Sunday, Spam, Sundae, Ice cream

Hi guys, how’s your weekend?  Mine is working fine aside from I am starving, lol. There are times I came to the point I don’t feel like eating what is around, tired of it. Anyway I don’t know if I am really tired or just too lazy to cook my food because been addicted surfing online.

We didn’t hike yesterday because according to weather forecast it is going to rain so we are awake until 4 AM because we already cancelled the supposed hiking day, and guess what it did not rain. Pookie bear don’t like to do it today (Sunday) so we moved it again to the next next weekend, don’t know if it will materialized that time, let’s just hope and see.I was bored last night not until I remember my old emails and when I open them, there’s a lot of spam mails from social networking sites I have joined when I am newbie to internet, like in Tagged, Fanbox, Hi5 and etc., I am thinking of deleting all my online affiliations but thinking of how old are them, it stop me. You know me everything has  sentimental value, that’s why my husband called me a packed rat and my stuff as a junk. Haist,!

For sure you know it already today is the 119th Anniversary of the first Documented Ice cream sundae, so let’s celebrate. “Manong isang apa nga diyan!”

Evanston was one of the first locations to pass a blue law against selling ice cream sodas in 1890. “Some ingenious confectioners and drug store operators [in Evanston]… obeying the law, served ice cream with the syrup of your choice without the soda. Thereby complying with the law … This sodaless soda was the Sunday soda.” As sales of the dessert continued on Mondays, local leaders then objected to naming the dish after the Sabbath. So the spelling of the name was changed to Sundae.

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Gangbyeon Bus Station: Dongbu Express

Bus is an important public transportation of human society, we can find bus anywhere that travels up to the farthest destination of a certain country.  Well it’s been a long time since I took  bus and went to Seoul the last time was on February when I am supposed to meet my cousin in Seoul.  The photo below was taken that day, while I am waiting for the bus going to our city, I went out the terminal and took few photos of everything including this pink bus which is very lucky to be part of Pink Fridays.

This is an Express bus owned by  Dongbu Express begin its operation on July 5, 1972 with Seoul-Yongin route.  As what I have read Dongbu Express currently operates 200 units of express buses, which are equipped with the latest facilities such as satellite TV and high quality seats in 30 routes with Youngdong region as their basis of operation in provision of advanced passenger transportation service. The company received Traffic Culture Award given by the Korea Broadcast Services and  been recognized as the safest and friendly express bus services through designation of 1st ranking company in the survey of Korea Industry Customer Satisfaction conducted by the Korea Management Association.

The drivers are really friendly when the bus left and arrived to its destination the driver will just stand near the doorway and greet all the passenger.

Read more @Dongbu Express

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The Tale of Peanut Butter Sandwich and a Cup of Coffee

If you already stumbled to my food blog you already know what happened yesterday, what happened to my food. As I am not feeling well and not in the mood to go the gym I didn’t went out  yesterday so Pookie bear went alone, he didn’t forced me to go which is surprising because we always have a tug of war every time I feel lazy going to the gym, well maybe he knew his mistakes especially I told him I have no strength and I feel weak because I have not eaten yes as my supposed to be viand was thrown by someone.

Last night he asked how could I forgive him, I replied when my empty stomach is full. Then he asked me again what do I want to eat except for adobo which is already in the pail. So I ordered cup of coffee and four peanut butter sandwich, he asked me again if it is okay if he makes it five(5) as the left buns are five pieces. So I said yes, while he is making my order. I keep nagging him to make it faster, hurry, quick and etc., as I am hungry, you know playing like I am the boss and he is my servant. Lol! He told me to wait and my food will be ready if it is ready.

When he is done with my coffee he brought it to me but as I am busy online I neglect it for a second then he return it in the kitchen he said he don’t want to play because he can’t bend (lower back pain), poor sweetie so I went to the kitchen to get the coffee and sandwich. While blogging I am munching the sandwich and sipping my coffee,  when I finished eating he asked me if I forgive him already, I replied you have to wait for a second I need to chew the remaining particles on my mouth and when I done I said yes and we are now peace. He asked me after wards, did you enjoy your expired bread? LOL

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Is it a Pudding or Not?

