Lazy Weekend in the Apartment

I am not around with these blog yesterday, I just don’t feel like blogging anything my lazy mind strikes again. Oh well we sleep five o’clock in the morning today and I wake up at two o’clock in the afternoon, I did not sleep well though I keep waking up and coughing there’s one time too I wake up with my noises, yes dreaming again I cannot remember what is it all about.  While typing this I have not eaten my breakfast yet maybe later, it is holiday on Monday here so if the weather is good we are going to hike again.

Sunglasses, Cup, Laptop, Notebook, Macbook, Vintage

[Photo courtesy of Pexels/]

I hope I am going to feel better on Monday because I feel so week yesterday and he even feel angry many times to me for not paying attention spotting him in the gym. Darn it is too hot inside the gym I thought I am going to have a heat stroke, I wonder why they did not run the aircon and just the two big fan maybe saving electricity. Oh well there’s more foreigners in the gym not like before just the two us, there’s around 6 excluding us but I seldom see them now lately. We have no plans for today just be busy in front of the computer again, surfing, blogging, hopping and watching movie.

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Memory Loss at a Young Age

Oh well it’s Thursday today, day for nostalgic past. I really have nothing to be nostalgic I mean no specific photo, as I am always forgetful I am in kind of feeling of devastation, hatred to myself and etc., guess what? Well it is still nostalgic because while digging into my photos something reminds me to check.

I have mention many times I am have been busy downloading my photos from Friendster, so I have deleted the albums once I am done downloaded them to avoid confusion but there are some albums I have deleted without downloading them thinking that I have a soft copy in my computer, especially those photo taken here in Korea and few photos taken on our wedding day which is not too clear as they are taken by a not so good phone but the fact that is memories it is very important.

Stopwatch, Hustle And Bustle, Hours, Timer, Watches

[Photo courtesy of geralt/]

So I look to my folders and I can’t find copy of those photos, it feels like I wanna pull my hair.  I am so darn dork and last night too I am looking for my the word document of my Anything and Everything blog as I copy them online then all of sudden I can’t find them then I remember I have deleted few files the other day to free space and I can’t remember if they are included, I am really disturbed last night that I don’t want to go to sleep, as I am adding those blogs to my other blogs. You know I got another idea, that is to scheduled post. Yeah, my blog post are scheduled except in this one of course.,

In my age of 24 I already have memory loss how much more when I am already in my thirties, huhuhu. Darn I guess I need to eat a lot of clams and shells to help me gain memory. Oh well, I have find the word document because the moment I wake up I started browsing all my folders but the fact that my  photos are still missing in action makes me say “Ihhhhh” so angry. I have mailed the box to Philippines today with the help of Pookie bear as I can’t carry it alone, and another memory loss occurred.  On the box I wrote our address without the Province name as I forgot about it  I just noticed it when I check it, but I can’t add it as there’s no more space and today in the postal office, I forgot to write our city’s name on the paper.  Lol!

By the way, I am little sick right now, it looks like the big bear transfer his colds to me. He is so happy that he is feeling well and keep telling how he feels good right now. Lol!

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The Apartment Stench and Febreze Air Freshener

Had a busy day today, I wake up around two o’clock in the afternoon, read bit of news online, clean around our small apartment and cook my food.  Pookie bear and I also fixed our bathroom sink as the water is moving slowly so we are like plumbers unplugging a plugged sink, so the end result I need to clean the bathroom, that’s why the whole apartment is smelling bleach right now.

Nothing else happened this weekend aside from I can’t wait anymore for a perfect time to wash the thick blanket, so I washed it today so for sure I have no blanket to use tonight, well I thought my task for the day is finished well it looks like not yet.  I just finished cleaning the kitchen specifically below the kitchen sink, its kinda moldy and it is hard to clean as there’s only small space, haist!  Into my observation this apartment was built in a wrong way, much better if the kitchen is in the place where the balcony is so when you are cooking the smell is directly going out and not wandering inside the apartment before it popped out.


Just thankful that we have this sample from Febreze (Hawaiian Aloha™) where you don’t need to plug it or use batteries and it will eliminate odor and freshen up. All you need to do is insert the cartridge and it will activate upon insertion then pull up the bottom for full freshness experience or just remain it close for small spaces.

So right now our apartment especially our kitchen smells like scented perfume, with the bright, tropical scent of Hawaii’s beautiful and fragrant hibiscus blooms, such an exotic smell eh. Love it!

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Dream of UFO, Address Change in Korea

A loud thunder storm wake me up this morning then I went back to sleep with dream about UFO’s, where I saw a UFO in the sky (looks like a flying saucer)  and I am trying to take photo of it but it keeps moving right and left so I was not able to get a good shot then when the UFO moved away I followed it and I have seen it carrying a carabao then a realization came to me why I didn’t take a video of it instead, when I check my camera all I found is a one blurred shot. After it I’ve seen a lot of soldiers in my dream in alert together with their trucks, helicopters and other military vehicles. It’s dark too,  it feels like there’s no electricity and with my two eyes I’ve seen one helicopter crashed with a burning tail. I don’t know what is my dream all about but it is weird and the sound of thunderstorm this morning is also weird and so loud.

