Hotteok a Sweet Korean Pancakes

Since fall season came the weather in Korea is getting colder, to others it could be a lot of fun but for someone who came from tropical country it requires a lot of warm to have fun. The other day when my husband arrived from school he immediately informed me that the guy we saw selling street foods when we first arrived in our new place was already there selling freshly cooked hotteok.


I immediately went down to buy some it was been a long time since we had them. Hotteok is a Korean pancake with sugary flavor in the inside, well it seems the guy only sells Hotteok and Oding during colder season because we didn’t find him anymore during the summer.

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Spending Chuseok at Home

As everyone else might know last week was a long holiday here in Korea, because of Chuseok (Thanksgiving day), it started from Wednesday up to Friday and then the weekends.  Unlike those previous holidays we just stayed home this year, we didn’t go to Philippines like last year because my husband still cannot get over with the slow process in our immigration and we also didn’t go to other big cities in Korea to do sightseeing.  We spend the holiday at home watching movies, reading and tinkering our genealogy program. Unlike those normal days, it was so quiet around no kids running and shouting in the street, most of the stores and establishments are closed too.


Anyway we celebrated Chuseok on Friday by grilling some meat that I bought before the long holiday and buying a chocolate cake from Paris Baguette which disgust my husband because he already informed me to buy different cake.

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Newly Painted Shinha-ri Elementary School

I have finally taken a photo of the newly painted Shinha-ri Elementary School,  the painting of the school was started a month ago but I am always in bad time whenever I tried to take a photo, if not humid or mist on my lenses I forgot to bring my camera with me, I can’t use my phone because  I don’t know if I can zoom it.

Shinha-ri Elementary School

Last month my husband informed me that the air conditioning unit on his class was not working, not because it was broken but because the school control the power and it was always off.  It was very uncomfortable to teach when it is hot so my husband requested for a stand fan, we both thought that the school implement the policy of no air con, and I even told my husband maybe they are losing funding because they just repainted the school but it turns out the order came from the authorities requesting workers in government offices to turn off the air-conditioning and avoid using elevators to prevent shortages of energy/power because of the heat wave.

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Heavy Rain and Yellowish Water from the Faucet

It was been raining for few days already and the rain yesterday was non-stop as I am trying to refill our water filter I have notice that the water from our kitchen faucet is yellowish, I immediately turn off the water and throw the water in our water filter. I let the faucet run for few minutes but still the water has yellowish color so I waited for my husband to came home so I can inform him about our water problem, I just drink fresh milk to fed my thirst.

Faucet Running

[Image not Mine]

When my husband came home the water is still yellowish but when we tried the water in the bathroom sink it is clear so we don’t where’s the problem if it is due to heavy rain or the pipe is dirty. Anyway when we went to the gym that late afternoon I take the chance to drink a lot and even bring water home by filling bottle my husband did the same as well it looks like we are fetching drinking water from the gym.

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Eating Korean Instant Noodles

Eating instant noodles became my habit every day, I don’t know but these past few days I really have craving for instant noodles probably from watching TV shows and seeing them eating noodles and it was also easy to prepare rather than cooking my viand especially I am little busy these past few days.

Instant Noodles

I am sort of workaholic where I won’t stop until I am done working into something online,  forget to hunger and the food. My break was just to fee, well probably it is not workaholic anymore but addicted, lol.

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Spring Flower Festival in Seoul

I am quite busy these past few days that I am not able to update my blogs, kind of procrastinated eh.  Anyway last Thursday I went to Seoul to meet my one and only friend in Korea, as we agreed I went to their apartment so we could eat lunch first before wandering around the flower festival. She cooked “pansit” for me but that’s not all we ate, we had brownies, rice cake, tuyo and more.

Filipino Meal

After eating our sumptuous  lunch we took the Subway to National Assembly Station where the Spring Flower Festival was held every year. We both wander and enjoyed the beautiful cherry blossoms on the street, there are lot of people as expected.  As we want a picture together I place my camera in a tree but a kind Korean woman help us, she took the shot for us which are thankful.

Cherry Blossoms

When we think it is getting late we decided to find the nearest subway so we can go to another place we, I want  to visit. I have planned to visit four place that day but time was not enough.  So we ended visiting two places only, I am going to blog the second one on my next post.