Simple things are being complicated when Pookie bear and I don’t agree with each other, we went to Kim’s Club Mart on Friday night, yes we are shopping in two super market and the dove body wash is in the other store. Anyway we bought two package of bulgogi for our grilled party (lol). I also bought bread for me, I choose these bread cake below, I called it pudding but Pookie bear don’t agree with me. He said it is not, it is baked that way, he don’t believed me when I told him it is really a pudding and it is made of old bread.  He said it is like a date loaf with raisins, the bread is all eaten but we are still consistent with our own belief.

Maybe we should ask the bakeshop so we’re going to agree to each other what is the name of this bread, which is impossible because I can’t imagine  how to explain it in the air that I am asking for the name of this bread.

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Busy Weekend – Grilled Bulgogi

There are times I am asking myself where I am got wrong err what I mean why feel so darn lazy to post something here, maybe because I have nothing to write, writer’s block? I think mental block is more appropriate because I think I am going crazy, hahaha! Joke only,  anyway we had another grilled party last night don’t expect too much because it is just Pookie bear and me, while I am busy in front of our electric grill someone is having  a pretty life in front of his computer and keep asking me if I am not done yet and so on, demanding huh?

As a result our apartment stinks again, well  my duty is not done yet by grilling the bulgogi, laundry is waiting and a pot of rice need to be cook.  It’s  a busy night while I am mending my stomach cramps, the good thing is after I am done I can asked him whatever I like to eat, like making a sandwich for me and please a glass of water too.  Haha, just give and take. Well it is not yet over, I have to run to the nearest GS 25 for chocolates, just glad that  he don’t ate it all there are some left just for me.,

We did not shop yet so I don’t have yet the other kind of Dove Moisture Body Wash, he is giving me money but I feel lazy and cold to go out.

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Finally A Real Plumber Arrived!

Well finally our toilet was fixed, a real plumber came and used a toilet auger to removed the stuck tooth brush, I did not see it though because I run to the nearest bank here in our place to withdraw if ever we need more money to pay the plumber. When I returned home the plumber’s truck is not in the front of the apartment anymore, so I when I went inside our apartment someone is having  a cool time surfing the net without cleaning or removing the said toothbrush in the bathroom floor. Pookie bear’s co-teacher was the one who called the plumber, I think she look online for a plumber. The guy who first came here its not really  a real plumber but a tile installer, I mean his business is tiles. He is a friend of our landlord so they gave him the business and maybe he is the one who installed tiles in this apartment. Anyway Pookie bear’s co teacher also got the money we payed to the first guy, so what I owed to Pookie bear is 2 weeks and half of my allowance. I made a bargain with him if it is fine just to make it two weeks and he said yes, but I make a deal again what if he just deduct half  in on my allowance every week.  Then he replied its fine, 5 weeks.

Plumber, Janitor, Pömpel, Repair, Work, Fig, Cute

[Photo courtesy of Alexas_Fotos/]

When he returned to school for his next class, I went to the bank to pay bills and I could say I can pay my bills alone now using the machine, because the last time I pay I have to ask the woman at my back what’s next by pointing the screen to her. So on next month I am not going to disturb the guy in the information counter. If you don’t yet I am very happy that I finally established a communication my aunt and cousins in Germany,  my cousins are already teenager except for the younger who is eight years old if I am not mistaken. I just saw them on pic when they are a toddler and I am in Elementary., and since then we have no communication with them.So as I feel happy and relieved I decided to enjoy  and treat myself by shopping some small stuff for me. Love my new little  teddy bear..hehe

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Enjoying the Snow in Korea

As of four o’clock in the afternoon there is a snow fall here in our place, I’ve been waiting for it because there’s already snow fall in Seoul but here it is still sunny. Then as I am working in front of my computer our room turns dark so I turn on the light and decided to cook rice , lunch  as well and when  I peep  in our window Yay, it is snowing. The excited me went out with my shorts and thin shirt without a slippers. Lol,  I didn’t even take time to get my slippers in the cabinet because I was such in a hurry. my feet cannot take the cold anymore I went inside and look for my sweater and grab my slippers in the cabinet. and I decided to shot a photo of me in the middle of the snow forget about the noodles I am boiling I’m busy on what I am doing.

