Clear Blue Skies: Hiking to Palati Falls for the Second Time

Traversing a  muddy trail for two hours  just to see the beauty of Palati Falls in Libertad is more than worth it. It was only a week ago when we hiked to Palati Falls, but I have to hike there again for the second time around on July 28th.

A second hike was planned and organized by one of the members of RBM after he failed to come home early from Manila and wasn’t able to hike with us, so I have informed my cousins and neighbors about the hike. They have asked me when will be our group returning to Palati Falls hence they were interested to come with us upon seeing the photos I have uploaded in my Facebook account.

Unfortunately, they were not able to go because it is a workday, but my younger first cousin was very interested that he keeps asking for the event time, so I told him to be ready at 5:30 in the morning because the group will leave at 7 o’clock from the meeting point in town.  I didn’t take him seriously because I thought he was just kidding, and that night I accidentally trampled in the hollow-blocks while feeding my cats resulting to laceration in one of my toes so I really have no plan to hike again to Palati Falls, but my cousin showed up early in the morning with his swollen eyes while I am still asleep, I am about to tell him that we are not going but my mother and sister says, I gave my cousin hope last night so I shouldn’t cancel it, so I told him to get ready because we are leaving soon, I just have to prepare my bag and I have to bath.

Well, I could easily tell my cousin that I can’t go, but I feel bad about it. He doesn’t feel good and he isn’t looking good, it was last night when he passed by our yard going to their house crying like crazy, my Uncle or his father told us that his son’s girlfriend broke up with him without apparent reason, according to some chit-chat outside the girl found another guy.

Anyway, he patiently waited for me with his father, whom I think very much concerned for his well-being. We went to town using their motorcycle, I have to buy food in town for my lunch since I wasn’t prepared for this hike.  We waited a bit for other interested hikers before heading to Sitio Boliganay in Panique.

The road to Boliganay wasn’t that muddy like a week ago since it didn’t rain frequently anymore, we used the same trail. If we are 18 hikers a week ago, this time we are only 7 people making our pace quicker. My cousin was already feeling tired when we started going upward the hill,  he keeps stopping and drinking his bottled water. I wasn’t able to ask him to take photos of me because he keeps complaining he is too tired to do it (lol).

Unlike my previous hike where I felt too tired and slow, on my second hike the trail was already easy for me, I am able to run upward without getting tired, I wonder if it is because I used different bag and shoes. My hiking bag was too heavy to carry so I have used a school bag making everything lighter, I took my shoes off when we are already in the stream heading to the falls, and I jump along the large rocks like a frog.

The wound in my toe was hurting especially when we are going down the slope because it is hitting against the wall of my shoes, but I have no time to complaint nor cry about it.

There was a clearing, the sky wasn’t gloomy and within less than two hours, we are able to reach Palati Falls but it was a downer because there were no twin falls, there was only one falls.  We took some photos, create a vlog, ate our lunch and rested a bit before going down, we traversed the same path again last week, we headed to the stream to find our way home.

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Getting Lost in Nature: Hiking to Palati Falls, Tablas Island

One of my mountaineering friends (RJ) shared an event on Facebook and it caught my interest because RBM already went over there and unfortunately I wasn’t able to go because of the bad weather.

Well, I was caught in between which event should I go with, because my training class (Tourism Promotion Services or TPS)  had planned to do round Tablas on the same day (July 21th), but I got help from above when Sir Gab had a prior commitment in the morning so the whole plan of TPS will not materialize.

As planned, the group meets up at Children Paradise at 6:00 AM. I was a late comer, but they waited for me and while preparing to hit the road, a classmate and friend (MJ) from TPS went near me, it turns out she went to the training center, but it was closed and she happened to see me, so I asked her if she wanted to go with us. She’d like to, so I informed RJ about it, and they find someone from the group for her to back ride.

Brgy. Libertad is subdivided into four sitios, and one of them is Palati, which was my destination the day after my TPS group visited Mainit Falls, it is the most interior part of the Barangay and its name means second growth forest. Palati Falls is located in Libertad, but our jump-off was in Sitio Boliganay of Brgy.  Panique, a barangay after Libertad if you are coming from the town. The road to Boliganay is under-construction so as expected, it is muddy during the rainy season, if you don’t want to be stuck in the mud you really need to drive carefully.

When we arrived at the jump-off, we did only a short prayer and there was no stretching because the young guys were saying not to stretch anymore. We started walking up hill, gladly MJ went with me or else I have to walk a little bit slower to walk with the sweeper who’s accompanying the hikers that were a bit slow.

The trail was muddy, it is combined of uphill and downhill. There was no clearing so you can’t appreciate the view that much, the sky is gloomy. Nevertheless, all of us enjoyed the abundance of water in the streams, as well as the presence of guavas along the way.

MJ and I were in the middle together with two highschool students who are just a few meters away from us, ahead of us were my fellow RBM members.  We reached the point where we are not able to see the first group, we have waited a bit where the two highschool students met us, and since MJ and I were  both impatient waiting for the last group so we head on and followed the trail leaving behind the two young girls.

