Busy Life and Unhealthy Eating

I finally moved out from level 65 in Candy Crush Saga but was stuck again in level 70. I don’t why I still keep playing this game when I know that instead of relaxation it is adding more stress to me.

Egg Slicer, Egg, Hard Boiled, Shell, Food, Protein

[Photo courtesy of stevepb/pixabay.com]

Anyway as I am quite busy online I forgot to eat my dinner again, left no choice as my husband already ate the left over dumplings I boiled two eggs and eat with rice. My husband was disgusted when I pour oil and dashed of salt on my rice, he says I am going to get higher cholesterol level and possibly heat attack from my unhealthy eating.

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Moving Into a New Town

I am quite busy these past few days that I can’t update my blogs, I am busy both offline and online. In the next few days we are moving to a new apartment  that’s why I became so busy packing our things, it was not done yet because we are still using the pots and utensils.

Moving Home

Today my husband’s director will visit here in our apartment and she will take us to our new apartment. Gladly I have cleaned last night so it is not going to be shameful when she came here.

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Unexpected Visitor

I felt stress on my neck the other night after having unexpected visitor.  My husband and I was sort of busy in front of our laptops when we heard a car with engine on in front of the apartment followed by someone trying to unlock the glass door beside our apartment door and then rang our doorbell. We didn’t mind it because we are already used that our doorbell was always mistaken as doorbell for the main door (for the apartment upstairs).  It was repeated many times followed by knocking on our door and unlocking our door lock too, but as the code was wrong our door remains closed.

My husband asked me to check it, the moment I opened our door I greet the person behind it but I was shock when she stormed inside our apartment, took his shoes off and made her way to our glass sliding door despite of me blocking on her way. I was surprised on her presence so I have asked the unexpected visitor who she was, she replied “(Her name) from Korea”.

Anyway she quickly went inside as if it was her own apartment I help her slide the door so my husband can see her because he is asking who it was, well I thought too it was my husband’s co-teacher and she has an urgent matter or information for my husband. Upon seeing my husband she quickly turn around like how quick she went inside our apartment,  she stumble to the shoes in our door. The funny thing is when she went out she is wearing my husband’s pair of sneaker so I handed her ugg boots to her, she says sorry and I just nod. I closed the door afterwards and I have heard she went to the other door beside ours, so I opened our door a little to see what she is doing.  She knocked to the next door and trying to unlock the door. I thought she was just lost because it happens many times already so I closed our door.

When nobody opens the door for her she went back to the main door, unlocking and banging it. Still no sign that someone will open it for her she went back to our door, rang our doorbell and unlocking our door and then we heard her running quickly out of the apartment building and we heard knocking to other apartment building.My husband says the teenage girl seems to have down syndrome and probably she escaped from their home and now can’t find where it was. I think she already find their home after leaving our apartment building because I didn’t hear banging noise anymore. Though after she left that’s where I felt nervous and stress on my neck. Thinking what if someone with a knife or gun is behind our door when I opened it? So I have told myself I am not going to open the door anymore unless I waiting for my order online.

The next morning someone knock on our door and rang our doorbell and I didn’t open it nor my husband opened it. Then we heard a woman talking on the phone I am not sure if it was the landlady because she sounds like her, probably they saw what happened last night in the CCTV and just want to check or say something.

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Sending Korean Postcards to Blogger Friends

It was been a year ago when some of my online friends asked postcards from me but it was just this week I am able to send postcards to them. Quite late huh? Probably in many countries you can easily find postcards on bookstores near you but I think in Korea you can’t. You can just find them where there is western community or place where foreigners go. I have bought mine in Insadong, but I believed there are also postcards in Itaewon.

Sending a package abroad is quite expensive so I was not able to send the postcards right away after my allowance was cut since I return to Korea. I also want to add key chains and souvenir and not just the post cards, the other day when I went to the post office, the woman gave me a brown envelope and I was surprised that it is cheaper to use it rather than a box. So I am planning to send more to friends and bloggers who want a postcards from Korea, like a postcard swap.