BTW, we received a mail yesterday about the changes of address here in Korea, the government will implement it on July but we can still used our old address until December, then next year we have to use our new address.  The Korean government change their address system, actually I didn’t understand the mail but that’s what Pookie bear’s co teacher had told him.  Anyway you can check their website about the address change and the timeline

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Icheon Elementary School in 100th Year Anniversary

As usual we sleep very late again but I wake up early today because I am waiting for my sister to get online  as she is going to print her narrative report. Anyway as I have nothing to do I started dropping EC and adgitizing, it’s been a while since I visited back the bloggers who dropped by to my blog as I am kind of busy. I fell asleep after I finished adgitizing, I really cannot stay awake anymore, but I can’t sleep well because it is kind of noisy.

The nearby school, where Pookie bear is teaching is celebrating their 100th year Anniversary this week and it sounds like they’re going to have a big celebration because the program/celebration started this Sunday, music, cheers, singing and etc., can be hear. The school too is properly decorated,  I wish to see what they are doing but I am too darn shameful to go there, so I’ll just be contented listening to the voice I can’t understand. Haha, I didn’t do anything much today as I am tired lazy to cook, I just ate instant noodles which is the other half is still waiting in the kitchen as it tasted so spicy for me. As of now, I still feel sleepy I might take a nap again later. Teheee!

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Cleaning the Apartment and Buddha’s Birthday

All I can say is I am tired and not just feeling tired, I wake up very early  and started tweaking, I have already tweaked my two other blogs but I am not still happy with my travel blog so I might change it again in the near future. Well I am now a  certified self hosted wordpress blogger! Such a relief thinking my blog is safe from Blogger deletion (lol).

Last night Ate Belle installed everything for me which is I am very thankful of. (Thank you again Ate) Pookie bear keep asking me to do things as he knew I am busy so he keep disturbing me,  he even feel a little mad to me because I don’t clean properly as I am always on hurry to be in front of my computer so today I cleaned around, clean the molds in the wallpaper,  mop the floor with soap and bleach and clean the kitchen, cooked and be sure the sink is clean with no empty pan waiting to be clean when I am going to cook again. Haha, so right now I am dozed off,  I already feel sleepy and really feel tired, sorry guys for not dropping to your blogs lately, I am busy and going to be busy again, I am not anymore studying but I need to make a narrative report  for my sister, waaahhh. I didn’t not watch the movie so how can I make a narrative of it, they are the one who watched it at school, well it’s one of the rule of being an old sister, isn’t it?

I am excitedly waiting for the box of vitamins  from Mom because Pookie bear says Mom put some Easter chocolates on it. So I am patiently waiting for Friday, yesterday is a holiday it’s Buddha’s Birthday!

Buddha’s Birthday, the birthday of the Prince Siddhartha Gautama, is a holiday traditionally celebrated in Mahayana Buddhism. In Korea the birthday of Buddha is celebrated according to the Lunisolar calendar. This day is called 석가탄신일 (Seokga tansinil), meaning “the day of Buddha’s birthday” or 부처님 오신 날 (Bucheonim osin nal) meaning “Welcome Buddha Day”. Lotus lanterns cover the entire temple throughout the month which are often flooded down the street. On the day of Buddha’s birth, many temples provide free meals and tea to all visitors. The breakfast and lunch provided are often sanchae bibimbap.

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What is Hagwon?

Living here in Korea just feels like stressful to kids,  after school they’re going to  Hagwon to learn music, Mathematics, English, Taekwondo, Arts and etc., so it is normal to see kids and high school student in the evening. I even see high school students as late as nine o’ clock they are still in the street, walking home or inside the school bus. When I am still a student nine o’clock is already bed time for me, I wonder if they still sleep because they have to wake up early in the morning to be ready to school except if there is an afternoon class here.

If you’re wondering what is Hagwon it is a private school or as Wikipedia defined it Hagwon (Korean: 학원) (also hagweon or hakwon) is the Korean-language word for a for-profit private institute, academy or cram-school prevalent in South Korea.

Well maybe that’s why Korea is progressive than Philippines because they study well and give importance to education, as far as I remember when I am in grade school I never open my notebooks to read what is written in each pages, I would rather read a comics than my notes.  Just thanks God I am constantly in star class, sometimes I wonder if I know the word study during those times maybe I will be in honor roll, but anyway forget about that because I can’t celebrate birthday at school to treat my teachers and classmates, blow-out in short and too far to be teacher’s pet. Well we can’t deny the fact that during those times it is a plus points, I just don’t know now a days.