(MJ #feelingtired)

We reached a place where there are three houses, where we have asked where to go, the woman in the last house informed us that there was a path going to Palati Falls behind the smokehouse, so we did and I carefully examined the mud, and I was sure it was the right path since I am seeing fresh footprints of shoes in the soil and when we climb upwards, it was all grass and the footprints were gone, I looked around and found an almost hidden path behind the thick cogon grasses. We traversed it and we both realized where moving away from the sound of swift flowing water, we end up to a small shaft with a pig tied in the yard and dogs barking at us.  We called out, but no one is answering so we decided to return to the smokehouse, and there we found two paths. One is going to the left and the other one is going upward, but we are sure when we passed by at that point that there was no other path other than the path we took. You know, what is bothering me, when we passed by a coconut leaf fell from the tree on the left side, I don’t know what does it mean. If someone tried to warn us that we are heading to a wrong path or someone blocked the left path so we will choose the path upward?

Anyway, we decided to try the left path and we end up in a rocky stream, I have told MJ that maybe if we follow the stream we will not be lost, since the water will be surely coming from the falls. Maybe due to fear and excitement, I slid on the rocks not just once, but twice, and the second one was almost fatal because I slid into the water with my phone.  It scares the hell out of me because I don’t know how deep the water was, as we continue to walk the rocky stream I have seen people ahead of us, giving us a relief that we are on the right path to the falls.

When we are nearing RJ meet us half-way, he said they just arrived as well and he is about to look for us because he didn’t see us around. I have told him, we got lost.  The first group ahead of us were sorry that they left us when I told them we are just behind them, they also said they also almost get lost and they asked one of them to check the path upward if it is the right path or not, I didn’t inform them anymore about the coconut leaf that fell because my mind is not on its proper place, I was feeling scared, nervous and unwell for my phone. It is the second Asus Selfie phone I accidentally dropped in the water, the first one died after it swam in the salt water when it was not a year old yet and this second one is just less than two months old and it swam in the water too.

We reached Palati Falls for about over two hours, including the time where MJ and I got lost. If you walk faster you can reach Palati Falls in one and one half hours.

Palati Falls was on its beauty when we decided to visit it, there was a lot of water because of non-stop rain on the past few days. We rested a bit and decided to eat our lunch together, afterwards endless photo shoots.  We stayed for about an hour and descended together. We took a different trail going home, we traversed the river heading to the dam site where heavy rain fell on us, making us all soak.

Palati Falls isn’t for the frail of heart, but seeing  it with  your own eyes is very fulfilling so you must see it once in your life .  You can hire a motorcycle from downtown town and it is up to you to haggle, but ₱40-₱50.00 is enough to reach the Barangay Hall of Libertad, where you can ask for help or guide, or if you need someone to guide you, don’t hesitate to contact me I can maybe help you to find one depending on the availability of my fellow mountaineers. The jump-off is located at Sitio, Boliganay of Brgy. Panique, Odiongan, Romblon. You must remember that hiking to Palati Falls takes about two hours,  the trail is slippery when raining so wear proper shoes to avoid meeting an accident.

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Mother’s Day Dinner at Greenfields Garden Resto-Cafe

It’s mother’s day so we have planned to eat outside to celebrate it, but before we do eat out, we headed to Brgy. Taboboan to attend the wake of the father of my sister’s workmate. We stayed a bit and when we return to Odiongan we directly went to Mac’s Chicken and Barbecue Haus which seems very busy as I found out they’re celebrating Mother’s Day Buffet Special which is Eat All You Can for ₱249.00.

When, I went inside the place is full of people and there is nowhere for us to sit, I have met inside two of my high school classmates and one of them whom I found eating at the table in the hallway told me that they have no choice, but to eat separately. Nobody in the server notices us coming but when we are going out they have noticed us.

It’s around 7:15 in the evening so we decided to go to Greenfields Garden Resto-Cafe which isn’t so busy like Mac’s, we went to their air-conditioned room where there is one family celebrating and waiting for their orders. We feel relaxed that the restaurant wasn’t that busy, but we are not expecting that they are already running out of dishes, we have ordered their baby back ribs, but we are told isn’t available anymore, what is left is Liempo BBQ so we ordered five plates for us, a bulalo soup, extra rice and their carbonara pasta, but the server came back saying they only have three plates of the liempo barbecue, so we ordered sizzling sisig and a pitcher of their red ice tea.

Finding another restaurant to eat is time consuming, so I decided to give the plates of liempo to my father, sister and her boyfriend. My mother and I will just share with the sizzling sisig since Chicken Barbecue isn’t available as well. When the server went out, the woman at another table told us that there are lots of dishes unavailable, which we agreed.

This is our third time to eat dinner at Greenfields, the first two was fine, but the third one is bad. It took forever before our order was served. It took almost one hour, ten minutes before one hour to be exact, what is disappointing the bulalo soup was missing, they forgot about it and the red ice tea became a lemon ice tea.

Greenfields Garden Resto-Cafe
Barangay Tulay (near Petron), Odiongan, Romblon
OPENING HOURS: 2:00 PM – 10:00 PM
CONTACT: 567-6258

Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post. Above written post was my own personal experience and might be different from yours.