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Unexpected Visitor

I felt stress on my neck the other night after having unexpected visitor.  My husband and I was sort of busy in front of our laptops when we heard a car with engine on in front of the apartment followed by someone trying to unlock the glass door beside our apartment door and then rang our doorbell. We didn’t mind it because we are already used that our doorbell was always mistaken as doorbell for the main door (for the apartment upstairs).  It was repeated many times followed by knocking on our door and unlocking our door lock too, but as the code was wrong our door remains closed.

My husband asked me to check it, the moment I opened our door I greet the person behind it but I was shock when she stormed inside our apartment, took his shoes off and made her way to our glass sliding door despite of me blocking on her way. I was surprised on her presence so I have asked the unexpected visitor who she was, she replied “(Her name) from Korea”.

Anyway she quickly went inside as if it was her own apartment I help her slide the door so my husband can see her because he is asking who it was, well I thought too it was my husband’s co-teacher and she has an urgent matter or information for my husband. Upon seeing my husband she quickly turn around like how quick she went inside our apartment,  she stumble to the shoes in our door. The funny thing is when she went out she is wearing my husband’s pair of sneaker so I handed her ugg boots to her, she says sorry and I just nod. I closed the door afterwards and I have heard she went to the other door beside ours, so I opened our door a little to see what she is doing.  She knocked to the next door and trying to unlock the door. I thought she was just lost because it happens many times already so I closed our door.

When nobody opens the door for her she went back to the main door, unlocking and banging it. Still no sign that someone will open it for her she went back to our door, rang our doorbell and unlocking our door and then we heard her running quickly out of the apartment building and we heard knocking to other apartment building.My husband says the teenage girl seems to have down syndrome and probably she escaped from their home and now can’t find where it was. I think she already find their home after leaving our apartment building because I didn’t hear banging noise anymore. Though after she left that’s where I felt nervous and stress on my neck. Thinking what if someone with a knife or gun is behind our door when I opened it? So I have told myself I am not going to open the door anymore unless I waiting for my order online.

The next morning someone knock on our door and rang our doorbell and I didn’t open it nor my husband opened it. Then we heard a woman talking on the phone I am not sure if it was the landlady because she sounds like her, probably they saw what happened last night in the CCTV and just want to check or say something.

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Sending Korean Postcards to Blogger Friends

It was been a year ago when some of my online friends asked postcards from me but it was just this week I am able to send postcards to them. Quite late huh? Probably in many countries you can easily find postcards on bookstores near you but I think in Korea you can’t. You can just find them where there is western community or place where foreigners go. I have bought mine in Insadong, but I believed there are also postcards in Itaewon.

Sending a package abroad is quite expensive so I was not able to send the postcards right away after my allowance was cut since I return to Korea. I also want to add key chains and souvenir and not just the post cards, the other day when I went to the post office, the woman gave me a brown envelope and I was surprised that it is cheaper to use it rather than a box. So I am planning to send more to friends and bloggers who want a postcards from Korea, like a postcard swap.

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Life Change Gym is Temporarily Closed

Early this evening we went to gym for our work-out schedule, when we reached the second floor we smell a strong chemical and the two restaurants are closed. When we reached the third floor where the gym is located the door is open but it is very silent, when we came inside the gym is empty nobody is working out.

We found in the information that gym is closed because of the strong smell, the lady owner told us that there’s fire yesterday at one of the restaurant in the second floor, she apologized but we said no need because we understand. So no choice we left after asking  when will the gym will be open again, she said after two days.

We tried to peep inside the closed restaurant if how big is the damage but we can’t see it, we are in that situation when the guy owner of the gym found us, we greeted each other and asked if we are looking at the right restaurant.

Anyway I don’t know what to say but having fire in the building already crossed on my mind, it is not the first time that something crossed on my mind and it happens.

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On Sending EMS Package from Korea

Finally the box I’ve sent to Philippines last Friday arrived today to my family. I thought it is already gone missing because when I tracked it the last information the box arrived in the Philippines and nothing else.

My sister is so happy upon seeing pringle’s in the box, she said it’s been a long time since she’s been asking our mother to buy her pringle’s  so the pringle’s I’ve sent is just on time. One of the souvenirs I’ve sent was broken so they just glued it. Maybe the box was not carried carefully or they just throw it away (sigh). Oh well the good thing is the box still arrived., my worried feeling for it is gone.

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