Social Welfare Assistant Qualifying Exam
Today, my sister went to town to take an exam for job opportunity as Social Welfare assistant in one of the government agency in the country. I have help her research yesterday about possible topic in their exam since she said the exam will maybe only an essay. She doesn’t have enough time to study what we have researched so I told her just to remember the key points and if explanation is needed just explained the things according to her own understanding.
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She has civil service eligibility so she has advantage on applying job at government agencies but it was also a discrimination why some other non-government related work will not hire her like when she tried to apply as sales clerk while waiting for an opening in the government agencies but the owner who’s also an acquaintance won’t hire her because of her eligibility, she was told that the store can’t compensate her well. Lol
Anyway, I wish her luck on her exam today. I hope it has positive outcome!
She was called for a pre-screening interview but didn’t showed up since the job location will be far, in rural islets of our island.