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Early Dinner at Greenfields Garden Resto-Cafe

Loveland Beach Resort wasn’t hard to find and after staying for a few minutes, looking around and snapping some pictures we headed to Looc and back to Odiongan where we decided to have an early dinner at Greenfields Garden Resto-Cafe, my cousins didn’t eat yet at this restaurant, so we brought them here.

Since it was still very early, no diners yet, except from us. The food we ordered was served within 20 minutes, we ordered their famous baby back ribs, bulalo soup, sizzling sisig, extra rice and their red ice tea. It was quite funny because both of our cousins ate very slowly, we are already finished eating and they were still finishing their food.

What’s disappointing with them was they ate like a cat, they almost didn’t finish eating their baby back ribs so what more the sizzling sisig that we have to ask to be wrap so we can bring it home.

What’s entertaining, how my oldest cousin E ate his baby back ribs, we have to tell him that it is okay to detach the ribs one by one, he is trying to do a masterpiece eating just the meat without detaching the ribs (lol) which made us all laugh at him.

We hurried home after eating early dinner, my cousins and their team will have  a championship game for the Inter-Purok Basketball Tournament.

Greenfields Garden Resto-Cafe
Barangay Tulay (near Petron), Odiongan, Romblon
OPENING HOURS: 2:00 PM – 10:00 PM
CONTACT: 567-6258

Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post. Above written post was my own personal experience and might be different from yours.

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A Day Hike at Mt. Puting Bato in Odiongan, Romblon

This is a long overdue post but since life has been so busy and my laptop broke it wasn’t so easy to blog again.  It was on January 28, 2018 when I climbed again with Romblon Baktas Mountaineers it was my second climb with them. I wasn’t able to go with them at Mt. Payaopao revenge climb because of some circumstances, no driver and bad weather.

Climbing to Mt. Puting Bato was a rush decision, the day before the climb I wasn’t sure if I want to go. I didn’t prepare my bag, nor the things I have to bring, I did it the morning of the climb. I have asked my father to be my driver, when I reached the meeting point as if I was the only one they’re waiting because the group left after a short prayer.

It was already past 8 AM when we started trekking to Mt. Puting Bato, it took so long because we have to wait for other members and we did stretching and short information drive on what to do and what not to do while trekking or in the summit.

There are a lot of new faces on Mt. Puting Bato but I was glad to find familiar faces, I trekked with them and it wasn’t a bad decision because we have so much fun.  We have to walk passing through a small village and a small farm in the upland. I hyperventilate when we are going up a hill, it was very sudden. I think I am feeling anxious of the other hikers behind me, what if I am walking so slow and I am making them wait, I decided to stop and let them pass and when I arrived at the top of the hill I am literally grasping for air, my heart beat so fast and it was hard for me to breath. One of the members told me it happened because we talked so much while walking little did he know I am hyperventilating because I am feeling anxious of the people behind me or maybe there is other reason unknown to me.

The trail at Mt. Puting Bato isn’t a joke, it was bushy, narrow and there was a lot of sharp stones and rocks. Just one wrong step and you hurt yourself, it was scary at first, but once you get used to it, it became easy to walk and find your step. It was surely a lot harder than the hike at Mt. Ope.

We found a small cave along our hike, around lunch time we reached a point the senior hikers called 90 degrees, you have to climb at the top of the tree using a rope and your skills. There was a long line since you can’t stay longer in the tree because it cannot accommodate lots of people, I have tried it, but I didn’t able to reach the top because I wasn’t able to fit myself in the small open space so I could climb backwards, instead of trying harder I went down to avoid getting into an accident because it feels like something is stopping me to do it. Honestly, I have wondered why I didn’t try harder because it wasn’t the normal me, I usually don’t turn my back to a new thrill

We did some experimental climb at the adjacent small cave for the sake of pictures, it was easy going up, but going down was a bit scary because one wrong move and the cave or soil will collapse on top of us.  We continue, walking with the help of our local guide, the road is becoming steeper and higher. We reached a point where some members were resting, but then we are told we missed the viewing point, so we have to go down to climb at another point god thing I brought a walking stick with me, it was already drizzling at the time, we are starting to be soaked in the rain.

We stayed there for about 30 minutes and we started walking again, it was already raining hard and our clothes were already wet when we decided to have lunch since some of us were already starving, the first group was already ahead of us.

We had lunch together and with the help of some umbrella we are able to make our food safe from rain water. We didn’t take long, after we ate we started walking up and down. It wasn’t easy because the trail was already slippery, along the way we saw giant flowering taro into my amazement. Then our guide shows us a cave down below, with the help of an unstable pole they went down to see the cave, I tried it, but I was very scared because it doesn’t feel right, the pole wasn’t that strong and it was quite high and slippery. At that moment, I don’t know but I have remembered my biological grandfather.

Only five of us were left to stay to wait for them, we are already soaked and cold but those who descended was taking their precious time below (lol).  To cut it short, we started walking again, descending the mountain from the other side and since it rained really hard already and the path was already used by the first group, it was really slippery I can’t remember how many times I fell down or slid maybe because I am wearing a running shoes with me. I removed my shoes and wear my slippers, but when the slippers were full of mud I started to slip again so I walked barefooted, it hurts and its killing my sole.

