Home and Living, Travel and Places September 2nd, 2011 | 1 Comment »
If motorcycle or jeepney is overflowing in Philippines here in Korea cars are overflowing, looking for evidence? See it for yourself, cars are park everywhere. Yeah, right that’s how it looks like here in the city where we lived the cars are just park in the street that sometimes cause traffic if there are cars in every intersection plus few people walking.

Instead of two cars only one car can passed/used the street as in every corner there’s car on parking. This is normal in inside streets but on national road you can’t say anything as they are very progressive on infrastructure and it is just amazing how they connect one city to another.
[ Tagged In ] Cars In Korea, Korean Car, Korean Street, Living in Korea, Living in South Korea, South Korea, Street in Korea, Trip to Korea by Feet
Food and Restaurants June 26th, 2011 | 3 Comments »
I am not active in blogosphere lately, sort of busy and I have nothing to post, the ironic thing is when I am out of blogging world I have so many ideas on my mind to blog but once I log-in and plan to blog, nothing is left. Either I am empty on idea or it feels like it is worthless to share or to blog.

Jezz, few days ago I am craving for corn because it was a long time ago since I ate corn. I am craving because I always see corn in the food place near the gym so one day I bought one packed for 3,000 won about 3 dollars maybe, imagine how expensive is it, in Philippines I can buy a bunch of corn with that money but the fact I am not in the Philippines I have to eat the corn to the fullest..Haha!
[ Tagged In ] Expat Life, Expat Living, Icheon, Icheon Gyeonggi-do, Icheon-si, Japanese Corn, Korean Corn, Korean Food, Korean Snacks, Korean Street, Korean Street Food, Life in Korea, Living in Icheon, Living in Icheon Gyeonggi-do, Living in Korea, Living in South Korea, Sweet Corn
Home and Living April 18th, 2011 | 9 Comments »
I got a bad headache last night that I need to sleep early than usual, I was not able to finish my blog hop or do my blog hopping, when I wake in the morning my head is still aching so I return to bed and wake up in the after few hours, my head still feels heavy but it does not ache anymore.

The photo below was taken the other day when we are going to the gym, I have asked Pookie bear to change our route so I can take photo of the sakura tree nearby this office building, my shot is not that great because I am walking when I did this, feel shameful if someone saw me taking photo of a flower. As it is spring here, you can find lot of flowering sakura trees, mostly are white.
[ Tagged In ] Expat Living, Flower in Korea, Icheon, Korean Flower, Korean Spring, Korean Street, Liviing in Icheon, Living in Korea, Living in South Korea, Spring