Snowy Friday and Buying Chocolates from Watsons

It snowed two times today I would like to go out this morning to take picture of me in the snow but cooking makes me busy. I just postponed it thinking I can have pictures later when we go to the gym, well the snow stop and before I know it our landlord started cleaning the frost in front of the apartment and in the garage. So when we went out to go to the gym the street is snow clean but the good thing is it is snowing again! Yipee, I asked my husband to take picture of me well he did but he said you can’t really see the snow, maybe because it is just starting.

Icheon, Gyeonggi-do

We first went to the bank and while waiting for him I went out and started taking snapshots around me and of course myself.

Truffles Chocolate

To make the story short it is our cheat day today, so we went to Watsons to buy some chocolates. Because he ate two of my chocolates last weekend he bought two for me and treat me another chocolate, I picked two truffles and a chocolate bar and then to the bakery to buy brown bread and have a stop in Family Mart to buy chicken and mayonnaise, all we got is the latter so went to the nearby Gs25 to buy chicken and he asked me if I want a meal as I am full from my dinner I opted on chocolate wafer. I didn’t eat my chocolates yet, thinking I can add this to my box (to send home).

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Shopping Online and Using The New Korean Address

Patiently waiting, paranoid and never mind. Haist I have ordered 32G USB online last Friday and it is on request until yesterday, late last night it was already on delivery and I am expecting to receive it tonight but until now nobody knocks or ring our doorbell that makes me paranoid every time I’ve heard a car/truck outside.

Dunno if the delivery man will find our new address, I guess there’s no problem if I have used our old address but since it is already 2012 I’ve decided to use the new address that was given to us by mail. We have new address because the Korean government change their address system, naming the streets and building which started on 1997 and will start effect this year, it says the new address system is  for convenience purposes where the numbering is based on street names. Oh well I think I have  to wait until tomorrow.

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Eating Marathon Before Vacation

Few more days before our vacation but instead of feeling relax and excited. I feel so stressed and running out of time. I have to eat all the food here before we left, my husband keep reminding me to eat the grapes in the fridge or else it is going to be thrown in the garbage, and it means no more grapes in the future as in we are not going to buy this fruit in the future. So today even though I don’t feel like eating grapes I have to eat, the grapes doesn’t look fresh anymore but they are still sweet and juicy.

Green Grapes

We bought this grapes on sale in Lotte Super the last time we shopped my husband asked me if I am able to eat them before they turns bad, I said yes but few days had passed the grapes are still in the fridge.

Anyway aside from eating grapes my assignment for today is to cook soup because  the zucchini, cabbage and carrots in the fridge will be in bad state if we left them uncooked before our vacation. I have cooked the soup just so lucky that my husband helps me to eat it or else more food is going to spoiled. I still have one dozen of yoghurt in the fridge that needs to be eaten before our vacation, jezz I am going to gain weight that’s for sure.

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Internet Connection Failure in Korea

Around two o’clock this morning our internet connection disappeared and  never came back until four in the morning where we patiently waited. When we wake up this afternoon there’s still no internet connection so I have told my husband maybe its time to call his co-teacher, so we went out to call Jade and went to supermarket afterwards to buy rice.

We told Jade that we are going to call her again after thirty minutes after we’re done shopping, so we called her at the street pay phone and she said the technician will visit our apartment at two o’clock PM, we thought we still have a lot of time but it turns out we spend more than one hour looking for cheap price of rice, because it is already twenty minutes after two o’clock in the afternoon.


The technician came with a modem, I think he thought the problem is our modem but when he tested it, it works fine. So he talk to someone in the phone, it sounds like he is dialing a customer service because I can hear his call being transfer. Anyway after few minutes our internet is back, hopefully it won’t disappear again or else as what my husband says we are going to transfer another provider because this is not the first time it happens. Since last week our internet connection is on and off, and today is the second time Jade called a technician.

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Mouth Watering Korean Street Foods

Well today is Friday and I am expecting a super busy day but it seems it is not too busy maybe because we don’t need to shop for our daily supplies, as we moved it on Wednesday. Right after gym work out  we directly went to one of our favorite food stall to buy street food like ojingo, mandu, twigim, kimari and etc.,

After I shower I went to our favorite bakery to buy some profiteroles, muffin and the bread I don’t know the name. It is kinda hard but sweet then after it we ate our cheat, wash the dishes, do the laundry and etc., so it is not a busy day like before.

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A Normal Busy Evening

We went to the gym tonight but it is still closed so instead of going home again I  just told my husband to shop while we are out, so we did in Lotte Super.

When we reach home put the items in the fridge and cupboard then I cooked some chicken. I got burnt on my neck when the chicken pops out while I am mixing it.

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Life Change Gym is Temporarily Closed

Early this evening we went to gym for our work-out schedule, when we reached the second floor we smell a strong chemical and the two restaurants are closed. When we reached the third floor where the gym is located the door is open but it is very silent, when we came inside the gym is empty nobody is working out.

We found in the information that gym is closed because of the strong smell, the lady owner told us that there’s fire yesterday at one of the restaurant in the second floor, she apologized but we said no need because we understand. So no choice we left after asking  when will the gym will be open again, she said after two days.

We tried to peep inside the closed restaurant if how big is the damage but we can’t see it, we are in that situation when the guy owner of the gym found us, we greeted each other and asked if we are looking at the right restaurant.

Anyway I don’t know what to say but having fire in the building already crossed on my mind, it is not the first time that something crossed on my mind and it happens.

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Giant Christmas Tree in Icheon

Well Christmas day is already around the corner, it seems there’s more Christmas decoration this year  here in our place, I’ve seen a lot of of establishment with Christmas greetings, like the department store and few clothes store.

Giant Christmas Tree

This is the giant Christmas tree in Icheon I snap a photo while waiting for the green street light.

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On Sending EMS Package from Korea

Finally the box I’ve sent to Philippines last Friday arrived today to my family. I thought it is already gone missing because when I tracked it the last information the box arrived in the Philippines and nothing else.

My sister is so happy upon seeing pringle’s in the box, she said it’s been a long time since she’s been asking our mother to buy her pringle’s  so the pringle’s I’ve sent is just on time. One of the souvenirs I’ve sent was broken so they just glued it. Maybe the box was not carried carefully or they just throw it away (sigh). Oh well the good thing is the box still arrived., my worried feeling for it is gone.

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Middle of the Night and Craving for Pizza

I wake up late today, it is already noon time. Felt so tired last night, my husband asked me to buy some profiteroles but sad to say nothing is left so I bought muffins instead. When I reached home he is not satisfied with the bake goods and he asked me to look for pizza in the middle of the night, I walked to the pizza place I know and they are all closed. I thought his craving will end up there, but I am wrong he asked me to look for loaf of bread as he wants to have grilled cheese sandwich so I went out again and when I came home I prepared the grilled cheese sandwich.

Korean Local Bakeshop

It has been a long walk last night, I also try to go to Watsons to buy chocolates but it is already closed when I reached there.

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