If there was only another way to go down the mountain I will gladly choose it because the path going down isn’t getting any better, slippery and full of sharp rocks. It was a good thing we have a young member who helped us a lot and offer his hands for us to hold on when there was nothing to hold on to.  There was one moment I can’t forget when I fell down because I made sure that everything is good before I stoop down but then I still fell down breaking my hiking stick, it was like a flat line or a feeling that someone was gone. We are the last one to descend the mountain or should I say I was the last one to go down. Our shoes, clothes and bags were full of mud.  I didn’t take a lot of photos because it was very dangerous, my phone might get broke from being soak in the rain or it might broke every time I slid and fell down.

Want to hear a sad story? The next day, I have found out that my biological grandfather died while I keep slipping and hurting myself while descending Mt. Puting Bato, he was frantically rushed to the hospital, but he didn’t make it, he died of heart attacked. I have wondered that maybe when I started hyperventilating and my heart is beating so fast  my grandfather is fighting with his life. I am not able to talk yet with my grandmother what time he had an attacked and died.

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MIMAROPA Festival 2017: Showdown Competition

It was traffic when the tail of the street dancing parade left, people are rushing to the sports complex to be able to choose a good spot to watch the MIMAROPA Festival Showdown Competition.  There were a lot people lining up at the main gate waiting for the Ambulance to get in but then everyone was told the main gate is closed for public and must use the other gate located at the back of the sports complex or grand stand, this path is leading to the bleachers so we did.

Disappointment of all disappointment, there were already a lot of people, the bleachers are full and even the sports complex stage,  you can’t even see anything from the back not even the grasses  upfront.  Yes, it was a jump pack event, I guess everyone went out on their comfort zone, or in rural joke everyone descended from the boondocks to see the MIMAROPA Festival Street Dancing and Showdown Competition.

There is a lot of people coming in and there are a lot of people going out with disappointment.  I overheard others saying they will just go out because there was no place to sit and even stand, it was a total chaos you can smell each other’s breath and maybe you can even taste each other’s sweat if you are not careful enough (lol). We decided to continue pushing ourselves upfront with the help of people getting out, the space they vacated is our space to move forward.  It turns out there was not enough space because there are mono-blocks chairs and rope string as a barrier, people can’t see at the back because Odionganons left their manners again at home, instead of sitting at the mono-blocks chairs they stand in them blocking all the people at the back and maybe even the people seated in the bleachers.

We are able to see a small space and asked kindly the people in the mono-blocks if we could sit on their front just right behind the rope string, we are permitted by the kind woman who’s also complaining about the manners of others. Heaven sent, there was one police officer who allowed me to go upfront upon asking him nicely if I could go up front to take photos and videos of the showdown competition. Thank you so much Mr. Officer, I am sorry if I couldn’t remember your face even if I met you in the street because I have a poor photographic memory, I can’t even remember the face of the people I have met along the way unless I see them closely.

After saying my thank you or maybe I didn’t, I rush up-front the sports complex without looking back, I might get troubled if I did, an old man who looks like part of the media smiled at me, I smiled back shyly. I looked for a good place to sit below the grand stand and follow other photographers, I have seen the male photographer who looks very familiar to me, but I can’t remember where did I see him, blame it to my memory and being unobservant person.  I was not even seating longer when the female officers started to check people up front for their Media/Press ID provided by the local government, it started when some viewers seat up front as well and I think to avoid the place being crowded they decided to check for Media/Press ID.

My shots with my DSLR wasn’t that clear because I failed to get a focal point and I was anxious to use the sports menu to take many shots thinking I will have an empty battery before all the contenders could finish dancing, I brought a power bank with me but I also forgot about having it in my bag (lol).

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

Anyway, the program proper started with short messages from the local politicians. I admire how Governor Firmalo says only one word  just not to delay the showdown competition, don’t ask me what did he says, because it slip out on my mind because of my terrifying moment.

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

The showdown proper started from an intermission number from the winning tribe among the Romblon Festival Competition, which is the contenders from San Jose, Romblon featuring their Carabao Festival.

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

All performers were given ten minutes to set and prepare their props, first performer to do a showdown was no other than the “Pag-alad Festival” from Sibuyan, Romblon.  They started their performance with about two minutes of introduction/history about the origin of the festival.

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

The setting was one cloudy day when there are many fishes and crabs, the door opens showing the male dancers and the drums started playing it was the sign for the male to start dancing, their movements wasn’t in unison and then here comes the gay ladies in female clothing adorned with white hair dresses, followed by the female dancers in their petal style dresses. Their performance wasn’t too good, it was not very united that I could not get a story about them dancing, they just go out and go in and dance carrying different props, something is missing in their performance, furthermore they also didn’t use a lot of stage props aside from the trees I wonder if they are too heavy to carry or there is no enough budget for stage props.  Honestly, if you are watching a movie on the television and you don’t like what’s on the screen, it is the time to click forward or next, that’s what happen when my phone was already out of memory that I have to change it to a new SD card and what is disappointing the battery of my dslr runs out so I have to change to a new one.

