Heroic Dog Kabang Returns Home After Face Surgery

The heroic tale of Kabang (a dog from Philippines) became headline a year ago  when he lost half of her face after saving two girls from an oncoming motorcycle. Kabang attracted worldwide support because of her injuries, with donations from the Philippines and abroad covering her $27,000 treatment costs.


[Image Credit: davisenterprise.com]

Kabang was brought to the US for treatment and surgery. Doctors at the University of California operated on Kabang’s wounds, and treated her for a tumor and heart worm but the doctor’s cannot reconstruct her face anymore so they took skin grafts from her cheeks, forehead and neck to cover up sensitive areas on her face. The good news despite this ordeal Kabang can still chew her food using her two remaining molars and can even use his sense of smell to recognized people around her.

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