Anyway back to Hagwon, English Hagwon is the most popular here where a lot of native speakers worked as a teacher.  So if you are graduate of four year course and a native speaker, looking for experience and want to travel you know where to go.

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Shopping: Naughty Cat Earrings and Accessories

As I have blogged yesterday I went out to buy iron supplements for me, before buying it I’ve seen a newly open store where there’s a lot of Korean girl’s in chaos. So after I went to the pharmacy I went inside the store, oh well the store looks  like Redeye where the primary products are earrings, hair accessories, key chains and other small accessories. I took a little  basket and I also look around like others, its kind of busy and there’s really a lot of girls, grown up and even primary students busy on choosing key chains maybe for their bags. I don’t think they already appreciate bangle earrings eh, so they are on key chain stands which are made in different shapes, animals and cartoons.

A feeling of luxury and the pursuit of cuteness accessories – Naughty Cat

The store has no counter yet, the guy was just standing in a tall chair with a head microphone and speaking something on their language, and usual I am into earrings even though I can’t used them as we don’t always go out, aside from taking sight seeing plus it is also very unfashionable to wear long earrings and you are wearing pants, t-shirt and rubber shoes. Hehe, So I just bought them to keep or somehow for my sister or else it can be a good business for my mother to sell few Korean accessories, and I am going to save for that. Hehe

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My Box of Polysaccharide Iron Complex

As I have blogged lately I am bored but I just found out it is not really boredom, it is simply tiredness. I am not very energetic, I even feel weak going to gym. I already observed for the past few months that I always got a cold feet and hands, my husband keep teasing me I am a cold blooded. If before wearing socks can comfort me these past few days it won’t anymore, I still feel cold not my entire body but as what I have said just my feet and hands. So last night I research what does this feeling cause, so here’s what I have found out:

  • Parasites
  • Allergies
  • Hypo-Thyroidism
  • Anemia
  • Candida
So probably I am anemic, lack of iron in short because I am not eating a balance diet and I just eat two times a day with big servings, I sleep late as two o’clock in the morning sometimes later than that.

So today I went out to buy iron supplements. The pharmacist gave me two kinds of iron supplement I picked this one because this is the cheapest for $55.08, the other one is times two.  It is 120 tablets good for 4 months.  When I reached home, Pookie bear asked me to return it to the pharmacy because it is very expensive just for iron supplements but I didn’t follow him because it is such an embarrassment. So the end result I have to pay for it, my three weeks allowance was gone. Huhuhu

Just a little information Anemia is a decrease in number of red blood cells (RBCs) or less than the normal quantity of hemoglobin in the blood and is the most common disorder of the blood.  Some common ymptoms are feeling of weakness, or fatigue, general malaise and sometimes poor concentration. They may also report dyspnea (shortness of breath) on exertion. In very severe anemia, the body may compensate for the lack of oxygen-carrying capability of the blood by increasing cardiac output. The patient may have symptoms related to this, such as palpitations, angina (if preexisting heart disease is present), intermittent claudication of the legs, and symptoms of heart failure.

Hopefully the feeling that I can’t explain that there are days I feel tense that my heart palpitates abnormally is because of being anemic and not a heart disease, and I also hope my frontal headache is because of being anemic and not because of my eyes, I don’t want to wear eye glass and I think my blood don’t really circulate well because sometimes I feel pain like electricity shock on my arms and legs plus I cannot crack my fingers, I remember when I had a massage my aunt says  if I can cracked my fingers, it means good blood circulation but I can’t so it is not good circulation.
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Rice, Fried Eggs and Kimchi

As what I have said to my other blog I am starving myself because of being a picky eater, I usually ate late but its being more late lately, so you are not going to be surprised if I keep telling “I don’t feel well” because I just ate when I my head is already aching (lol), as my Pookie bear always says “You always don’t feel well!” Yeah, right so there’s nothing new about it, I think I have been eating eggs for almost a week, boiled eggs and fried eggs, no scramble eggs so lazy to cut onions and garlic. Haha, what I mean I don’t like it except there’s tomatoes which I forgot to buy the last time we shop.

Maybe you are asking what’s happening to me, all I can say is I am craving for vegetables, pinakbet, ginatang langka, laing, ginisang monggo or ginatan, chopsuey, malunggay, kamote tops, kangkong, oh well I want to eat vegetables especially green leafy vegetables, call me a goat but I love munching leafy vegetables. I also want to eat fresh fish with soup (sinabawan), ginata or paksiw and yeah even prito. I never eat fish here, because Pookie bear don’t like the smell so imagine my food here it is always meat and chicken (because I already retired eating noodles) which we seldom eat in the Philippines, maybe that’s the reason why I weigh too much. I ate vegetables but it is just squash which is too hard to peel, I don’t like their eggplant here it is too old, that the seeds are fully grown up. Ahhh, I missed my vegetarian meal. Someone please  send me a bowl of cooked vegetables kahit saluyot or kangkong pa yan, I am thankful already. He-he

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