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

The second performers was the Tribe Bitianon from Narra Palawan showcasing their “Palay Festival”. The scene started showing the male and female dancers dancing gracefully on their large dresses, well they’re not carrying a large basket at this time.  The door closes and when it opens the male dancers (which maybe the farmers) unveil to the viewer’s eyes and the door featuring the official seal of Narra, Palawan opens  at their back showing the female dancers and then they started dancing and chanting “Go Palawan!”  The Palay festival shows how the farmers celebrate for their bountiful palay harvest and the rest is history…

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

The third performer was the Bila-Bila Festival from Marinduque, I don’t know their story line because I can’t create one from their performance. The scene started on what it looks like they are portraying a fiesta/festival and inviting the public to join the joyous occasion. At this time a  few indigenous people and the butterflies (who are just green worms since they don’t have wings yet dances smartly and lightly when they exited the morions came in and they portray a bit of the moriones festival and the rest is a next/forward button please.

The next to perform was the “Kalap Festival” from Calapan. The scene opens showing what it looks like farmers or they loggers cutting large trees with the use of their axes? Haha, just kidding! When they exited a large stump was dragged up front where there are four open spaces, in each spaces the provinces of MIMAROPA was featured. The first one is the provinces of Mindoro where they have shown  an indigenous people “Mangyan” holding his tobacco, it was quite funny how the “Mangyan” scratches his thigh and the way he seated was really like a normal “Mangyan”. Next was Marinduque which is known as the origin of Moriones Festival and the next one is Romblon as the marble capital of the Philippines for me, I think they failed in this because they showed a large marble jar, they should show the mortar because it is the most popular product of Romblon, you will see mortars in every marble souvenir shop in Romblon, the last one was Palawan they have shown the symbol of the city, but it was a downer that the peacock was missing on the stump space I guess the bird got bored waiting and she ate somewhere that’s why when she came out she is a bit healthy that she cannot even flapped her wings in to audience laughter.

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

When the jungle opens the log dancers were shown in their bright gold log dresses and that’s where the Kalap Festival showdown fully started, logs and fishes dances and even the logs headed carabaos too. Next scene where female dancers in their gold Maria Clara dress dancing as if celebrating for the good rice harvest, they were joined by the farmers carrying scythes. After wards the jungle opens and went to the deep blue sea where the fishes dances and they were later joined by the log dancers carrying spears and the scene later end when the fishes were speared.

Next scene the farmers and the female dancers in the Maria Clara dress was shown, the door closes and only the female dancers were left in the middle and then here comes the log dancers carrying a bolo, they ambushed the women. I wonder what happened, did the trees and logs had revenge for unnecessary logging of the local people? Hehehe, kidding  aside the log dancers changed their hair dresses to a red cloth wrapped around their head, so the log dancers became a pirate then? Of course the farmers came to the rescue with their axes and as the typical Filipino story the intruders were defeated by the heroic farmers to the joy of the female and fishes dancers.  Hahaha

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

Tribu Tandikan from Puerto Princesa was the next one to perform. The scene started showing three indigenous Aeta hunters dancing and then male blue bird came into the scene as well as the female brown bird they went out and went they went back they are already in a large group, I think they are celebrating seeing the two birds, to cut the story short the two birds left leaving an egg. The scene closes and another scene was shown showing male and female dancers dressed in traditional clothing (our great grandma’s era Maria Clara’s style dresses) I think they are celebrating for their bountiful harvest, dancing and singing with the male dancers carrying a guitar. What’s next the indigenous people and the local people met for what it looks like a trade, the bird’s egg that was traded for a basket full of corns and crops was put into something that looks like a nest, fast forward the egg hatched to a beautiful blue and brown feather combination to the locals joy, then more brown birds came out from the back stage as if they are celebrating for the new born.

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

The door closes and the male dancers came in carrying a what looks like a pole banner showcasing the signs of the provinces included in the MIMAROPA region, while the blue birds are laying some eggs (haha), and then the blue birds came in the stage dancing and they were chased out by the locals bringing the MIMAROPA signs, as well as spears they owned the stage dancing with what it looks like pandango sa ilaw, to cut the story short in the stage a very colorful MIMAROPA signage was left.

There was already a bar left on my second battery after recording non-stop. Feeling anxious that I can’t anymore record the performance of Tribu Mangyan I decided to use my phone to record the next performer, which is the Bahaghari Festival from Oriental Mindoro, they started their performance, stating the history of Bahaghari festival how the rainbow guided them to their destination when they lose their direction after a turbulent weather.

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

The makeshift door opens showing the drummers riding a small boat while playing their drums, they ended with a blast, blowing/spitting something in the air I wonder if it was water or smoke, but I guess it was water because as it says a rainbow has an element of water and the sun who was next to perform. When these two were combined a rainbow was made to the amazement of the indigenous people who looks like Mangyans in their gold tribal dress, but unlike the Tribu Mangyan who did the street dancing in their bare skin, they uses skin tone body tights, I guess their confidence level to show bare skin wasn’t that huge like the  performers from Occidental Mindoro.

