, and it was said that the first mention of thanksgiving is found in Leviticus 7:12. Thanksgiving offering must be given voluntarily, in your own free will, private and there should be no regrets and hesitation. To be thankful to God we first must believe in Him and accept the truth that all things come from Him, our life, the earth and all the blessings we are enjoying everyday. We can show our gratitude to God by proclaiming God’s greatest and praise to others, through public worship services and testimonies of God’s faithfulness and goodness and through giving offerings to the Lord.
The scripture reading this Sunday is in book of Psalms 192: 1-6, it was written by David, it was said that the David has great achievement but he also face failure and trials before he became victorious.
[ Tagged In ] Blessed Sunday, God's Blessings, God's Love, Psalms 92, Psalms 92:1-6, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Offering