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Wearing my Husband Shoes Outside

While cooking my husband’s meal for the night I’ve remember that I didn’t throw the garbage in the pink pail yet. These are the garbage that rot like fruit and vegetables skin and peeling.  So I immediately grab the pink pail when I am done cooking, it was already full and I can’t add the egg shells anymore as I am a bit lazy to wear my own shoes I just told my husband in a loud voice that I am going to wear his shoes, I didn’t wait for his reply anymore I hurriedly went out from our door.

When I am already outside I heard him saying not to wear his shoes but I didn’t return anymore. When I wore his shoes I didn’t tie the lace so I stop for a second and keep the lace inside the shoes, thinking my husband might be angry if I let the lace  touch the ground. When I returned home my husband is standing and waiting for me on his angry look, he then told me not to do it again. I just laugh because he probably thought when I left I wore his school shoes but I wore his sneakers. LOL

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Night Walking Without a Winter Jacket

I have decided to wash my winter jacket the other day because it was been a long time since I washed it and  it is quite dirty already since I took it with me when we travel outside Korea.

When my husband and I will have a short walk he left me at home and told me to follow because I am busy tinkering something in front of my laptop so when I am done with it I immediately run to our closet to look for my jacket, yeah right I forgot that I just washed it that day. Thinking my husband will be angry if I didn’t follow him I just wore my normal sweater and long pants and run so I can tag along with him beyond the cold weather. As I know it is impossible to catch him I took a short cut and I am able to see him after a long run, the coldness I felt was gone.

My husband laugh at me when he saw me as I am panting very hard, and even tell me why I follow when I have no winter jacket to wear. Well if I just knew he won’t be angry probably I will stay at home. And I think winter jacket is not need anymore as I didn’t feel cold after running like crazy.

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Potato and Pepperoni Pizza from 59 Pizza

We had a short walk today around the downtown. It was too cold, I wore four set of clothes so I will not feel cold while we are walking, it is better to be prepared than sorry, though I only have two sets of pants,  I mean I just wore short and then double it with my jogging pants. So while walking I can feel my legs freezing.

On the way we bought box of vitamin C, we went to Family Mart before reaching home. We just thought of buying some snacks but my husband didn’t find food that he like to eat, so I went to 59 Pizza.

When I came in the the guy was not there (probably delivering pizza), I waited until his wife came near the front desk because when I came she is very busy in front of the oven, I gave my order and sit while watching TV. I had potato pizza this time while my husband is never ending pepperoni pizza with cheesy crust.

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Careless with my Camera

I am being careless these past few days I took my newly charged camera the other night to the gym to take some photos.  Today when I went out to pay our utility bills I carry it with me and hile walking around I have thought of snapping some photos and in my surprised my camera doesn’t power on, it was low battery.


Maybe I forgot again to turn the camera off the last time I have used it because that what also happened a few days ago, when I opened my camera bag I have found out that the camera was already on. My husband just shake his head while telling me that’s how things go bad. Argh, I was not able to take some shots outside today!

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Street View: Fall in Korea

We only visit the gym three times a week and every second and fourth day of the week we are walking around the town. It became our habit before our vacation in the Philippines.  Below is the photo I have taken the other day while we are doing our routine in the late afternoon, the trees are all in yellow colors.

Fall in Korea

The weather is already cold as expected so I am already wearing my winter jacket when we are walking, and of course I am not going to forgot to bring my camera.

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KFC in Icheon Soon

We stopped walking around downtown for one week and we started walking again we are both surprised to see the Chinese Restaurant gone and a KFC to be opened soon beside the Starbucks Coffee. Dunno where’s the Chinese restaurant went.

Icheon Gyeonggi-do KFC

Probably in one more week KFC will be opened for business already. I hope soon there’s Burger King or Vips soon in Icheon.

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