The rainbow fairies dance gracefully and in unison in the audience amazement because when their dress goes up a colorful rainbow underlining dress were shown and next to perform where the colorful dancers with colorful foam headdresses they were joined by the suns, when they exited the fairies came in again with their tiny gold pots, they dance happily and at the end a large pot was shown, it was believed that at the end of a rainbow there was a pot of gold isn’t it?

The last to perform was the awaited tribe of everyone the “Tribu Mangyan” from Occidental Mindoro. People were shouting as they started to perform showing a Mangyan couple dancing with a basket and when the makeshift door of field and trees opens more female Mangyan dancers was shown and they started to dance with their basket and then they give way to their male dancers who are all wearing just a “bahag” without their upper garments, they dance well, they move as one and what is amazing their movements, gestures were really of those indigenous people, they were very entertaining to watch especially they are smiles or should I say grins. It was funny when the male dancers on their bahag with baskets on their backs dances facing backwards showing their bare butt cheeks to the people.

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

My gosh, I can’t give justice to their performance just by narrating it. It should be much better to see it live or even in a video. They also have shown the provinces included in the MIMAROPA region, but unlike Kalap Festival theirs was well crafted and portrayed. All I can say they are indeed the best, their movements were perfect they move as one person.

People started to go home after the Tribu Mangyan’s performance before I can see my sister she already saw me first and we decided to go near the dancers to have some photo opps, the dancers from Mindoro (Oriental and Occidental) as well as the one from Puerto Princesa were very kind to pose for a photo when they are all tired and exhausted.  I don’t know where are the other dancers who finishes their performance first, maybe they already went home to their quarters.

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

The Tribu Mangyan dancers were very energetic, it seems they didn’t just took a huge drums of confidence, but they also eat a lot of energy bars and drink a lot of energy drinks. They are all fully charged that they dance every time their drums were requested by the host to play, the host requested to do some hand waves to the left and to the right and all the performers who were left inthe grounds were happy to oblige.

We had some photo opps with other performers because we can’t request all of them (haha), what’s funny they photobomb when you do a selfie, we are very pleased of their kind gestures and we are able to find one friend.

Anyway, to cut the story short, Puerto Princesa won the  best in musicalities. Calapan was the second placer with their Kalap Festival, the first places goes to Tandikan Festival of Puerto Princesa and of course the Champion were the Tribu Mangyan’s of Occidental Mindoro.

Congratulations to the winners and cheers to everyone!

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MIMAROPA Festival 2017: Street Dancing Competition

Day 3. This is the highlight of the festival, the first day was just an appetizer and the second day was just a little break to sip a glass of water after you choked (lol).  Well, we went to town as early as one ‘clock in the afternoon, yes one hour before the street dancing competition to find a good place to see the whole parade. You know, being early is a way better than being late and unable to see the visitors and contenders.  We took our grandmother with us, we went to the ground of OSCES to see what’s happening, we seated and waited a bit and then we return to the shop of a family friend to wait for the parade.

To wait for something is somehow boring but exciting when it is worth it. The street dancing started at 2 ‘o’clock as scheduled, unlike the first day there are a lot of people in the street. It seems everyone was now informed about the most awaited MIMAROPA festival street dancing.

Pag-alad Festival

The first tribe was from Sibuyan, Romblon featuring their “Pag-alad Festival”  it is commemoration  of the transfer of the town of Azagra (Punta Kawit) to Sitio Pag-alad because of the scarcity of water. It also celebrates in thanksgiving the festivity of Our Lady of Immaculate Concepcion.

Pag-alad Festival

The female tribe dancers alternately carrying a flower and a basket were dressed in a bright green tops and yellow skirt which was cut like a flower petal, their heads were adorned with feathery head dress, and they were followed by the beautiful shemales in their bright green cloths carrying a piece of bamboo shoots that serves as water basin and at their back were the male dancers on their white patterned with violet  and yellow long shorts and tops with them was a net and a large fish and as expected the drummers were the last one in the tribe.  The dancers movement isn’t new, it is the typical movement of street dancers in Kanidugan festival, left, left and right, right. The sounds of their drum is a trademark too that they are indeed from Romblon, it sounds  festive and happy that when you heard it, you will feel like dancing with them.

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

The next tribe was Tribu Bitianon from Narra, Palawan featuring their “Palay Festival” honoring the town’s palay farmers, their tribe was headed by three people dress in monkey costume and a person in white bird dress followed by their male in red pairs of regional dress and female dancers  wearing colorful dresses which is dominant with yellow, red and brown. The female dancers move and dance joyfully despite their large dresses and large basket on their back.

Palay Festival

The third tribe was the delegates from Marinduque featuring their “Bila-Bila Festival” which is Butterfly Festival in English language. The festival was celebrated in Boac Marinduque every December 8 and as you noticed unlike any other festivals in the Philippines which usually honor patron saints, Bila-bila festival celebrates the life cycle of butterflies. The butterfly farming is one of Marinduque’s unique industry and this festival helps to promote the province as the butterfly center of the Philippines.

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

As expected the delegation from Marinduque was headed by the morions.  As we all knew, Moriones Festival is a popular celebration in Marinduque during Lenten season.