Then returned again inside our apartment and cracked some eggs, Pookie bear will not be happy if he found out I did not cook his meal. After it, went outside again, now wearing a winter jacket and shoes. I left the noodles in the pot, the two locals working on the next apartment look at me maybe wondering if it is my first time to see snow. Lol!

Just so lucky that this metal thing is in front of our apartment so I was able to set the timer of my camera and take photo of myself. Hehe..when I returned inside our apartment the noodles for my pancit canton was not good to eat anymore, it is too sticky and wet. Now this is how it looks like after the snow. Scroll down..

Just kidding, this is how it looks like in Canada right now. My mother-in law send this pic to Pookie bear and it was send to me after wards.  My MIL says classes were postponed because some of the roads are not working, blocked by snow. As I look at the above photo it feels like your are living in an Igloo because snow is more than half of your house. This is just a two days snow how much more one week?

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Christmas Package from my Parents In-Law

We woke up very early today, we’ve went to postal office to mail the sweet box to the Philippines. Pookie bear has no choice but to come with me and carry the box even he is a little mad (I supposed to me) for disturbing him. He didn’t wait anymore he just left after “delivering the box”.

When I came home he is all relax playing his farmville (lol), after few minutes we returned to sleep but I can’t go back to sleep my stomach is disturbing me, asking for food. After a hour or two, time to wake up again because Pookie bear will go to work and that was the time our doorbell rang, when I open it is the mail man. He handed a small gadget to me to sign before getting the box in his bike, it is a box from my mother-in law address to Pookie bear. So when I came inside the house I asked him if I can open his box (lol). He said no, its for him. He tease me after wards that I am going to feel crazy waiting for him to open his box, he carefully hand it and put in the corner and says it is his Christmas gift and he is going to put it on his imaginary Christmas tree ( as you can see the box standing like one). He added maybe he will open it on Christmas day too just to tease me more. Anyway I already know what’s inside just by shaking it, (LOL) my parents-inlaw already send me us some present for Christmas.

As of now I am patiently waiting for him to open the box, he is at work at this time.

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EMS Korea and Postal Fee

Christmas is almost here, last weekend I have asked Pookie bear if what is our Christmas gifts to his family and to my family. I remind him what he told me a year ago that we are not going to send gifts every occasion but during holiday season only. He told me what about he will shouldered the postal fee of the things I have collected. So I agree, on Monday I went to the nearest postal office to buy a box. I got the big box ( number 5), while arranging the stuff I am going to send I remember what pookie bear has said he don’t like a big box, so I returned to the postal office to buy another box the small one (number 4). When he came home he was surprised to see two boxes so I told  him just one, the small one. So he asked me how much is it, so I looked into the price list the the postal office had given to me, when I said the price. Believe it or not, he said No. Lol, he was not going to pay that amount just for postal fee. So I told him that he said yes last weekend, he said he thought it is just half of the price, so I replied to him that he knows how many kilos my stuffs are.

So what happened? No choice so I just told him that he is going to pay the half and the half price is mine. Asking me where am I going to get the money for it, well its from the allowance he is giving me weekly $8.64 /week ah yeah just last week I have an allowance increase $12.96 per week already. Lol!  So I think the box will stay here in our apartment after Christmas because I need to buy chocolates too because my mother  and sister has a sweet tooth.

Anyway what’s inside my box why it weighs so much, well just shampoo I bought from my allowance when they are on sale. Big bottles of shampoo.

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