Bila-Bila Festival

The other dancers were dress like Aeta while the rest are in their green butterfly costumes, pink wings for females and blue wings for males, flowers and gold ornaments dominate their costumes. I have noticed the butterfly dancers were wearing a thick nude lipsticks, their makeup made them like goddesses of butterflies.

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

The fourth delegation was from Calapan featuring their “Kalap Festival”  which is celebrated every March 21, it is the city’s official festival. It was originally derived from the tagalog word Kalap means to gather, during the old times people gather woods to provide warmth and  to cook food. The term was then use as the name of the festival to show the culture and history of Calapan City. It was launched on 2009 and is still successfully being held every year.

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

Well, if you would like to see a dancing log don’t look any further because the delegates from Calapan just showed everyone that even logs can dance well.  With them were dancers dress in sea blue diving suit paired with a fish, I think they are the gatherer of fishes together with them are females dresses in Maria Clara gold dress.

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

If butterfly and logs can dance, birds can dance well too in the street this was proven by Tribu Tandikan from Puerto Princesa Palawan featuring “Tandikan Festival” named after the local term of the grandiose bird with colorful feathers and the symbol of the city of Puerto Princesa, the peacock.

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

What’s admiring was the person carrying a large feather at his back, I wonder how did he make it without getting a back ache.

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

Their tribe was made by males dress as Aeta hunters, local people dress in traditional dancers clothing. Well, being in the heat while watching the street dancing is energy draining but the Talandikan dancers dressed on blue and brown peacock costume made everything refreshing, the wind from their wings is an oasis in the dessert.  Wasn’t able to take good photos of them because when they passed by, you have to move far from the street or else you will eat their feathers (lol).

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

There is a rainbow after the rain so after being refreshed from the cold wind of Talandikan dancers here comes the “Bahaghari Festival” from Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro. The festival is a colorful commemoration of the importance of the rainbow in the history of the town of Pinamalayan.

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

According to an old story, the early settlers of this town came from Marinduque. While on this way to Mindoro on their bancas, they encountered turbulent weather and lost their direction. They prayed to God Almighty for deliverance and guidance, whereupon the weather cleared and a rainbow appeared on the horizon. The crew shouted “ipinamalay” meaning- it was made known.

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

They followed the direction of the rainbow and landed at what is now Brgy. Lumangbayan and established the first settlement which they named Pinamalayan. The rainbow became the historical landmark of the town.  – source:

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

Just like a rainbow their costumes were very colorful in nature, the head dresses of their pretty female dancers looks so yummy and jelly but they are actually made of foams.  When there’s rainbow there will be a sun and of course beautiful fairies enjoying an amazing day.

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

Everyone has been amazed with the different tribes that went by but it turns out the best is yet to come, every one was shocked and left in awe when a “Tribu Mangyan” from Occidental Mindoro owns and dominated the street. Mangyan is an indigenous  group found in the island of Mindoro.

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

I was amazed and admired their huge confidence to walk and dance in the street of Odiongan on their bare feet and wearing just a bahag showing their butt cheeks so I gave them a round of applause because I can’t fathom nor see myself wearing just a tiny clothing down there like what they’ve just done, I might need to take a many many large huge drums of confidence (hahaha).

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

A bahag  is the traditional or tribal dress of Mangyans,  they wear loincloth and a shirt they call balukas. Tadyawan is one of the eight ethnic group of Mangyans in the island of Mindoro and Tadyawan Festival was also called “Mangyan Day” correct me if I am wrong.

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

As everyone has been amused with “Tribu Mangyan” and they couldn’t get over on what they just see. It was late to realized that they are the last tribe at the street dancing, I even overheard someone saying “bitin”, which means wanting for more.

MIMAROPA Festival 2017

When the end of the parade ends we left and went to another location to take more photos because our current location wasn’t good enough since it was against the sun. We decided to wait at the old market beside one of the old hardware in town, as expected there are a lot of people waiting for the street dancers.  It took a long time before we could even see the head of the parade, people are getting anxious and impatient that they went over the white line with this a police from Mindoro blurted out that people in Odiongan are hard headed (lol). When the parade ended the huge flock of people went to the sports complex where the MIMAROPA festival showdown will take place, I will blog about it in separate posts, check it out soon.

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Day 2 of MIMAROPA Festival 2017: Paraw Regatta and Ginoo and Binibining MIMAROPA 3 Festival Float Parade in the Afternoon

Just the thought of the colorful sails I have to see in the morning I wasn’t able to sleep well, I woke up early but my family wasn’t that excited as me. They took their time moving around, my mother even washed clothes twice, she said the sailing competition will not start early because it is still low tide, the management will wait until high tide.

When we arrived at the beach shore, there were only few people around and the sail boats were far behind the shore because it was indeed low tide.  Thinking the competition didn’t start yet, my mother decided to have breakfast first because she was starving, I didn’t go with them and I went to the shore alone to take some photos.

While, I was there taking my time roaming around I have overheard the older men who went near their sail boats that someone had already won and they started removing the sails on their boat. I chuckled out of disappointment, my mother and sister owed me big time “low tide my ass” which means those group of men we saw walking to the shore before we reach the events place were already the contenders heading to the finish line.

When they’ve finished eating breakfast they picked me up and we went home directly because my sister has to attend a meeting at 10AM and has to attend the parade in the afternoon as well. Along the way we met some bikers and we already passed by them when I realized that they were in the biking competition, arrrgghhh I didn’t snap some photos of them.

Well, in the afternoon we returned to town to watch the float parade of Ginoo and Binibining MIMAROPA 3 Festival, it wasn’t entertaining like the parade on the first day of the festival.  We did some errands in town which made us go home a little dark already.

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MIMAROPA Festival 2017: Fireworks Display and Night Market

Fireworks display in Odiongan isn’t a normal occurrence; firecrackers maybe yes (joke).   We directly went home after the last tribe finishes their performance without waiting for the winner to be announced because we still need to go home so we could return to town to watch the fireworks display at 9 o’clock in the evening.

We had dinner and after I feed my pets we went to town, we are bit late because the fireworks display already started but we are still along the way (Odiongan National High School), the gate 2 of Odiongan South Central Elementary School was closed so we have no choice but to run to gate 1 which is only open for pedestrians.   We are able to see half of the fireworks display, kids and kids alike were amazed with the fireworks display in the sky that they keep saying “Wow” and it was indeed a wow.

After the 10 minutes fireworks display we went to the night market, while waiting for my sister finding a parking area we stand at a corner and I started asking my mother if I am already smelly from the whole day activity, what is epic when I turned around I saw a “balut vendor” and that’s where the foul smell was coming from, the vinegar for the balut.

The night market wasn’t that large but it was already good to have one, there are different items on sale at the night market from souvenir shirts, bargain clothes and dresses, souvenir key chains, paintings, Christmas decors and etc., The other end was food stalls which is good for hungry night goers and visitors looking around at the marble stores at the Children parks.

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MIMAROPA Festival 2017: Romblon Festivals Ground Demonstration

The ground demonstration was held at Odiongan Sports Complex and it started around 6 o’clock in the evening, it was full of people.  There are many police around and even marshals to ensure the safety of everyone but no matter how they prohibit the people not to get too close, there are still some who doesn’t follow and the worst they sit in front of you.

When we arrived at the sports complex there wasn’t a good spot to see and took pictures anymore, even there was, I can’t left my mother alone but with her permission she let me go upfront which I did.  I sat in front of some people which gladly they let me after ensuring I am not blocking their way but as expected there are some who sat in front of us but we are able to asked them to leave, upon seeing that there was a space upfront where most camera men or people with cameras were seated I have asked permission to a classmate who work in the local government if I could also seat upfront too, I wasn’t permitted initially but then she said yes upon seeing there are some other people who were seated there too.  Thank you L.

Seated upfront I was able to use my camera well, it was only too bad I forgot to bring a tripod and clean my camera at home so my shots where a little bit foggy, good thing I brought extra battery and memory with me or else I will not able to record and took photo of all the contenders.

The Tribu de ESTI was able to show what they’ve got after some troubles on their recorded music/drums background, they didn’t use a lot of props and they doesn’t have many dancers to overthrow the ground but nevertheless they  did their best. The next contender was the Coron Festival of Ferrol,  contrary to what is a norm during ground competition they’ve use lively patriotic music, on their performance they are able to depict how Filipino lives the ancient times, pottery making, traditional Filipino games and they even showcase a couple dancing in top of wooden bench.

The third contender was the Biniray Festival from Romblon, Romblon they were great but obviously they were not the best, their tribe is very small mainly composed of men, the main attraction was the beautiful graceful dancer in his colourful costume and their powerful drums.

The next performer was the Kanidugan Festival, honestly I didn’t know it was our own until the host announces it, I overlooked them at the town parade maybe because their costumes wasn’t that great? (Haha, just kidding), their costume was good but it isn’t too catchy that you would be able to say WOW.  I think the tribes during town fiesta/Kanidugan Festival has a better costume than them.  I love how they started their dance performance, showing how a coconut was utilized and used by ancient people and the modern people today. What is amazing was a young farmer removing the coconut husk using his mouth, darn what a strong teeth he had huh? The Kanidugan festivals has an energetic dance moves that will left you grasping for air because they move like lightning. They were good but they are not the best as well.

The Talabukon Festival follows, they started their performance with a story telling how the giant Talabukon extend his help to the local people when a pirate came to their town.  Their tribe has a great number, what is catchy was their beautiful women dancers who look like fairies to me.  They’ve dance gracefully but their drums and sounds was lame, yes it wasn’t powerful enough to get people’s attention.

The last but not the least performer was the Carabao Festival from San Jose, Romblon.  They started their performance with a powerful introduction. Their clothes and costumes, confident smiles, rhythmic and graceful moves, people cheering was good enough to say they are the best.  I wasn’t able to video their whole performance because I was busy looking at them performing that’s how good they were for me, when they’ve finished it was already dark. Just like the others we didn’t wait for the announcement of winners anymore since it was already getting late and we are planning to go town later to watch the fireworks display.


The Carabao Festival from San Jose, Romblon won the Romblon Festival Competition.

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